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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Dang Dave that is one dang huge fish there what did ya use for bait? other fishing show hosts dipped in Beer Batter? I cant wait for the show to air conrgatz
  2. I like the wing it slip floats they are great for long cast's and you can work the bait when its under the float I see that BPS does not carry them any more but here is a link to there site to show you what they are http://reviews.basspro.com/2010/15819/reviews.htm
  3. This fish was caught out in the lake a few miles from the river transported back to the marina (in a huge live well) to be weighed on cert scale then released again from what they told me she went away every nice. I was not there but talked to one of the guys who was there yesterday.
  4. Very nice work again I dont know why people are afraid of Screw eyes I know alot of Musky baits that use them and I have a bunch some that have many fish on them but never had a problem with them pulling out that is usually a sign of to tight of drag setting or to short of screw eyes (maybe) but wire through is very popular with many folks keep up the great work.
  5. Dave that was not BPS where were you I want to get over there and get some of them for sure. Thanks for the heads up Cheers
  6. Put me down as another one who has never heard that about Jos or the shop if he is not there then you will not get the rock bottom price but what it is on the wall if you have a better price talk to him you might just be happy you took the extra time there. And the info you will learn (not the first time as there is to much that he knows) you cant put a price on that he is the best at what he does I know many guys who head there from Windsor area to his store to pay a bit more then if they went to BPS which is closer in MI or Caballas or Gander they are all closer then his store but the traffic still heads east.
  7. hey how did this make it so far down the page your right Roy There was another fire here in my town this week and no working smoke detectors good thread
  8. Holy crap is about all I can say she is one great (heck I dont know what to call that as Artist just does not sound good enough) what Talent for sure so life like they are amazing.
  9. Yes the Bridge is flowing great I cross it everyday and you can get on 75 SB from it the HWY is open right through Detroit now
  10. I will say that the live bags work well for sure this fish was over 48" and had a big girth it was very tired and I would think it would not have made it unless my friend Rick who runs CanAm Charter did not have the live bag and the proper aerator and oxygen pump he uses the aerator to run the water and the pump goes into the fishes mouth to keep the Oxygen going over the gills it was amazing how much that fish came back to life then swam away very strong. The Old School way he would take care of tired fish Now the New school ways makes it alot better in the fall LOL
  11. my best was this just over 48" with a 18" girth that would put it between 18-23lbs depending on the method for caculating.
  12. Try Angling Outfitters in Wood stock I know they had alot of them in there last week. I have the Delta and love it I bought it from Slowpoke he bought the Alpha and I think he wanted the Delta back. I have heard from a few people that they like the Delta better its one step down from the Alpha but I never get cold in it even when it was so cold that the minnows were freezing stiff before we could get the hooks into them now shelter and I was warm.
  13. It did not ruin my day this guy or guy's were back off the water there is a farm there and I know they were hunting just behind the cattails with no decoys in the water if I had sean them I would have gone over and talked with them. This area is also POSTED with signs saying baited area NO HUNTING of migratory birds I guess they were after crows. I should have taken a pic of the guys with the decoys set up right in front of the next sign down river. I would not let them ruin my day unless it hit my boat then we would have had a bigger problem but that did not happen. I would also not let people like that give me the wrong idea of all hunters I know alot of the guys here and they are great and many very good friends are not fishing but hunting this time of year.
  14. I fish a area where a lot of hunters are this time of year there is a understanding that we fish down river from them and they hunt up river from the boat launch well this past weekend it could have been ugly I was sitting about 20' down river from the launch waiting for Slowpoke to get there when I heard shots from behind me then the BB's were hitting the water 10' away from my boat I was not happy at all as these GOOFS were hunting way to close to spots that people both hunters and fisherman launch there boats from and parents have there kids at the launch to fish also if they were to shoot in the wrong direction then some people could have been hit and made things very bad. Now for the rest of the day many boats were fishing right in front of the hunters that also did not sit well with my self (they were bugging the ones fishing up river) as we usually have no problems and if for some reason you come up on a person hunting and did not notice there decoys just keep going and wave say sorry and stay away it is just respect for each other out there we are all just trying to get away from the rest of the world and do something we can enjoy. I hope everyone has a safe fall hunting and fishing and try to remember we are just trying to get away from the real world of working our life away and enjoy nature if ya shoot a bird or catch a fish it all a bonus. Cheers
  15. I'm going east tomorrow but stopping at Stony lake then heading west again on Sunday
  16. WOW 43 years I dont know if my wife could make it that long she sure is trying Congrats to you and Diane Lew.
  17. I wonder if he is going to be staying in the old army hospital? that places has some funny stuff going on in it.
  18. Welcome back Skeeter I mean Lew did you put her away for the winter or will she make a trip down this way this fall? after reading your report on the new ride I might have t olook that way if we ever buy another boat.
  19. Sorry John but this floater got away heck we were not brave enough to get that close to see I figure if the birds stay away that is a good sign for me
  20. Nice to see you guys out again Joey I hope ya dont bring that weather down here with ya I dont want to break out the floater suit yet
  21. we saw them in Windsor and they sure do put on a show very glad we went it was my wife's first concert and what a way to start off
  22. so yesterday I was fishing LSC with slowpoke on our way back to the dock I could see something floating in the distance as we headed up river as we got closer I pointed it out to Brian could it be, would we see, did we share the same water with him, was he here, I felt like Charlie Brown waiting for the great pumpkin as we got closer we knew that we had just missed him we missed Dave Mercer how could it be we were just to late I don't know by how long as we did not get close enough to check out the sighting first hand to look for steam we did how ever check out the hunters and others lurking around I know i could feel him watching I could here his laugh coming from the bushes it carried over my motor I could here him say come on man drive over drive over in a voice kinda like you would here a person use to put you under a spell. I resisted his trance and just took out my camera this is all we got we lived to tell the story and also kept our lunch down it would have been great to see Dave and Ryan I know he was also there but did not say a word he was running tape to capture the reaction of the unlucky boater that went and met Dave's work first hand. Next time you are down here fishing guys please call ahead that is all the warning we need. For the ones who know here is the sighting for you who don't go see Dave next time he is speaking. Cheers Mike Oh yeah that big guy flying away he made a dive to check things out and you can see what he thought of this and the white rabbit is also making tracks if ya can find him.
  23. nice to see ya getting out Buster you just visiting up there?
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