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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. So I am looking at getting one of these for this year to start into some action on Erie I was just wondering what the big difference is in the 2nd book? I can get the first one precision trolling book big water for alot less but can not find out the difference one thing I want to know is do they cover the same stuff in the 2nd edition as the first with some more lures or lines used or do they have all new info? I dont want to buy both right now and have read about the first edition and think it would be good starting point but might buy the second one if they cover all the first stuff also. Any help would be great. And I was also wondering about the 8th edition for precision trolling book how different is it from the 9th? I have been trying to find out the big changes but can not seem to find out alot on them if ya have links to a place that would also be great and where have you found the best prices would also be great. Cheers Mike
  2. From what I have seen with them they are junk I have talked with many parents who bought them because they looked cool and work so great on T.V. but they dont do have what you would expect from them. Heck we just got back from WM and they have the refills for them on for $0.50 if that tells you anything about them. Go out and get the fisher girl one or a good closed face rod/reel combo they have alot of different pink ones out there that would be great for her. If my daughter did not just get a nice Ugly Stick combo I would be getting her the same ones.
  3. Great report thanks One thing if you have had trouble in the past you will always be sent over that is one thing you can never avoid and now you buddy will be the same since he had the meat they sure do like to make you feel welcome and try and drive people away.
  4. LOL I dont know how you could confuse the two but I bet Dave will just LAUGH IT OFF
  5. Just got back from the school there was a talk today with the other girl the teacher also moved her to the other side of the classroom I guess this problem has happened with a few others but it always comes down to this one girl I hope all has changed for the long time.
  6. I had made this post on Lew's thread but then thought better then to add it there I just wanted to remind everyone to listen to your childern. here is the reply I wanted to post there but started this threead instead. On another side of things please also listen to your child when they are having problems at school or other places my daughter and others in her class have trouble with one girl she is very bossy and some times turns into bullying well yesterday I picked my daughter up from school and knew something was wrong she said it was all OK but dad still knew better and I kept asking her we were in the store and she broke down crying about this other girl to make this long story shorter we talked a few times through out the store then she calmed down I thought it would be OK but she said something I never thought I would here my little girl say "I hate my life" came out of her mouth 3 times I was crushed we left the buggy in the store and headed back to the school and had a long talk to the teacher I will be there in 20 min to pick her up and see how today went the teacher did not like to here what had happened and will take care of it. I guess I was just trying to add to the thread to listen to our children because we always here the story I never saw the signs when something very bad happens I am sorry if I am way off topic but thought it is along the same lines of hug you kids and pay attention to them and what they have to say. Mike
  7. Lew I have also been sitting watching the story or listing to the father on the radio yesterday and had a hard time to keep my eyes dry when he was talking about his little girl this is a very sad story and I would not want to ever have to make that choice they have done.
  8. Hey Brian if yer heading to Bowling Green every night you can now hit BPS GanderX2 and Janns Net Craft and also the Meijer right there at exit 181 they have some great deals there and great supper.
  9. well I have been stuck watching this show on the computer and thought I would share it its a live feed from a underwater camera there are a few fish to be seen someone on a local site here posted it and it seems to have me hooked waiting for the next big one to pass by.Again I am sorry to be the one making you waist so much time today just blame me when your boss is not happy that you got nothing done this after noon.http://cdn1.ustream.tv/swf/4/viewer.111.sw...mp;varnish=trueBTW there are 1277 people watching when I posted this lets see how many after OFC takes notice LOL
  10. Dang I guess thats all that should be said about this post any more would ruin it thanks for yet another great one Drew
  11. awesome great to see and you do have a new great partner congratz
  12. Roy that is to funny I love Hey SeedDixi they are great and have alot of great covers Here is the one Roy meant to post
  13. I was glad to see Gordon win and not that kid Busch
  14. This is one of the biggest JOKES around (NOT THE MNR GUYS AND GIRLS BUT THE LAW THEY HAVE TO DEAL WITH) as they take your stuff lets say a person get's caught to many rods they take the extra rods this person pays a fine of $150 or so then they get the stuff back that's not bad for the ones who are running 4 or 6 extra rods heck only paying $150 to get the stuff back is cheap. The part that really sucks is that there is no record of it so this same person can go out and do it all over again and again and again and only pay the fine and get there stuff back unlike when you get a speeding ticket or seat belt one you loose your right to drive with to many violations maybe if they were able to keep track of this info and start to keep the tackle and auction it off or donate it to good will or some kids club for them to use this would make some think before they go out and do the things they do.
  15. they are just trying to get the best draft pick they can for this year so that they can trade him off for some one else on there last leg and a 2nd round pick for lets say 2046 that sounds about right.
  16. I was just cleaning up some pics on the Mac and saw these I forgot I took. It was about 2-3am that night when I was checking out my trailer before I started my day when I got to the back of the trailer I noticed this in the snow it looks like a Hawk imprint into the snow from when it came down on a mouse or something like that I found this to be very cool.
  17. Dang Brian I am glad I only had to go to Alliston yesterday you can keep that crap up there. Like George said we have had the heat wave and have no use for the blower or shovels. Now with that being said I cant wait to see what next week brings us here LOL.
  18. harvester of Sorrow is one hell of a tune. As for favorite that is a hard question to answer there are just to many of them from Justice back. I do like the Black album. Jump in the fire brings back some great memories I know Buster will remember alot of these days gone by. I wish I had known that they were on sale today I would have had the wife try for us that sucks to miss out Oh well I will most likley be out on the boat that day
  19. I would think that just under the sign it would only be fitting to have. Where only REAL MEN wear TUTU's
  20. Ryan dont be shy to come up to me and say hi I will be in Sarnia next Tuesday night for the show you cant miss me the family should also be with me for the night it will be a blast
  21. Sounds like fun Ron to bad were so far away here or i would love t ojoin you guys on one of these days.
  22. awesome job and great read thanks for sharing it with us all.
  23. Dang Cuba that sounds nice now where are ya setting up the tent LOL Happy Belated B day Mrs BOSS have a fun and safe trip
  24. for places around our area I would suggest that you STAY AWAY from the place on Grand ave east that is coming from many people that have had very bad luck there you might be stuck with gettign parts from them but don't get work done there. Merit marine is a great place and works on all models but. Or there is Chatham marine on St.Clair out towards the TSC store also on the right hand side he is very nice and does great work from what I have heard even though I have not taken anything there anyone I have talked to sais he is great.
  25. Hey Tyler I think you got alot of good info from everyone here and you did a great job with all them pics for each person to take notice of heck I would not have thought of alot of the stuff they come up with but after reading the posts and taking a second look at the pics I would also suggest that you look for another boat I will keep my ears open for you. Cheers Mike
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