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Everything posted by fish-miester

  1. ps you better be out there getting team 10 some points !
  2. Archer I know what ya mean. i have been fishin the past 3 days.. and my arms look like tomatoes! and then on top of that when i go in back bays for crappie.. I come out lookin like I got friggin chicken pox! lol but hey Im not complaining!
  3. ya thats the one mike
  4. awesome ! good to hear every one had fun ! I was out there the past two days and the bite has been pretty good. just gota find them!
  5. been out too Dalrymple and Canal.. saw pike up in the shallows but didnt catch any.. also saw a tiger musky + a bunch of walleye ..
  6. I ment to say its down 3 feet .. but i guess that was close enough.. as for the locks.. yeah I just am not sure when they pull the logs from the dams to start filling the lakes.. and as for Minnows.. Scugog I was I live in Lindsay and was over at both shops.. heard that Emms didnt have them on thursday and or they were waiting for more.. and im pretty sure the other shop had minnows.. cant think of what the shop is called but its the one a block down the street..
  7. didnt see any.. and it was a 14' tinny with a bowmount
  8. haha what lake is this? i was out in the boat today .. It was such a nice day !
  9. Well guys and Gals. just got home from Canal with a budy.. saw 1 other boat didnt get to chat with them.. but as for the fishing .. it wasnt on.. saw tons of perch and sunfish.. little ones at that.. and the odd bass.. other then that a few carp.. fished for a few hours.. all over the lake .. and ended up goin to a different lake.. If any one is heading out there be carefull the water is down close to 3-4 feet from were it should be.. making hazards all over!
  10. lets just say between 4 guys in my boat we had any where from 250 to just shy of 300.. through MANY of them back
  11. hmm just got home from canal lake.. no pike to show off.. water levels were VERY LOW and im sure dalrympal is the same :|
  12. I'll see you guys out there. I was hoping to hit up canal and Dalrympal the next two days
  13. hmm bummer i was hopin to get out tonight geuss i'll be borrowing the friends 4x4
  14. Scugog is fully open.. and the fish are biting
  15. Crappie are on in full. hitting topwater and everything inbetween.. caught over 200 between 4 of us.. threw most back tho
  16. any word on the water level ?
  17. was out on one of my favourite lakes yesterday. did pretty well.. only a little bit of ice still out there that ya gotta watch out for
  18. jeeze
  19. bridge north is best place to launch its on the north east side of the lake.. the bays are very shallow and can have stumps and rocks
  20. where did you launch out of.. I was out there and had a few follow but didnt land any either
  21. haha that sucks ! I launched my boat just fine.. pulled the car away (04sante fe').. parked it.. fished for a few hours.. plenty of hits and follows but no one was really committing. faught two for a minute or two each then spit the hook.(i was using barbless :| )..also saw a TON of carp.. then went to get the car.. back it down.. loaded the boat perfect.. then went to pull forward.. and she started to sink in the sand!. so i got out found some dry sticks and other stuff.. threw it under the front tires and slowly pulled out..
  22. the bay is pretty straight forward.. no real hazzards.. unless you go up shallow then there is logs and such.. but the bay is abput 12' deep in the deepest part.. other then that she is pretty shallow.. as for it being "sheltered" yes and no... it all depends on what way the wind is blowing.
  23. it has been free for over 2weeks now. and ya it turns over really fast
  24. thanks guys! il post up a report tomorrow sumtime
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