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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. I dont think you should have PM's Wayne for a couple reasons. 1 Wayne needs a bigger post count 2 I bet there are some others here who need the same info but will not ask for help or will need this info some time down the road. 3 no question is worth keeping in and has been said here many times the only stupid questions are the ones not asked. Keep asking what you need help with as you can see there is always some one to help. Cheers Mike
  2. I know there is a boat here on LSC that is called the FISH TANK I dont know how many it holds but I can tell you I could not count all the pairs we saw on her the one day it must have been the Hawaiin Tropic tour there were so many pairs on there I forgot I was fishing. I think they are only on LSC but you will have to find a party sized boat for that many good luck out there.
  3. I wish I was able to get out for this one but it was great to check out the first show and break Dave and JP in easy I am sure glad to here that everyone had a great time and als oto show Sub Way that there are alot of people from the OFC family that support guys like Dave and JP with there shows. Thanks alot for the nights out and I hope to check out the next round of them Yes the cards have already been used and my daughter is using one for her scrap book of stuff her and I do together I cant wait to see this book some day when she is dont it will be great.
  4. yep this time next week I should be relaxin some where around the hotel still I cant wait for this week to be over and this weekend is just gettin started comon 25th
  5. Well I hope that everyone took advantage of these nights as they are great and you will have a great time out there heck free Sub Way and a $10 gift card also cool.
  6. I use the minnow bait live well for my drying box when switching up baits I will place them in there until I get home then set them out on the back deck of the boat and let them dry for a day or so I have yet to loose one to a local cat that we have crawling around here
  7. Awesome report Boss it sure looks like you had a great time out there congratz to ya all and thanks for sharing.
  8. here are a couple more from Sarnia show
  9. Roy I posted pics from the Sarnia show here is my post on the otehr thread again I guess it got lost there. I dont know why everyone is not talking about these shows more all I can say is you are a fool to miss them we had one heck of a great time last night my daughter and I went out and hope to make it to the London one tomorrow it is worth the time it takes to get there and more. I also know that there could be more shows if these ones are a s packed as Sarnia was last night. If you saw the show last week on Erie and want to have a day out like that paul the charter captin was also there and will help get you started I know I took notes and will be using them this year (If I get my butt to Erie) he had alot to talk about from dypsy divers to jet divers spoons to trolling baits he covered alot in his segment. Jp was a great speaker the only bad thing I could say is that you dont get to keep the lure if he hooks you unlike Dave who sais if he hooks ya you get to keep the lure (sorry you had to be there to see it last night I know one person who will remember it well) and no people or fishermen were hurt more then they would be if out fishing with buddies. Jp knows his stuff and sure did talk alot about teh rivers I wish I had known some of this stuff when I was fishing bows years ago in the rivers it would have saved me alot of time with the reties and he will even give you some info that is not well shared like why it is that some are catching all the fish and others are not we have all seen the posts or been on a river when one or two people are drifting the same as you but landing everything and you get nothing JP shares some good info. Dave well I dont know what to say he is a mad man and does not stop from the second he gets on stage until you leave the building you can here him funny as hell and knows what he is talking about. here are a couple shots my daughter took she was getting ready to take her 50th pic of him so he had to pose but I think this one would also be great for the poop story I think Dave was ready for some Sub Way It was nice to meet Ryan for the first time off the board he is a great guy stop over and say Hi his wife is expecting there second child any day but he is still out doing the show. I got to meet a couple others but did not get there names.
  10. this should say it all get out and have a great time everyone there is no way that anyone should leave un happy if you do your a TOOL. Oh yeah I love the taxi story LOL Sorry every one I think that one was a one night shot and it was great I know there must be one night things at each event to bad we cant make them all
  11. check out the thread that TJ started I posted some pics there from Sarnia and yes it was awesome.
  12. I dont know why everyone is not talking about these shows more all I can say is you are a fool to miss them we had one heck of a great time last night my daughter and I went out and hope to make it to the London one tomorrow it is worth the time it takes to get there and more. I also know that there could be more shows if these ones are a s packed as Sarnia was last night. If you saw the show last week on Erie and want to have a day out like that paul the charter captin was also there and will help get you started I know I took notes and will be using them this year (If I get my butt to Erie) he had alot to talk about from dypsy divers to jet divers spoons to trolling baits he covered alot in his segment. Jp was a great speaker the only bad thing I could say is that you dont get to keep the lure if he hooks you unlike Dave who sais if he hooks ya you get to keep the lure (sorry you had to be there to see it last night I know one person who will remember it well) and no people or fishermen were hurt more then they would be if out fishing with buddies. Jp knows his stuff and sure did talk alot about teh rivers I wish I had known some of this stuff when I was fishing bows years ago in the rivers it would have saved me alot of time with the reties and he will even give you some info that is not well shared like why it is that some are catching all the fish and others are not we have all seen the posts or been on a river when one or two people are drifting the same as you but landing everything and you get nothing JP shares some good info. Dave well I dont know what to say he is a mad man and does not stop from the second he gets on stage until you leave the building you can here him funny as hell and knows what he is talking about. here are a couple shots my daughter took she was getting ready to take her 50th pic of him so he had to pose but I think this one would also be great for the poop story I think Dave was ready for some Sub Way It was nice to meet Ryan for the first time off the board he is a great guy stop over and say Hi his wife is expecting there second child any day but he is still out doing the show. I got to meet a couple others but did not get there names.
  13. Alot of the guides and guys here on LSC use Ugly stick tiger rods they have a great back bone to them but also a soft tip so that you can watch the rod for lure action this way when you get a lure fouled up you will notice it right away and they are alot cheaper then the others. I have been using the Convector 30D line counters from Okuma and they have been great with no problems at all. What the others have siad is all good and great but for some who dont have a larger budget this is the way to go also the rods can take a punishment thats why the guides use them as some clients will step on them or bang them around and they keep on tickin.
  14. Congratz Steph thats awesome to here I wish ya alot of luck in Hamilton Ron PM me the dates Ron if were able I know a little girl who would love to watch that.
  15. Tyler we will have to hook up some time for any of you who are reading this thread do your self a favor and head out for the show early as Sarnia was packed with only one seat open from what I saw and that was so Dave had some where to go Sorry ya had to be there if not then get out to one of the next nights. Cheers
  16. Well what is there to say about this show I dont know what to say about this show it was for FREEKING GREAT these guys were awesome Paul JP and Dave know what they are doing and sure do know how to get there point out there I did actually learn some stuff that I will be trying out this year From Paul talking about the great lakes trolling (he knows his stuff) to JP on the rivers and how to make the best use of your sonar (That was some very useful info) for them to Dave and the POOP story and much more I can not list as I have to get off to bed. Ryan it was great to put a face to the board name sorry I did not get to talk to others that were there I have to work early and need to go to bed now. I will post some pics tomorrow but leave you with one thing and that is if you were thinkin gof not going because you think they are just going to push the product you are WRONG they are there to teach you and also help you fine tune your skills you already have. Dont miss any of the other shows they are worth the drive I am 1 hour away from the Sarnia show and have been up since around 1 am today and will be back up between 3-4 for work tomoorw and I can say it was well worth it if I can make it out for another show I will be there Maybe London if I dont work Friday. Cheers and get your arse out there but please go pee before Dave talks or bring your minnow bucket.
  17. We will be there for sure so do we get VIP early entry to the show for all OFC members LOL see ya tonight I cant wai and hope that some more from the board make it out I know alot of people are saying they are going from the area but not talking about it here I dont know why I would think it would be great to have the people talking about it and show the support for these guys they have done alot of work for these nights I do hope to see a bunch out there I cant stay late as 2 am will come to fast for work but will be there all the same.
  18. yep thats the one I could not think of the name
  19. Did you check the srcap off SASS road? or the one in Tilbury? I know some people who got theres from Tilbury its the place right beside the 18wheeler truck stop. As for price I dont know what it would be but that is your best way to do it save on the weight.
  20. great to here Ron I dont know how I missed this one of these days it would be nice to head up there congratz for the turn out.
  21. Tyler I will be there with my daughter I dont plan on staying late as I have to get up at 2 am for work the next day but it will be worth it I know this show will be great I will have my yellow ONF coat on ya cant miss me.
  22. I like berkley power baits the mico dots or what ever they call them very small dots of bait in pink or chartuse on a very small jig head that has a pink/white,red/white,blue/white or purple tube it depends what they want I also dont use anything over 4lbs line on a UL rod if your in 8 FOW I would fish the upper 2-3' they will tell you what they want the hard part is to find them.
  23. Wayne that wounds like what I used years ago it was a clear paste or gel almost I guess it had a golden tint to it but it sure did work great. after that the only problem I had with the paint what when I had my boat tied off to another for a few days of floating around a lake in Sudbury it sure did some damage to the rubbing area but the other was like new for the life that I had it.
  24. Dang Ice ours has been gone since Feb thanks again for another great report.
  25. Nice Im glad to here ya found something and there is not much better then to redo the boat your self I know I had a great time each time I did the last boat it sure is great to make her your own.
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