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Everything posted by richyb

  1. I seen a goldfish swimming around on canal lake that had a hook mark on its back.
  2. WOWZERS imagine penny from big bang theory in a camo bikini holding a shotgun?
  3. Too bad they dont know about the 120 posession limit on minnows. I have seen them following schools of shiners on simcoe goin at it like an all you can eat buffet. There had to be about 200 of them and each one can eat how much ?. Maybe we should all get one as a pet and use it to get us some bait.
  4. That looks like it came from the one and only box of wings I got from hooters. BLAH
  5. Sorry about that. It is still about the ice jig and views on using it. Dont worry if you leave on the side hooks and use it in deep water jigging, only a small % of people will call you a snagger. I leave mine on when fishing on the ice and take them off when fishing in my hut. I take them off in the hut because I use a net and they are a pain in the butt to get un tangled.
  6. Your right I dont spend very much time on simcoe. Once there is safe ice I might miss 1 day before the end of the season. This year I will try to make it out everyday IF we ever get some ice. I dont like fishing close enough to people to tell if their fish is coming out of the hole backwards or not. Its a big lake I dont need to be that close to someone.
  7. I dont dress my treble with anything and my jig is only 6-8 inches long. Yes I use a jigging stick because thats the way it started on simcoe and it works so why change it? Id rather get a hit on the stick than a rod. Your a steelheader so I guess your the much better fisherman and are always right because steelheaders are a breed of their own.
  8. I find it funny that you guys think that someone is trying to snag fish in 80, 90 fow. People have been JIGGING on simcoe for how many years? They dont call it JIGGLE YOUR SPOON ON BOTTOM. I Just us a flick of my wrist and jig the spoon maybe 6-8 inches at a time in a constant jig always keeping the spoon moving. Sure I get foul hooked fish ( everyone does) but trying to snag in 90 FOW? give me a break. Everyone has a different style of jigging and just because some of you guys diddle your spoon on bottom doesnt mean you can call out everyone else for snagging. Tip ups are likely the biggest % of snagging there is. Lots of times the fish will take a run at it, hit the line and the angler hooks the fish in the belly. Are they trying to snag fish ? no but it happens.
  9. wonder what the chances are of the guy in the middle catching a fish ?
  10. walmart has paint marked camoflauge. Theres a couple different browns and greens and greys that are flat to use as camo. I have seen people paint something then place a maple leaf on it then spray over that with a different colour.
  11. Im the same way Terry. I get bored too easily just diddling that damn thing down there. Id rather be jigging away the day but when im marking them and not catching ill put down a bad boys and it does the trick. I like the chart belly, green back with tiger strips with a green tube on the back.
  12. I have seen a couple nice rainbows at that mill while smelt and sucker fishing quite a few years ago. My buddys dad has a mounted rainbow he got on simcoe about 15 years ago. I have also got a couple small ( 2-3lb) rainbows at the mouth of the creek but that was the year that a guy had the creek dammed off and stocked with bows up above the mill and was forced to remove the dam.
  13. Some will drop their antlers as early as mid to late december and otheres I have seen in april still with them on. Im not positive but I think its the hormone levels that trigger it.
  14. The one from my wedding was black and he wanted to have his wedding party to wear white ones .. blah blah blah as if photoshop couldnt fix up the pics later. I had to get the brother in law to tie both of them for me. lol
  15. I only have 2 for some reason I had to buy one for my wedding and also my brothers wedding
  16. I have an eskimo barracuda but it doesnt have those blades. ( approx 5 years old) Is that a newer or older style ?
  17. "Fish carrying the VHS virus pose no risk to human health` I almost had a tear in my eye thinking I wouldnt be able to eat any whities this winter.
  18. how are you guys using bolts on your skis? will they rip out on roads?
  19. love it !
  20. All because some idiot let his dog run free and attack poor peanut Sorry for your loss.
  21. A friend of mine sent me this link today. http://www.sunnewsnetwork.ca/video/1305119208001#.TthH0YE5rm0.email opinions ?
  22. Nice job. I hunt fields and have got a bunch of geese this season. Only 1 duck this year. Normally by now the big flocks of mallards are flying around my area but I havent seen any yet. I have got 2 bands from geese this year. One from michigan and one from Maryland.
  23. Thanks for the tips. I have never even seen the ocean so the closest ive been to a salt water fish is at the pet store. Even if I can just catch one tiny fish ill be a happy man.
  24. We are leaving this saturday dec 3rd.
  25. The wife and I are finally going on our honeymoon after a year and a half. We are going to some resort in holguin cuba. It says that deep sea fishing is included with the package so that perked my intrest a little bit. Has anyone ever fished down there? can I expect to catch anything of any size or will it mostly be pan fish sized fish of different colours?
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