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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Nice looking PB there I see your buddy snapped the pic just after you took the hook I can also see that you were caught off guard when getting ready to release it back nice of them to snap a memory for you I would not worry about a quick pic and get it back Cheers and at least you got out.
  2. I am picking up some spoons in the next couple weeks for fishing Erie from the West end this summer and was wondering what colors and size you all like for fishing the bows and eyes? Also is there a big difference from Stinger to moonshine or sliver streak or others? thanks for the help Mike
  3. well Dave I guess I will have to look up this twitter stuff and yep I think Joey hit it on the head
  4. Thats awesome brandon I had looked at that shot and thought it was one I took a few years ago on the Vedder River after they released a bunch of 8" trout they eagle was ready to eat right away.
  5. Dang Brandon as Always some great shots there I dont know why it is but I always forget about teh picture section you sure do take some amazing shots.
  6. Brian I would save it for the GTG and see how it fits on Gelns head and you can leave it in my shed until then
  7. Dang Brian I thought that with the amount of old buggers around here we would have found the son of the guy who made it. There has to be someone here that knows something about this chair or where to find info out about What about Canadian antique road show you can send the pic into them they will be able to help you out for sure Brian. Just think tell the wife that its worth $100 and then use the rest to buy the NEW boat for your self
  8. Well Lew I guess that tops my trolling rod and reel combo I bought the wife for our 5th or 6th a few years back and with buying our boat last year I dont know what to get the wife for our 10th of Friday. Diane is one lucky girl for you to get rid of your old boat for her. Congratz on the new ride Lew AKA Skeeter
  9. Brian she does not know yet LOL youcan explain but I know she will like it as she can fish the front of the boat and still have control of the boat. It's also your fault for the Down Riggers new rods extra lures and GPS/Sonar combo heck if she still lets me go fishing with ya I guess all is good. LOL Its great to have friends who help ya spend $$$ well I gotta call jos now
  10. Thanks for all the replies guys I will be getting the auto pilot model I will be looking around here to see if a local shop can compair price before I buy at BPS. Thanks again for all the help everyone
  11. (ie. landing fish, changing lures, etc) Now that is a reason I would also like it I had not thought of that thanks for the idea as I fish alone alot.
  12. What makes it so good I have read alot but respect the opinion here and would like some input on what makes it great. or why some one likes it alot.
  13. So I was ready to buy another model from Cabelas but things did not work out there I am now looking at the 70 LBS Minn Kota® PowerDrive™ V2 Bow-Mount Trolling Motors with AutoPilot or the Power Drive with out Auto Pilot. I was wondering if anyone here has used this system before if so what is you opinion on them I would use it for fishing LSC for pickerel following my lines I have done before and for musky along weed edges. Is it worth the $200 more? Any help would be great thanks mike
  14. nice fish was there still alot of bait in the area?
  15. It looks like you guys are doing alot of needed work and will get many great years out of her after your done you are a lucky man to have your grandpa around to share this with these are the best days I cant wait to see her all done.
  16. Welcome aboard Luke Ryan congratz on the new addition you guys look very happy and healthy. Cheers and all our best with the next few years I can tell you one thing he sure does have a good home to be with. Mike
  17. Ok thanks Lew
  18. Well I am going to get a new bow mount I ldont like cable steer and do like the price on this unit from Cabelas at $709 USD Minn Kota PowerDrive™ 80PD V2 Motor If you know of a store in Canada that is in the ball park I would look there also. What I need it to do for me Boat 17.5' starcraft superfisherman I need it to be able to handle the detroit river would this unit be big enough for the river? What is the best way to hook up the two batteries I have head both sides one in series and the other in paralle which is better? What about a on board charger I see BPS has a 2 bank on sale for $99 USD that is a 6amp charge. thanks for the help.
  19. Tyler great gob so far I cant wait to see it done did you need a bow mount for it? If so I have one here 36lbs for ya cable steer motor guide I am adding a bigger one on my boat.
  20. I thought of trying it but if Cronzy sais its good I am now thinking of trying something else.
  21. John see ya Saturday bright and early a little after Lew O Clock
  22. Try this site and tell your friend to call Bill he is great guy and has a great selection www.wallysbait.com
  23. From what I had heard the reason that they were done in the areas is that it was the SW Ontario Sub Ways that put it on the $$$ came from the local Sub Way shops so I would think that we just need to contact the local owners and tell them that you have head about these shows maybe send the link to OFC and let them know how much you would love to see a show in your area?
  24. Dave My daughter and I had a blast at teh Sarnia show I just hope that you guys can make it to the Belle River area next year so that the people in the Windsor area dont feel left out. Either way I will make it out again it was a blast and Shame on anyone who did not get out if you lived close by you missed some good times. Cheers Mike
  25. Now thats a fishing post gotta love getting the kids out fishing Nice to see you have everything in order at home for these time Ryan I do assume that you left cab money on the table for your wife.
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