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Everything posted by richyb

  1. I have heard of people getting charged for riding 2 up also. From what I have heard the add on seats are illegal but the bikes built with 2 seats and say on the sticker that they can have 2 riders are legal. On the other hand we have been riding with 2 people on our bike for a few years now and havent had a problem with the co's. Likely as long as you have your helmets on and your driving responsibly there will be no issues.
  2. What about looking for maybe a utility trailer or a single wide snowmobile trailer ? My buddy used one like that and it seemed to work fine for his 12 footer.
  3. The guys I know that own the 870 love them.
  4. They are claiming $200/hr for the air boat and $100/hr for each volunteer firefighter. I doubt that boat is burning that much fuel and I know for a fact the firemen do not earn that amount of money. I thought they were just wanting to recover the cost?
  5. The oro fire dept are volunteers but they do get paid based on a points system.
  6. Not really a fine, just a helicopter ride. A tax payer has to pay for a ride in an ambulance so why not a helicopter or an air boat?
  7. Sure there were SOME people being idiots that close to the open water but it broke off almost a KM from the open water. I hope that you werent on simcoe where you took your pic for that funny fishing pic contest. On another site a guy was Fishing on 2" of ice at the first of the year and the next day the ice was gone and he is praised a fishing god. Ironically he was one of the first to call these people stupid that were on 5 inches or more. I have seen quite a few posts of people ice fishing with open water in the background. If there was no wind that day there would not have been a rescue. OR if they had enough common sense to stay home because of the WIND there wouldnt have been a rescue either ... Im just tired of hearing everyone saying that there was warnings all winter about the ice so nobody should have been out there. ICE IS NEVER SAFE and you have to use your own judgement as to what is safe conditions or not.
  8. People were sitting at home on their computers all winter long saying stay off the ice. The news shows where a creek goes into the lake and says " stay off the ice" They had no clue what they were talking about without actually going out there on the ice to find out. I was fishing where it broke off a couple days before that and the ice was alright. I was on 5" of ice and there were lots of people around. I actually woke up that morning to go out but said "SCREW- THAT" , the wind was blowing hard and straight up the bay and it would be stupid to be out there because you could tell that it could break off and float away. It was all the wind it wasnt the ice. Even on those little ice thickness cards they tell you that safe ice for walking is 4" clear ice. Im related to one guy that got rescued and know quite a few others and they were STUPID for being out there with that WIND not because of the ice thickness. I bet every ice fisherman in here has fished on ice that was thinner than the ice they were on just without the crazy wind.
  9. Ofcourse they would do something with baseball. Borelli ( the guy thats been rescued 3 times) runs the orillia mens slow pitch. They should have to pay the fine and that money be put back into cleaning up boat launches and beaches. Having fun playing baseball isnt much of a punishment is it ?
  10. I picked one up the other day and was wondering if any of you have one or been in one ? Is it a fairly stable boat? I was told it was a 12 footer but when I measured it, it was 13'4" and on the model number it says 14 so now I dont know what to call it other than my new ride
  11. Their 2nd year they are toms.
  12. Those be toms sweet pics
  13. " The 'herring worm' is often found in herring, mackerel, whiting and blue whiting, but it also occurs in many other species. Its scientific name is Anisakis simplex. It grows up to 2 cm long in fish, is almost colourless, and is found tightly coiled and encased in the guts and flesh, sometimes in considerable numbers, particularly in the belly flaps. Anisakis can migrate from guts to flesh in fish left ungutted after capture, notably in herring, mackerel and blue whiting" http://www.fao.org/wairdocs/tan/x5951e/x5951e01.htm Could that be it ?
  14. Yes it was a great night of fights. I liked watching hunt knock out kongo. Rampage looked really slow and sluggish.
  15. I seen a dead one on the train tracks just south of sudbury. They are nasty critters and will fight a bear if they have to. Just like any animal, they are more scared of you than you are of them UNTIL they get cornerd then look out The muskoka wildlife center on hwy 11 had a wolverine that last time that I was there.
  16. Im in about the same situation. Putting a hurting on the perch but Im getting tired of cleaning them little buggers.
  17. I ordered mine online the first week of december. Got it in the mail today and its the same as it always has been. Whats supposed to be different ?
  18. Hey thats the same place I was in december. I was standing on that blue bridge kicking myself in the arse for not taking a rod. I did the deep sea fishing tho and got a dorado. What part of the beach did you get that big guy ? I was eyeing up those rocks off the lookout point and figured that would be a good spot.
  19. What about heated guides for ice rods ? I figured that would be a great idea at about 5pm lastnight while trying to get line back down to the perch lol
  20. Didnt try the weedless frog? Nice haul of perch, they sure are tasty.
  21. Cool rig. Nothing better than falling off into a meat grinder.
  22. Done ! Imagine having a shore lunch with Darryl Choronzey? Or a hot day and Mariko decides to get into her bikini? WOWZERS.
  23. you can get a decent panfish combo at walmart or any tackle shop for around 15-30 bucks. You dont need big money equipment to catch perch but something with the right action is a good start. My fav perch rod is a 26" ( i think) berkley that was 15 bucks for the combo at walmart.
  24. Nice spud. I should make a new one also. The couple I have are now in "S" shapes from prying up my hut lol
  25. I have been looking for this spoon also. Tromblys has them in perch size but I want one in trout / whitie size. I had one years ago and got my first decent laker on it but it seemd to have walked away somewhere.
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