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Everything posted by richyb

  1. Nice rig !!! Did you buy the hitch a track or make one similar ?
  2. I have seen them the last 2 years on the trap line. This year there are even a couple golden eagles hanging out with them.
  3. i just use a portable humminhird pirannah that was about $120. You dont need to buy an ice transducer. Just make a bracket for the one it comes with.
  4. The fisher population is very high this year in the area and they do a number on them bush chickens. We filled our fisher quota pretty fast and there are still tracks everywhere.
  5. Congrats !!! were you up where I met you ? I haven't seen very many birds around but the other guy I trap with says he sees lots but they are staying high in the trees.
  6. I had a doe tag for the dec hunt. in 76A..
  7. oh boy here we go again ...
  8. Each registered trap line has a different quota for fisher and beaver depending on the area of land and the population. If your a private land trapper you have to apply with how many acres you have to even get a quota of 1 for fisher .. On my private land license for simcoe county I have a quota of 0 and If i happen to catch one while trapping coons I have to report it and apply for a license to possess the pelt. Beaver are an open quota on a private land license but on our trap line the quota for beaver is 120 and we have to take atleast 75% I believe or else they can take the line away. Its different rules for each area so you would have to look into the area that you wish to trap.
  9. I am a helper on a registered trap line and our quota is 10. So we each get 5. . Fisher go for about $100 ( females big males are about $50) muskrats about $8 and otter about $80. Beaver prices took a big hit dropping to about a $18 average on the last sales. But you never know what they will bring until sold at auction. The prices were high a couple years back and that brought out every trapper and their brothers and flooded the market.
  10. After a couple of sets being tore apart by a bear I finally captured my last Fisher to fill my quota. A big male fisher might be the size of a small fox. I have heard of them being as far south as Barrie.
  11. My grandparents live out that way and swear they have seen a black cougar a couple of times.
  12. you must be a licensed trapper to harvest red squirrels. As a licensed trapper YES .. that gun would work for me .
  13. haha nope .. but it wouldnt be a bad spot to be. I will probobly give it a try myself.
  14. The property I hunt has a few different guys hunting it and there hasnt been alot of birds around the last few years. I struck first this year !
  15. Last year I hunted hard all season to get a small jake in the closing week. This year I lucked out and got a tom on my first hunt. 17.3lbs 8 1/2" beard and 7/8 spurs. Picked up my 2nd tag today and ready to get back at it
  16. Its a 1999 yamaha enticer 2. It does not have a battery.
  17. It never fails ! .. last fall we decided to switch from oil to gas. They came to install the furnace and said it was past the deadline to dig the gas lines but we could run propane until the spring when they could install the gas . Of coursethe price of propane goes through the roof . Come on spring ... I want gas !!!
  18. can i use the power from my reverse buzzer on my sled to power my new handle bars?
  19. mine have all had herring and smelts. I have caught them in the past with perch in them.
  20. depends on your hunting situation. If you are still hunting and may have a 100 yard shot I would go with slugs. If you are hunting with other people dogging deer that will be running hard and close to you then buckshot is the way to go.
  21. ah crap ok thanks... It is an old furnace so i guess im rebuilding my chimney .
  22. I am going to be getting my roof done soon but my chimney is falling apart. At the moment my oil furnace is vented up through my chimney. I am trying to figure out if I would be able to vent my furnace out the basement wall instead and just knock down my chimney ? Any help or thoughts would be great thanks !
  23. Done ! what a load of crap
  24. We seen 5 CO's on sat and we had our limit of whities. They asked if we would mind if they had their dog find them packed away in our gear .. It was neat to see the dog find them. On sunday we seen a couple of the same CO's in the same spot and they were laughing as a quad with guys with no helmets were driving past us. I bet those guys werent laughing when they got nailed... I know I sure was !
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