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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. the code was from a sensor that was tripped due to the cracked exchanger from what this guy sais he seemed good not like the other guy this guy knew his stuff. Yes I have to pay Labour the unit is all outside and only has one mod# and Ser#
  2. 10 year warranty was on the part not the whole thing there was different ones for each section from what I understand Heck I am happy they made good on it for that fact.
  3. Not yet but I did get some good news bad news and good news. First good news they found the problem broken heat exchanger Why the other guy did not see I dont know??? Bad news its going to be around $1000 for the part. Bad news there is only a 10 year warranty on the thing and it was made in 1999 Good news I did not buy it until Sept 2000 WOOHOO So they will have to order the new part and said it will be here during the week sometime Good news the temp are on the rise and it will not be very cold for the rest of the week. Thanks again for all the help from my OFC family
  4. Well I dont know what I did the other night but it works now maybe I had to many pics at once??
  5. Dang great report and nice to see some on the ice thanks for sharing
  6. Thanks for the Offer Cliff and thanks for the help wit hthe otehr things to look at most we covered earlier but i did not see any red buttons Dan. I hope a friend gets back to me as he might be able to help out if not I will have to wait for the repair guy tomorrow. This is just another reason that this place works so good with all the guys wanting to help out even if it did not help me this time, I bet that some where else it will and some one will be saying to there friend I remember reading this same problem on the OFC board (then have to explain what OFC is) so try this and WHAM there ya are fixed up. Thanks again guys for the PM's and help here
  7. not the sesor switch check it and it works. The unit does not even get that far. It has spark ignition The exaust fan or vent fan is not coming on the guy checked the pressure switch and said it was good he tested a couple more things and said all is fine so someone else will have to come out???? That is the part I am not happy with he did not even call another person who might have a clue what the problem is. He said he usually installs new units but they have him doing some weekend on call work which is not a good thing for a person who need some help on the weekend.
  8. Oh yeah the code from the flashing was 5 flashes of the red light. He could not tell me what that was from and made no attempt to call another tech to find out what it was.
  9. Hey all I have a little problem here my furnace did not want to work all night so early today I called the local guy to come otu and fix it sure enough not a clue sais a repair man will be out tomorow?????? WTH Here is what I got Rudd out side unit with A/C model# URKA AO24JK06E I have looked around the net and cant find the right answer yet. The problem When I turn the switch to call for heat the large fan come's on right away as if I had just switched it to (FAN ON) mode the Blower exaust fan does not cycle on the ignition spark does not happen and yes no heat. When the tec got here he pulled the breaker and put it back on sure enough it worked he was ready to call it a day when it turned off after just 10 min of me talking to him (good thing I can talk or he would have been on his way home) He check alot of things and said all is well???? He said he did not have a manual for this but someone at the shop might and they can come out tomorrow???? I have a couple heaters going to keep the house from hitting lower then the 55 it is right now. The filter was a little plugged but not completly I changed it in late Sept so I can not see that being the problem. Any help thanks alot.
  10. I just checked back to add tags to the pics I thought I had loaded but they were not there will try again later heck I should be up all night with nothing to do as I just woke up from a 4 hour nap I do feel refreshed.
  11. I have not bought one since they were less then $100 (I have also not owned a sled since then either )it seems that they have jacked the price way to high most people I know that have sleds just take a chance when they are on a trail as they will not pay almost $200 for a few days riding they figure the fine will be cheaper. I dont know what the fine is now but back when I was riding from the Garson chapter we could not give out fines just warnings for 1st and second time caught we could sell a permit for the trail. It would only make scents to have a cheaper rate and get more people buying them I am willing to bet that there are alot of people like the ones I know who dont buy them and take that chance.
  12. I dont think there will be any rooms left but there are some of hotels around Dundee MI that is where Cabalas is. The wife and I went a few years ago it was a blast we did the day trip from Chatham about 2 hours away were home by 11pm or so but we did not try and rush out of the place you can bring a BBQ and buy some hot dogs or what ever over there before you get to the track when the race is over let the others race out let them fight down the stairs then take your time getting to the car set up the BBQ eat supper enjoy the time people will be stopping by and dont for get to RAZZ the GORDON fans . We were in turn 1 and noticed that behind turn 1 and 2 was the chopper pad where alot of the drivers fly in and out of the race we did get over there but missed Rust and alot of other drivers so if you want to see some drivers head over there right after the race I guess some were signing autographs. We also missed out on the haulers as we had pit road passes and spent all our time there from 8am until noon when they closed pit road if we had known about the haulers around back of turn 4 we would have headed there to do some shopping I guess some drivers were out there to meet the fans. Also they rent seat backs they are great and worth the $7 or what ever it was back then. I love turn 1 for races we were right at pit road exit and had a great time Dale jarett won the race and we had a die hard fan next to us it was a great time for sure heck we were thinking of heading there again this year for the day not sure if it will happen or for what race but will have to wait and see. Have a blast and dont for get to share some pics when you get home.
  13. I love the heavy stuff and usually have some Bobnoxious playing they are a great Canadian rock band from London. Kinda hard to beat there Christmas toons also But this past year I found out that a friend in Muskies Canada was a member of TDC Top Dead Center another friend had posted there single on the MCI site after 1 time listening to the stuff I was hooked and it has been played alot these guys are 100% Canadian toons just have a listen to them and tell me that you can not picture your self sitting at camp having a beer on a cool fall night watching the sun set great summer and fall party toons for sure. I dont have a set toon for heading out but its usually heavy to get me pumped for the day out.
  14. Dang Ryan them are some great memory shots there we just picked up a new family member in November a male black lab he sure is great with the kids and smart as heck hope ya find a good home for the last one. BTW When we went to get out pup I found it funny that the parent dogs were both choclate labs kinda funny that they can have different color pups before getting our dog I would not have believed it but sure enough.
  15. It sure can mess our season here on LSC and the Thames river if London opens the dam and they start to run the pumps from the creeks that will mess things up here for a good long time if the river opens it maybe be over with just three trips in this year Oh well that is ice fishing in SW Ontario
  16. Dang thats awesome congrats to her for sure. That is one way for the Old man to relax just a little when she starts to date I can here ya right now giving the boy the speech if you dont have her home by 10pm she will kick your Arse then drive her self home
  17. mine will be fine and maybe Deg will join us and show me how to run that thing for kings. I do have the riggers that you picked up for me have yet to use them so what a better time to try them out
  18. Brian I might just have to get into it again this year so that we will have something to fight about on the boat like who gets first fish depending on how the reel sound when it starts to scream. And that goes for when we hit lake O this spring I think April sounds great.
  19. I was going past it again yesterday and saw the same hut set up and also had 3 or 4 others fishing the same area and yes they were fishing 100% sure of it.
  20. when I was up there the end of last week there was a green hut set up with a couple people around it this would be to the east of 124 that pond area that is loaded with trees.
  21. that was fricken funny great show again Dave.
  22. I was by there the other day and there was a hut out on the upper side of the lake and some people fishing in the open sorry wish I could be more help.
  23. They dont have any ice transducers SOLD out but new batch coming in I guess my phone call saved me alot of $$$ and the trip over to his place yesterday. I called before heading over there as last year when I bought my 522c he was sold out of the ice ducer and told me to use the one for the boat and then come back this winter or when ever I felt like it to trade it in on a new ice ducer that is service he will trade my old used one for a new one then sell the good used on a a lower cost to save some one else some $$$ the place is first class all the way.
  24. I use the Berkley Trilene Micro Ice in 4 and 6 lb, for ice fishing I will have a good spro swivel with a lead of 6lbs floro to help prevent line twists when using the rapala jigging minnows the reason I like the ice line is that its BLUE that is the only reason I use it a couple years ago I was using cajin red for the same reason I can see my line as I jig this way I can see the light bite before I feel it if my line slacks any bit at all I set the hook. For me its all about being able to see the line and for the panfish I will use the 1lbs line on a very lite rod.
  25. Getting her ready for another great day on the lake a shot from our first ride out on the water
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