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Everything posted by richyb

  1. you didnt happen to put a salted tube jig in the tray with them? I left one in my ice box beside a williams over the summer.
  2. Thanks guys . I didnt find any for my auger on ebay. I tried that geteskimo site before i asked on here and the closest I came was finding a parts list but it just lists the whole powerhead as one unit. I will try a small engine shop around the corner from my house tomorrow.
  3. I have an Eskimo barracuda power auger. I need the part that the rope gets wrapped up on in the recoil. It is made of plastic and it is wore very bad where the arms catch and turn over the motor. All i seem to find online is the powerhead and then the gear box individually listed. Any suggestions? thanks.
  4. Is that lake named HEAVEN ? nice catch !
  5. There seems to be a big trend of non hunters getting guns to just shoot stuff for fun. Most of the guns they consider FUN are not typical hunting guns. I was at ellwood epps getting my hunting rifle fixed and while I was there they sold a couple tactical shotguns. There was even an older lady that asked " Lets say the BOMB drops and I have to defend myself and property what gun should I buy if I have to kill a human?." I gues it is called the HUNTSHOW not the SHOOTSTUFFSHOW.
  6. At noon it was frozen at the 11th line . But i have seen pics of the 9th line with open water at 5pm.
  7. I got this from the ctv news on facebook http://www.icontact-archive.com/jkeka-84aTHar11S4Jhd44AMsP0bDlkr?w=1
  8. Hmmm would I rather suffocate ( just get tossed on the ice) or bleed to death out of my gills ? They both seem about the same to me.
  9. I like the good old bonk to the noodle. I have never tried bleeding out the fish and I cant imagine how they can taste any better than they already do. Try fishing your same hole on simcoe in the winter if you leave any blood on the ice. Better get there before the sun comes up or you will have a village of people already there.
  10. Maybe they are rookie fisherman and read on a fishing board that people were fishing there so they made a drive north to fish and just figured the ice was safe?. I have met lots of people on the ice that say they read these different fishing boards but never sign up. I figure if your too lazy to sign up to the fishing boards then you dont deserve to read the valuable information thats posted inside. Most of the boards I visit have way more guests and visitors than members checking out the threads.
  11. Sounds like a smart man . This would have been a beautiful day on the ice if it was the beginning of MARCH and we had 15 inches of ice lol. atleast the ORO guys went swimming when they were after real fish not perchhhhhhhhhhhhh ( kidding ofcourse)
  12. OH ITS FINE THEY WERE PROBOBLY WEARING FLOATER SUITS !!!!!!!! Totals Bull.. My uncle always gives my crap for not wearing a floater suit. Sure they are much safer but they give people a false sence of safety and they think they can walk on water. I have been wondering all day today as to where people would go for a dunk.
  13. I have tried them and caught diddly squat. They have an alcohol smell or something to them that I dont think the fish like. I was trying them out for catfish just laying on the bottom with no luck. Maybe on a jig or something where they are moving and are more of a visual thing they would work better.
  14. Can I get skinned too please? I still have the fatal error on my pc when I try to log in. Had to get the wife to get me in on her phone thanks
  15. I get the same fatal error on my computer as fishnsled. My wife's tiny phone suckssss
  16. nice fish !
  17. I was on my belly on simcoe before sight fishing whitefish in 12 fow. Had a guy on a sled come racing over to see if I was alright. Soon after we were both bellies to the ice watching the whities cruise around lol.
  18. There always seems to be a misprint or 2 in their flyers. They have lured me in to buy shotgun shells a couple of times that are the wrong picture shell length and shot size.
  19. Great looking job. My dad has the same gun and they are great shooters.
  20. I have a pirannah max portable and it does everything I want it to do. They are for about $130-150 new with battery and carry bag.
  21. He wanted to be a peacock bass !
  22. My biggest trout was landed through the ice with redwolf line and by hand. My biggest bass was landed with a push button reel and a 20$ quantum rod. Biggest pike was on one of those $29.99 shimano combos. Ofcourse that was years ago before I got all of the new fancy gear but the big money combos now havent helped me break my PB's.OH and I almost forgot my PB muskie was caught on a 6' med action rod with 10# mono. I guess I didnt have to buy the 7'med hvy with 50#power pro but atleast now I get most of my snagged lures back when I haul the logs off bottom lol.
  23. Nothing better than calling the authoirties on someone that you have no clue when the pic was taken you just assume that he was poaching so now he has to be investigated. The day before halloween some girl my wife knows called the cops on a guy because he bought all of the disposable razors at a dollar store. She FIGURED that he was going to go home and stick the blades in candies to hand out. Poor guy was likely donating them to the homeless shelter or something innocent but gets a call from the cops instead.
  24. I think I just like the fixed blade knives because I carry it on my belt and it looks bad ass.. lol I Like something with a bit of length for the rear end and with only an edge on one side so when Im blind inside I come out with all my fingers.
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