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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Very nice ride for sure Lew I guess you got sick of riding in others covered boats in the late fall and had to make the jump right Pete. As for them rail mounts the guys here use them all the time and they work great ask george he will let ya know what you need he has set up many boats with them I also like them for another reason you can twist them down for down rods or up out of the water and make the bait run higher with out taking in line I would have put them on my boat but the rails were just not a option. I cant wait to see her this year congratz on the new girl so does Pete or Sherry get the first ride for musky?
  2. I think every one missed the BIGGEST POINT its at 8-10 sec in you can clearly here them and it sure did make my day the wife and I were both cheering when they said KYLE BUSCH in the wall. at the 2:30 in is the replay and you can see that the first hit was Vickers coming down on him and Vickers also went below the line that is a huge block. if ya look at the hit Jr did not catch him by much. I think thats racing and Yes I like both drivers maybe Vickers has a problem with Hendrick? It does suck that JJ got some of it but man what a great feeling to know BUSCH was wrecked I liked this kid when he first started but he sure did become a huge A$$ in the last two seasons which made me change my mind on him now I would love to see him in the wall each week.
  3. dollarama has some that dont have a suction cup and are about 6" tall they work great also.
  4. They are nice trucks and alot of the parts come from Canada to the USA where they are built its always nice to here people buying North American built cars and trucks not total imports.
  5. just got todays in for them hope others will also help out
  6. Dang Joey I thought that would give you a easy out that way Paul could not catch ya. Serious side I hope that they get Paul fixed up right away not much more painful then the dang back. Take it easy on him Mike
  7. well I just gave another vote for tehm so if its cheating I guess I am a charter for them hope they win
  8. well that's 2.5 min of my life I will not get back I saw it was on at 8 or right now so I wanted to be reminded about the show and I have to agree that is is very bad and I could not bare to watch the 2.5 min I did the best part is the wife did not know that I was watching it to see how crappy it was and made some comments about it also how fake they were. The only thing he has going is his wife. As for the show it will never be on my tv again.
  9. I think some emails to WFN would be in order I can say that I dont know his show I think I had it one once but never again maybe that is why I dont remember it?
  10. $4.91?
  11. No Glen not at all just click there names and you have voted nothing to register at all it was nice and easy and who knows they might just get a nice trip out of it
  12. done and hope they win and show us some pics if they get alot of support from here I will try and remember for the other days
  13. The wife does not ask what I paid for things if she does I tell her then next time she remembers and does not ask or just goes with it I am very lucky as she also loves to get out fishing all the time so there is really no questions as its for teh family and for our 6th anniversary she loved her new Okuma Convector 30D reel and musky rod that matched the other 3 (WE) had its all good around here. I also dont ask about the three sewing machines and cooking stuff she wants I just go and get it I know it will all get good use alot more then coffee or BINGO like a buddies wife does.
  14. that one might be hard this year Brian as the wife will be out of a job by then and I dont think there will be t omany trips that the family will not join me LOL. Will have to see what happens closer to then. As for now we are just doing the family weekend in Aug
  15. Go figure the first year that the GTG is not the same weekend as our MCI outting and my wife is out of a job I hope we can get some $$$ for the weekend it would be great to make it up for one in my life time.
  16. WOW that is very cool for sure maybe send him some OFC swag and you might get a cool pic of a OFC hat on a sadam statue? It sure is cool to meet people or here of all the people that have been through this site.
  17. Ron sorry to here of your loss our thoughts are with you and the family.
  18. Dang I know but cant go Oh well
  19. Gotta love the Bud shoot out I like the new format it sure was a great race I know I will be heading out for work early Thursday to make it home for 2 now if I cna just get my daughter to walk home from school it could save ten laps. The only real bad part of the shootout is that the 18 did not land on his roof well I can only hope for next Sunday. As for a winner I would love to see Martin win his first 500 but would not be sad to have Happy take it away again.
  20. I just wanted to say thank you to Dave for the shirt and supporting the best fishing site out there and that he was nice enough to send out from the thread a few weeks ago it got here safe and sound and the wife loves it I am sure it will get some slime on it this summer when we are out musky fishing. Cheers Mike
  21. Thanks for clearing that up Dave I thought that Cron well some one else was the loud chubby guy. Heck it might just work out that we can go I would love to get out and meet up with the crew again last time was a blast who knows.
  22. Now that there is just down right FUNNY congratz guys I dont care what any one sais I will still fish with ya Ron and TEP. That is for sure one way to make your mark for the new Chapter I bet the people in the area will not soon forget you guys.
  23. Lew I am sad to here of the news I hope you all get through this together our thoughts are heading her way. Mike and Family
  24. I guess for lures it depends on what you are going after if its eyes my fav are rapala jigging minnows gold/black chart/white silver/black are a good place to start I always have 6 or more rods ready to go 2 with just gold/black and 2 with chart/white then two different colors if I am in a mood I may bring a couple more with different ones on them it sure makes for a better day when you dont need t ochange lyres and re tie. One way to get away from the retie is just have the other colors already tied onto a leader 2' floro 6lbs is what I also put a swivel on the other end have a snap on you main rod this way you can just clip your leader on and change fast. As for other stuff I bring a cup to give the minnows fresh water minnow net, Scoop not a cheap one so you can clean your hole spud just in case ice picks if you are heading out on ice you have not gone before, my lantern comes out all the time as it gives ya some heat for the hands and I am usually on the ice before day light or after dark one thing I dont have but will be getting is cleats for the boots they are the cast arse my buddy has them and I watch him cruse across the ice when I am slipping my way out.
  25. Well thats what I get for being a good Old man and putting some dirty cloths in tha wash I missed again
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