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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I bought the lawerence 522c this year and use it on the ice it sure is AMAZING waht ya see with it I dont know how i have fished ice with out one it sure is great to see a fish 5' above you lure rise it up and catch that fish what a rush. Once down fall is that I dont get to relax on the ice like I once did now I have to watch the screen to see what is going on where before I would just sit with my eyes closed and drift off until I would hook into the big eye. I took Rons idea and made the box it works great drop your ducer in the hole and you off here a=is a pic of my set up.
  2. welcome back Rick I will remember the tips for staying away I have dad all set up HD, net were all good
  3. Tj I wont be like the others and take the cheap shots at ya (not that there is anything wrong with that I am just to tired to think of anything good to say) we all know that you are the lucky one heck it gives ya more Beer time now that you have three to provide for you congrats Jaden I cant wait to see them picks from next fall.
  4. Yes Doug I got the shopping done and the wife was happy. But on anotehr note to go with your story over the Christmas holiday a good friend and co worker of mine called me on Boxing Day which I thought was weired he did not sound right I knew something was wrong and I was correct his house burnt down and has to be built from ground up again he was lucky kinda as the family as out doing the boxing Day shopping when it happened but his dog was at home sick and did not make it they have insurance and the cost is going to be covered. That same night another friend and co worker called and said his daughter's house also burnt down she lived with his Ex they are both Ok but did not have insurance it was a rental house and they have nothing so dont forget to check the stuff Doug told ya about but remember to have insurance if yer renting you need it as the land lord's does not cover you and you will be the one out $$$ and all your memories.
  5. Dale once again congrats on that monster she sure does look nice and I cant wait to see her at the show in April. Are you going to be sharing the MCI main booth? if so I think I will set up our chapter section right next to you well maybe not as there will be no one looking at us LOL. I cant wait to check out the monster first hand and also give ya a hand shake and try to steel some of your MOJO LOL. http://www.muskiescanada.ca/2009-Odyssey-Ad-Final.html
  6. Brian I think that this store closed last fall even before I got to check it out I was suposed to take a trip with Terry there but his buddy that worked there said they went to work and the doors were locked If you are crossing in Sarnia there is a store jsut as you come off the bridge called Andersons Pro tackle its not a huge sote but the owner is super nice and I did find some good deals in there I will be there in another month or so. If you are crossing Windsor why not hit Wallys right in windsor just follow huron church under the bridge and turn left on wyndot I think it is he is down there on the left a few blocks it is not that far out of the way and he is Canadian and has great prices. I would also suggest Angling Outtfiters in Woodstock that is anotehr great Canadian store.
  7. I would also look at this unit it sure is nice I bought the 522c GPS combo this year and am glad I bought it rather then a flasher. One it has a flasher on it so I can use it if needed ( I have tried it a few times but go back to the sonar) two it has real time line so you can watch your jig in real time just like the flasher I have been playing around with it and love watching the fish come up from the bottom right to my jig and know when to expect them to bite it sure does make life alot easier when you know they are sitting right at you hook three you have a time line to the left of the real time box this will let you know what you missed when you were talking to your buddy or were changing setups or putting a minnow or what have ya you just look at the screen and you can see what was there in the last 20 sec or so four you can zoom in on a section of water you are fishing and not look at the whole water column five you can use it on your boat in the summer there are more reasons give Angling outfitters a call in woodstock and ask them about what is best they will help you alot. I have no problems with a flasher but had looked for a long time before I made my choice I dont regret it at all and will recomend this unit to anyone that is looking for a ice fishing unit it sure makes it alot more fun out there. JMO
  8. The part I like best about BUMP or TTT it is not used here much which is great once in a blue moon some one will use it but for the most part if a thread has died its gone. On the other side we are just a little goofy around here and will use some stupid saying or add something to a thread to get it BTTT I have been on some boards where most threads are filled with that BUMP and TTT crap.
  9. I had the same thing from a couple years back the guy never sent the stuff I know him well and am confused as to why he never did heck soon after that he went awall I know he is still around and fishes alot but he never responds to my email. I talked to Roy and Tj and let them know what happened it is all good now ( I was not up set I know the $$$ went to a good place) but I still wonder why he has done it and still does not come around to fish???
  10. I was just wondering if anyone knows who Bass_boy7 is as he won the Spinner baits for Ricks auction I thought he might have forgotten that he bid on them if ya know him give him a shout and remind him that he won if he does not want them or cant afford them some one else can have them I would guess I have sent a Pm to him back in Dec with no reply. Hope someone know him thanks Mike
  11. the wife bought me the Fish T.V. I have only used it once and it works great I have not used the other remember that if you want a video jack out put on the fish T.V. you have to get the 7" one check out caballas canada site they have the 5" on sale https://www.cabelas.ca/index.cfm?pageID=79&...on=&ID=2585 here is the 7" I think the prices are in CDN I would think so any way https://www.cabelas.ca/index.cfm?pageID=79&...on=&ID=2233
  12. looks like a great day out there Joey congrats to ya all and thanks for sharing
  13. I find that waxies are a little to big for some pan fish and spikes work better I like very tiny jigs like a gil pill http://www.customjigsandspins.com/icefishing/gill_pill.html these work wonders on them my favorite colors gold,blue/white and pink, and orange/green. I just thread the spike on face first or Arse first which ever end gets stuck then only 1/8" down the body come back out this way it will hang down from the hook and you should be able to get 1-5+ on each spike. We were out the other day I had both and the spikes out fished the waxies big time I only used the waxies for 10 min and had one bite that was when the bie was on I switched back to a spike and had hits before teh jig was down. I also like to use them by letting them hit bottom jig it a couple times on the bottom then rise it up off the bottom that drives them nuts I guess it acts like a larve coming up or something??? I know by watching them on the sonar that they love that action. Good liuck
  14. the ice on the river is to thin for this stout fellow but i took my daughter to fish for some gills we hit them hard my buddy came out he only kept 11 for a snack but we brought alot through the ice I had 50+ my daughter was around 10 but she had spent most of this trip making snow angles (for some odd reason mine always have horns???) and Steve had many I did not keep track of his it was a great morning for us. One of my other friends hit a river and caught one eye but there was a sketchy 2" of ice there.
  15. Great shots the albino looks great my dad took a pic of one in the early 90's around Timmins it was from far away not as good as these ones but it was still cool to check out.
  16. When fishing musky the guys would laugh at me when trolling I would just holler ROD OFF they want me to say FISH ON but heck I dont know that yet I just know there is a rod screaming line so she went off.
  17. Dang Brad first Daglo now AC/DC did ya have the big guy with ya I could only imagine Skyler there. A buddy went to Detroit to see them I found the $200+ he paid a little steep for the front stage but he did come home with a huge smile. like others I to wish I had gone maybe next time LOL
  18. that sounds like our CTC store here in Chatham we got a new owner a couple years ago and the store went to crap Oh sorry that is CRAP the service manager retired and Charles should have been next in line but Oh no they did not give him the job they got a suit and tie guy who has no clue Charles in now stocking shelves what the heck I know some of the mechanics left because he wants you to up sell every time and so much more. Then for good sale they have nothing for selection it sure is a joke they have lost many customers like my self who would go there to get work done now the store is for sales only and hope they have it in stock. OOOOOPPPPS sorry I just meant to say they dont have any here is my guess as they have only had one or two ice rods all year
  19. I have always had great luck wit hour MNR guys here in the SW they are great and always follow up with action not just will get back to ya. They also show up for our kids events and take the time to talk with the group of kids about fishing any time we need them and they are around they will come out and help. Here is a shot from last summer with some of the kids it was not as hot as the year before but they were still hot in all them dark cloths but never complain they just do there job. thanks to all the MNR out there some dont like ya but there are more the do.
  20. I picked up some of the Blue Fox ones to try this year for the eyes if we get good ice I will give it a try they were less then $4 each at Angling outfitter in Woodstock.
  21. Congratz Mike it sounds like your going to have some great time out on her I cant wait for some reports from her. As for paint I would not worry about it but if you must try using Tremclad with a roller that is how I did my last boat it will not last for ever but it does stay on long enough just clean the surface with dish soap I also used some other chemicals but you dont have to use them. Wayne knows his stuff for this and is right about how to do it right but you can get away with the cheap fix.
  22. We are thinking of Izzy here I hope they can find out what is wrong I will also give GREAT PROPS for London Sick Kids if you can get her there they are the best and have done the unthinkable for many kids I am one of them they kept me alive when I was 8 and turned 9 in there my parents have nothing but great things to say about them. My nephew was also sent there when he was born and another friends daughter was there for the first 6 or more months of her life she is now a big girl they are the BEST. As i said before we are thinking of Izzy and you and your wife stay strong Dave
  23. Heck Yeah that was awesome Roll this is a great third. So how close to my place are you guys fishing tomorrow? If yer heading this way and not east I might head over there if its not raining by then.
  24. Brian Princess Auto clamp on bench vice its big enough but small enough that it will hold the trebles GREAT that is what I use and for the stuff you are doing it will work great I think its only $14-$25. I think they also have other stuff ya need just dont stay to long and you will be fine
  25. very nice video and alot of great fish congratz guys
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