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Everything posted by richyb

  1. Hey I figured its time to upgrade my bow this year .. I am looking at the bowtech guardian or the 101st airborne ... any thoughts ? thanks
  2. Hey .. didnt mean to bash you or your wicked fish ... just in the original post it wasnt a very good pic ... the new pic of it that you posted ..( with jacket unzipped, bloodied finger ) really shows its size better .. that is one "f" of a pike lol ..... very nice collection of pike you have there .. some true trophies in anyones book congrats !!! .
  3. Atleast the habs won
  4. when i run out of fish crips i just use some flower and mix in a little seasoning salt or what ever spices i have ... never know what kid of creation you might come up with haha ... or dip the fish in egg then cover with crumbled crackers
  5. Now that looks like a 15 pounder .. has about the same length as the original post but look at the girth on that baby ...
  6. so what was the official length and weight of the buckshot pike ?
  7. Cant beat a slugo for sluggish pike !!! i once had a little 3 pounder twist in my hands and cut my finger before i could get it back into the water ... 3 weeks later and still with a very sore finger i got mad and squeezed the crap out of my finger ... POP out came a tooth from the litte crap.
  8. The " buckshot" pike is definitly the bigger pike .. i would guess that mr buckshot is about 20 pounds. My biggest pike is 14 pounds and the original post pike doesnt look bigger than that ... just my opinion .. beauty fish .. im jealous !!!! pictures are wierd tho .. i took a pic of a 6 pound whitefish and it ended up looking like it was 20 !!!!
  9. I know a local fishing store buys lures straight from the manufacturer in japan and he gets them cheaper if he buys them unpackaged .. He gets a box of lures and a box of packaging and he packages them himself ... says it saves him quite a bit of money !!
  10. only got 1 bass on the flying lure .... it was my biggest bass tho an 8 pounder !!!!
  11. Pick up a left and a right retireve combo and see which feels best .. I reel with my left on spinning reels but i reel with my right on bait cast reels.
  12. When i am looking for a specific type of lure i like them to all be in the same spot ... it is up to you if you want the quality or want to save a bit by buying their bass pro brand. no point in having little cleo's in one spot and having the same spoon just a different brand in another section. Put them all together and have the customer pick which they prefer. There are many knock offs of most of the name brand popular lures and most stores carry them aswell .... When bass pro has their own brand they might as well have theirs on the shelves other than some other knock off company. The only complaint i have for Bass pro is that many of times i have drove an hour to get there only to be told that the items i want are sold out ...
  13. Hey ... your brother looks great in the ring ... landed a couple nice ones, too bad the other guy didnt see the stars ...Im sure he will do very well in the sport ... Great to see a hometown guy competeing in a sport so exciting as mma. ( im also from barrie) ... .... Hey troutguy how did you make out in your 2 pro fights ? I am also fishing simcoe and having some good luck ...
  14. Ive trolled behind my canoe bofore... i never had a rod holder so the only problem i had was while paddling with 2 hands and rod jammed under my leg , i almost lots my rod a couple times when fish would hit. ITS A BLAST
  15. at the beginning of the season i got some big shinners. when i was done fishing that day i froze the ones i had left .. my pike tip up is a windlass? it has a metal part that catches the wind and the wind actually jigs it a bit . I have been using the dead shinners every time i go out and catching pike on it .
  16. Hey .. i watch it on showcase and no bleeping ... but anytime i watch it is after 9 pm .. maybe they have to beep it before a certain time .. incase the kids happen to see it
  17. Man do i hate cormorants.. my grandparents live on canal lake and i always see them there, always chomping down on fish. The most i have seen at once was on lake simcoe just off the hawkestone dock. I took a drive down and seen a big black blob out a couple hundred yards. I grabbed my binoculars and guess what CORMORANTS. There had to be over a thousand of them diving and picking off a school of minnows. With the amount of food they eat in a day a thousand of them can clean up a school of minnows pretty quick.
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