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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Thanks again for sharing that beautiful place with us Boss I sure do miss it how are your new neighbours?
  2. Dang now that is a family vacation thanks for sharing the story and pics
  3. Ryan this post is priceless it sure is great to see keep up the great work and one day she will be holding the camera for you
  4. All I can say is that I love my Okuma reels I have 4 convectors 30 D line counters they are used for musky fishing trolling baits all summer and fall alot of big baits in the fall I have many big musky brought in on them and not one complaint yet. I also have three avenger 15 reels that I got from Ebay and love them I will be getting more for the price I will stick with them I have only had them two years but not one problem yet. I do know that people had problems with the magna line counters but they were cheap and did not feel that sturdy in the hand.
  5. All of our thoughts are going to be with your son tomorrow I hope that Jacob pulls through good. That would be a great B-Day present for me tomorrow good luck little guy.
  6. Very nice looking water there also I dont fish carp much anymore but they sure do put up a fight I hope you all had smores with the fire out there my daughter would be proud.
  7. All I can say is there will always be people out there who dont like some one and others who do like them I for one like the show alot and think Dave is funny as hell and it brings you back to having fun YES there are alot of stickers and talk of lures and suppliers but if we did not have these shows to tell us about them or show us how they work then how would be find out about them? I like the idea on how the show is done and hope it stays around for a long time. I went to the Sarnia show and had a blast and will support the show any time I can. Cheers Dave and dont worry about one person who has 2 post here we love ya and the show thanks for taking the time to talk to us. Oh yeah about the mercers magic we have never seen them down here in the SW corner of the great Provence and BPS in Ohio has NONE Cheers Mike Also some thing we should all remember that just like there will be some who dont like Daves show there will always be the ones who say they Like Charlie.
  8. I know guys who fish the Ottawa area and they use the same things we use here on Lake St.Clair trolling crank baits my favorite has to be The Woodie we catch alot of fish on them down here and every where I fish them they work the color selection is amazing if you contact "outlaw" he is a member on the site here, he can set you up with colors that are amazing for your area. Now I also like jakes,doubleD's and Triple D's if you want double 13 and double 10 bucktails try giving this site a look they work great and will save you money I only have one of each size but will be getting some more as they both look great in the water and pull very nice.http://www.tackleindustries.com/ This here is a Woodie color is called the Ottawa sucker and sure looks great in the tea color water
  9. dang them some very nice fish thanks for sharing
  10. Nice ride Brian not what I thought you would end up with kinda like Bill said she will be hell in 3' and weeds LOL. I think you have been reading to many reports from down this way where the guys head out with the rods,big lures nets and BBQ and full menu of steak potatoes and pop nothing worse then sitting down to a big meal and a rod goes off now everyone is fighting to be the one not on that rod. Enjoy it she sure looks sturdy and fun
  11. Well all I can say is we had one hell of a great time tonight my wife and I headed down to Windsor for the KISS show at the casino we had great floor seats a a great friend got for us but shortly after the show started we headed for front row and stayed there for the show what a great time KISS put on one hell of a show and did not stop they sure do know how to keep the Rock N Roll going enjoy some of the many great shots we took over the night.
  12. thanks everyone and Joey I think this fall there will be a bunch of these ready to go I just hope the Sandy has better luck for us then Adam does LOL
  13. Wayne that is very sad news in deed she looked so happy out there with you our condolences to you and your family Mike and Family
  14. UB I was trying to get hurt so I dont have to go back to work LOL Rob you know as we have tried already this year your seat is always open and saved for you. Tyler we will get you out some time for sure P.S. I talked to a friend who is out fishing Bass here alot and he has not been doing that good either so dont feel bad if its slow right now. FnS I have the Cannon power shot A550 it has a timer that I set for 30 seconds and then set it to take 10 pics that way I never know what candid shots I will get when releasing the big girls it sure does make life alot easier knowing that I have 40 seconds to get her out of the net and snap one pic I usually have them up and ready in 20-25 seconds this works out better then having another person taking the pic as I have the tri pod set and ready before I have a fish in the boat then all I do is snap the camera onto the tripod and hit the timer button its very slick way to do things.
  15. Well my last day of holidays the weather looks great so I head out later then I like to but I am on the water and fishing by 7 tried casting for a hour or so and said pee on it crused over to a spot I like to fish and started it was about 8:30 or so when I had lines set I wanted to be on this area as the moon set was for 9:10 am I know this spot has fish are we boated one there this week and lost two there well I think I am in the area ( I kinda left the GPS/Sonar at home) :whistle: but had my hand held and know the marks in it they are not the same as the new ones but close enough to have the right area. Any Hoo its just about 9am and my line goes off I was running a Woodie special perch 6 1/4" on the boards this fish was peeling line and not stopping I thought dang she was pulling so hard I had one heck of a time getting the rod out of the holder she had about 50' of line pulled off before I got the rod in my hands then made a great jump from the 160-180' away from the boat that she was she only made one more run before I boated this 50+"er a couple pics and back she went sorry no release shots as she was tired and I did not need to fight with her. this is one reason I like having a camera that will take 10 pics in a row after the timer is set you can get 10 nice shots as you are heading to the water to get the big girls back in and also a nice head shot about 45 min later in the same spot I pop another one its in the 30" range I had to net it as it was hooked with two hooks it never came out of the water I took a quick pic as it swam away that one was on a pike scale Woodie 6 1/4" After that I had two more small fish on the Special perch but not big enough to get the camera out for I popped the hooks out boat side and they were gone with a splash. What a great way to finish off the holiday.
  16. yep just saw this today but will be voting daily for ya good luck
  17. Dang that is sure some sad news a young man just starting out truly a sad day around here. Our thought do go out to his family
  18. here is the third place fish and the Swan Moving trophy trophy winner Francis Bacon 46 1/4 I don't have pictures from the 1 or 2nd place if I do get them then they will be added it would be nice if I were able to get the pics from other cameras the day of the event I know that the 2nd place fish as very nice looking they also had some other nice fish like I said I hope to get the pics sometime from them.
  19. First I would like to thank all the members who helped put this event together they always step up to the plate and get things done with out this help we would not be able to have a great event like this one.When I say our members this includes our wives they do so much work and never want credit for it but they are the support that us guys really need thank you to all of our wives to keep us sane when working on events. I also want to thank all our sponsors with out there support it would be hard to afford the great prizes we have each year. THANK YOU to Advance Taxidermny and wild life design http://www.advancedtaxidermy.com/ Woodie Baits Mike Swan http://www.swanmoving.com/ Can/Am charter Captan rick http://www.can-amcharters.com/ Trojan Tackle http://www.trojantackle.ca/ Big Catch out doors http://www.bigcatchoutdoors.com/index.php Barrettes small engine in Belle River Charles Weiss http://www.charlesweissart.com/ Lucky Strike St.Clair Hound Artifact musky lures Also the Hamilton Chapter of Muskies Canada for a great deal on the Beckman net again The fishing was slow this weekend with not many monsters caught but there was alot of small fish from in the teens to the 40" range this is great for the next few years of fishing here on Lake St.Clair these fish seem to be chunky and growing nicely we will have alot of fun chasing them in 2011 I cant wait but for now here is how we did. On my boat we ended up with a couple little ones and a big breakoff that was sad. Here I am with what I thought would be catching the winning fish we did catch one and loose on on the Firebass Woodie but not the winner one small 30" range fish and a long line release that the wife lost. Thanks to my wife for making the deserts that included this cake Now for the winners 1 place-Dean McKnight 51.5" 2 place and also Chapter winner -Marc Gratton 48" he is one of our good friends from the south he comes up each year from Kentucky. 3 place- Francis Bacon 46.25" Mike the Mover trophy Largest fish Muskies Canada member- Francis Bacon 46.25" I would also like to thank the KofC hall of Belle River for always taking care of us and the Steak dinner was great and I must not forget my wife for making the deserts along with this cake.
  20. dang Joey very nice detailed report thanks for sharing one of these days I will be at Lakair in June
  21. amazing report would be great to have a casting day like that cheers Mike
  22. I upgraded two season ago to a 565 and loved it at the time I did not have enough money to buy a color unit that would do what I wanted so I went for a better grey scale. I looked for a long time and decided on that one it was a great unit but at Christmas time we had some extra cash and I needed a new GPS so I upgraded again to a Lowrance 522c that unit has both finder and GPS on it and works amazing and is 10X the machine that I had but it was also $500 more then the old one if you only need a sonar I would recomend the 510c it is also a great color model and you might get a deal if you look around on the net as they stopped making them if color is not what you need or you dont have $500+ to spend I would go with a very nice high end grey scale. If the humming bird color are as good as the grey scale I would also look at them. Try calling Angling Outfitters in Woodstock they will help you out they are great to OFNer's tell Joslyin that you hear it here and he will take good care of you Phone #: 519-539-5494 BTW the map on mapquest is wrong they are on HWY 2 east of Woodstock now but I think they have a PO box that is why it shows them in town.
  23. congratz on a very nice looking big girl I dont blame ya for keeping it to your self not every one has to be told about well maybe a lure unless its a top secret one LOL. Cheers Mike
  24. subway and it was the worst ones I have had in a long time I guess that is what ya get when in a rush and one old girl is working with a young kid. We had a nice Roast beef last night with all the fixins
  25. Well last night I was watching the Hookin' Up with Mariko Izumi show and what do I see but the good Ol OFC spot it sure was in a nice place glad I finally saw on there it looked better on the big T.V. then it does on the computer. How many others were caught watching her show and spoted OFC? or were you caught up in the show to notice?
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