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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Nice Tat Brad to bad you guys had the high water and snow for may 24 but I guess that is what May 24 is all about. Cheers
  2. is there a site with the dates?
  3. Hey Boss soon you will be like the rest of us from the south sitting inside watching the black flies trying to get in and crying when one bites you. Its looking great Tj
  4. very nice looking guys I cant wait to see her this fall I like the idea of the hole in the side of the cover for tending to the rods or what ever ya need to do in the rain or late fall days.
  5. Nice I hope we can get into them tomorrow we will be heading out in the early am first time out on Erie I cant wait maybe bring home some of them big fat perch also. Here is my son from the weekend with one of the few perch we got from Erieau he was so pumped to play with them then let them go. I hope we have enough tomorrow to keep em.
  6. that is all I used before they were good I used mine today with the new 70lbs minn kota and it worked great should be no problems at all.
  7. not sure but if you were to call Merrit Marine and talk to Jim he would know he knows his Merc stuff and is always willing to give free info.
  8. Dang I never noticed the bite slow down from the musky coming around I usually find the eyes ready to jump into the boat when the big slime feed bag is on
  9. great report nice to see the kids out having fun that is what its all about cheers
  10. Thanks ro yi will run that one then. I had thought about that Brian I also thought of just getting 2 30 amp breakers but dont want alot of crap in there i will run the 50 and be happy. Yeah right like I can ever be happy there said it before you.
  11. I have a question on this my motor calls for a 60 amp one but I can only find 50 amp manual reset around here they are less then $10 but the 60 amp Minn Kota is almost $50 USD what is the big difference? I know 10 amps and I also know that this one will pop when it reach 50+ amps but what I have yet to find out is when would you hit 50+ amps is that only if the prop is stuck on a log rock or line caught on it? Or would you have to be maxed out at full throttle? I plan on using this motor to keep my boat 17.5 Starcraft superfisherman going very slow .8 mph -2.5 mph so would 50 amp be enough? What are others running out there? the motor is Power Drive V2 70 Lbs auto pilot.
  12. check out Angling outfitter I know his prices are alot better then the deals in the states I just bought the Power Drive V2 with Auto Pilot 60" and it saved me around $200 over the price at BPS in Ohio which I pass by daily for work and do shop at alot but when the Canadian boys have close price or in this case way better I shop at home.
  13. Well I know that this summer when out on lake Erie if I am lucky enough to get a limit of eyes and bows they will all come home with me to go to Dads Freezer I will do it again if I can and send that over to a old friend who does not get out much since his wife went def I don't eat fish but do help out people who love it but don't get out much or at all. I also know people who will go out get the limit of eyes then there 50 jumbos head home clean them and do the same the next day they will gift the fish to there family then get there limit this is usually it for the season so is it wrong to get your seasons of fish in two days?
  14. dang now thats a great report congratz on the great time out and thanks for sharing it with us.
  15. Here Here Charlie Moore what a waste of T.V. time well at least I get a Pee break when he is on
  16. WOW great report that sure did look like a awesome trip congratz guys and thanks for sharing.
  17. what the hell you sound surprised to here the Snocast for this weekend Tj I hope you did not forget what weekend this is if I were not so lazy I would search out at least one pick from each of the past 5 years on this weekend and remind you what weather you have up there. Heck this is the first year I am not heading away for this weekend I thought it would have been very nice like cold enough to keep the black flies away but no Blizzard. Well I am just waiting for my ride to go try for some lightning perch I just hope we get a break in the weather enough to fish.
  18. very cool I cant wait to see some reports from out east
  19. Hey Clive check out The Saint John River Chapter of Muskies Canada they get some nice musky up there and it might not be that far for you to go these guys do alot of fishing and I bet they would be very helpful with info for you I know that there are not alot of people who fish musky in the area but these guys do and have some nice fish to show for it. http://www.muskiescanada.ca/chapters/saint_john_river.php Great to see a report from ya even thought there was not as many fish as we are used to. Cheers Mike
  20. Yep May 24 it should be cold and very wet this weekend
  21. Happy Bday Joey hope ya had a great one Cheers Mike
  22. you can get the rivets at Maple City marine I dont know what they charge to install them we did our own like you said just use a hammer and another metal object I used a small anvil "METAL ON METAL" LOL sorry flash back. hold the one side very firmly and softly tap the rivet from the other until it smushes down tight. Check and see if Merrit marine will do the work or Chatham Marine these two I would recomend or do you have one at work? I would think one of the guys could help you out.
  23. Thanks guys I was reading some on the BPS site and they were split it seems some had no luck I hope to have it mounted and ready for the weekend.
  24. Hey all I was wondering if anyone has used the BPS line of on board chargers? I bought the XPS i series 5/5/5 three bank charger it has a 2 year warranty I picked it up before asking as the sale is over this week and I might not get to the store before the sale ends Just wondering what otehrs here have had with there XPS series chargers. thanks Mike
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