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Everything posted by richyb

  1. Thats why I love fishing in my hut with a 5'x2' hole at my feet. Can start to see the simcoe lakers and whities coming up from 30 ft down.
  2. very cool video. How do you cook your ling?
  3. Fancy lookin hut. Seems to be alot of hinges and stuff that will work great in a driveway but how bout out in some real nasty conditions? I made a wooden cube that opened up and then the tent popped up. First time out all my hinges froze up, none of the latches would close, snow got jammed in the folding parts and froze so it wouldnt close. I got mad and It came to shore in peices lol
  4. atleast there was one funny guy on that stage .
  5. That reminds me of the lindsay locks catching carp. Thats not any differant than any of the steelhead rivers. I hate crowds i would turn around and go somewhere else.
  6. Oh man,, I had visions of a second treble stuck in the guy lol . Cool video.
  7. I like both seasons but I get laid off for the winter and get to fish ALOT more than in the summer. I chose winter.
  8. Is that dawgs nephew?
  9. I have an eskimo barracuda and its an ice eating machine. Everyone with jiffys grab it and cant believe how light it is compared to theirs.
  10. My mom has a 2001 intrepid and it stalls out when you slow down fast ( ie. turning off the highway). SHe can drive it around all day in town and its fine. Just when she gets goin down the highway and goes to turn off it idles right down and dies when she takes her foot off the gas. Also it is only after the car gets hot. Any ideas?
  11. I guess that one would call for the texas heart shot
  12. Thats typical BPS for you , I hate the place. There might be 5 people in the whole place that even have any clue about hunting / fishing. Any time I go there I walk in the door with a big smile and walk out wanting to punch something. Never have what ever im looking for that has been advertised.
  13. I have seen lakers over 20 pounds come out of an 8" hole. They make a nice SLURP, but they come out.
  14. So thats what a deer looks like. Cool pics .
  15. What area of the lake ?
  16. FILL MY BELLY Isnt that why we started fishing in the first place? I just like being in the outdoors and obviously fishing, catching or not. I would trade a big fat steak for a fresh feed of fish anyday !
  17. Gotta give the latvia goalie some credit for stopping about 4 million shots lol I cant wait for new years eve GO CANADA !!!!
  18. Its the same argument as keeping musky to eat. Its perfectly legal but it angers many. The last coyote I seen up close took a 3 1/2" turkey load to the side of the head. I know what I will be hunting once deer season is closed.
  19. I have both the windlass and the polar tip ups and prefer the polar ones. I have had the windlass freeze up and even on windy days I cant get alot of action goin anyways.
  20. Sprinkle some metal shavings down the hole, the fish will gobble them up. Then all you need is a nice big magnet on your line
  21. Leechman made some pretty nice ones, maybe he can hook you up with some plans.
  22. The scoring system is the antlers. It could be a small body but still be the world record because of its antlers. A big bull could be pushing over 1200 pounds.
  23. Dynamite
  24. I just use a coat hanger and an elastic on a home made jigging stick and set it in a stand You should be able to adjust the balance by moving your coat hanger each way so that the bait falls or raises slow so that the fish dont feel much resistance.
  25. Hey terry is that a hitch a track?
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