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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. We went to Windsor to see them what a great show here are a couple pics we took we were front row for the show well after we walked up there. I must say it was alot better to see them in a small place then out at a big outdoor event
  2. I had the same questions this time last year and ended up with the Minkota auto pilot 24 volt 70 pound with transducer and I love it. I love the auto pilot as I do alot of open water trolling and it sure does make life alot easier you can land you fish or help a family member with there fish and not worry about the boat turning around on me that was a major part in my choice. This summer I was using it for trolling around a lake with alot of structure and it worked great for me there also if I have to replace this one some day I will have the same features I do like having the sonar up front for the casting days or jigging it works just like ice fishing what a great tool.
  3. Dang Brandon I also missed the post or I would have been all over it to help you out sorry man next time send me a PM and I will get to voting right away.
  4. thats just awesome BOSS congrats Jaden very nice bass
  5. Dang Joey sorry to here of your loss, the battle is now over and he can rest if you need something please send a message my way as said before you have many great people near you to help out starting with Paul. The Parkers
  6. I love the reel you have I bought one last summer used it once and headed back for another they are great for twitching LSC or jigging two rods I bought a buddy one for his wedding gift and he also loves it. I know Angling outfitters has them on sale for a good price right now both hands
  7. the one I have is the older model Magellan Sport Trak GPS it has been great for me and is still coming in handy I love the fish/hunt for cast on it and moon phase you can save many weigh points I dont know how many but I have used mine for 5-8 years now and its not full yet. The only reason it does not get used daily now is because I have the Lowrance unit but I still bring it out each trip just incase I hit some old spots or on bad days look for some old marks that I might not find with out it. I picked mine up a wally world for less then $200 back then.
  8. One thing I always do when out on my own is have your anchor ready and tied off so that when you get a big girl and have her in the net you can toss the anchor over and stay in place or if you are closer to shore it will keep you from running into the rocks. Have your release tools ready and camera set ready to go I know its a smaller boat but you can still get the stuff ready one other thing go to Dollar store and get some phone cord the coiled stuff and attach it to your cutters and long nose pliers so that when you drop them over you can pull them back in I also have clips on the other end that I attach to my Down easter.
  9. If you are heading from the Bay I would suggest you head to the XE2 marker area there have been alot of musky coming from the area we use alot of Woodies 61/4" size Bass Haven has them in stock my favorite to run would be Black Perch,Special perch, Fire bass, $9 bass, Walleye, and good Ol Perch white belly. You can also run super shad raps perch, orange tiger,gold. Dont be afraid to run bucktails also. I would start in 12 FOW and work your way out t o15 FOW the fish are there its just a matter of finding them look for the perch fishermen and work that area but be nice and give them alot of room to fish there bait fish the musky will be all over so if your in the area they will find you. Hope that gives you a bit of a starting point.
  10. I fail to understand the problem here you are saying to much ketchup I never heard of such a thing I thought that was just a dash of goodness whe nit went everywhere then again we buy the stuff by the cases yep two or more at a time that way I dont run out.
  11. I have not read all the replies but will suggest this take her out for some easy fishing pan fish would be best as they will hit anything or maybe perch if you have some good spots if she does not like it then dont force her into fishing as she will never like it. Now if she does not like it but lets you get away when you want that is a good thing if she gets mad and makes a fuss over it you will have to leave her and find a new one that is not a joke if you want to have a long relationship with her and maybe one day tie the knot if she puts up a fuss now then you dont want to be there when you have a house and kids. I am lucky my family loves to fish but my wife also does not mind when I go on trips like this weekend I am off again for a musky trip and the family will be here having there own weekend I love having them out with me but this time of year its hard with the cold nights and not knowing the daily weather
  12. Yes Dad had alot of fun out there he is still talking about it and sending the pics to his friends we get out as much as we can in my boat but I wanted him to have a nice night out where we can both just relax (well I could not site around and did help with the rods) but there was no driving or needing to make the plan on what we are going to try next that was what Rick was doing and our friend Cody was a great first mate. the 270' of line was from a board rod but it was only 100-120 total out for it that fish just did not want to see what was on the other end of the line he took. Brian this weekend we will try and have a reapete for three days.
  13. For a while now I have wanted t oget my father out with a good friend of mine Rick Verbeem who runs CanAm Charter here on LSC yesterday we had plans to hit the water in the Am but Rick had called me around 7am and we called it off as it was pounding more then I wanted to take Dad out in this was to be a fun quick trip not a all day thing around 9am they put out a small craft warning so we thought it was a bust for the day. so instead I went and watched my daughter bowling and had some family time well around 2:30 Rick calls and asked if we could head out as the lake had layed down I call dad and it was like in the cartoons he was at the house before I could put teh water in the cooler and heck I am not joking about that. Any way we get to the launch around 3:30 and are out fishing all lines set by 4:15 30 min into the afternoon the first rod goes off Dad yer up A quick pic and she is off again to fight another day low 40" class fish We had some time between fish it was about 5:45 when another rod goes dad yer up no thanks he was still pooped (as he would say) so I take the rod 47 3/4" she went into the live well bag that Rick has on his boat for bigger fish so they will get a good revival in there with fresh water and airrator's going I tell you these things work great and its nice t osee them in action she was a little tired when she went in but you could watch her regain her strength and it seems alot safer for both the fish and us then hanging over the side of a big boat. Here she is just out of the bag and ready to head back out We had two shakers at the boat side both in the mid 30" range here is Rickey going to pop out teh hooks in the one as it was just lightly hooked a quick pop out and it was gone. Well we were 4 for 5 at this time that was my fault as I had just lost one about 5 min to 8oclock so we are making out turn to the home front Rick sais he still feels that tehre is another waiting and sure enough at 8:00 the dinner bell rings Dad wants this one so here he is fighting it I then had to help out as this one did not want any thing to do with us and took him out to 270' after a 13min battle I won here she is in the bag she was tired and needed this again what a tool this bag system is and for anyone who wants this system call Jos at Angling Outfitters he will hook you up and he also knows how much 02 they need you know the tecky stuff he is into. after she was in the bag for a while she was more then ready to go we had the spot lights ready took two quick pics and she went home ready for another few pounds this one measured 48 1/8" but was a fat 22 /1/2" and solid all the way through. This was the perfict way to finish a 4 hour trip on the water 5 for 6 again my fault on the one fish I watched it pulling the release clip and took the rod before I should have LOL I sucked but it felt small and heck we might not have caught the last fish had I not screwed up We also had 4 other fish pulling line that could not pop the release two of the little biggers were at the same time we were watching the one release clip pull around and take a bit of line from a small fish when a down rod started the same they both let go Kids at play we figured. I have sent many people from OFC to Rick in the past and everyone has gone home with fish and good times give him a call if you want to hit LSC be sure to tell him I sent you and he will give you a great day on the water one other thing he works his ass off when he is out on his boat. Cheers
  14. WM has them depending on the store and some CTC have them also. I wish more people would not use them this way they will work great for years to come.
  15. Been using them for over a year now and love them for sure. They are my go to since last spring and will be for a long time to come
  16. Thank for sharing BOSS it sure is great to read these report I look forward to each one they are on my favorite list of all threads
  17. I'm glad to see you guys got out there Joey you dad sure does look happy there and the fish were just a bonus I hope you guys can get out for the salmon that would be a hoot for him.
  18. I here ya on the garbage we have the same thing here all times of the year this was one am and some wonder why we are loosing spots to fish. Yes they left there bag full of food on the side of the road I turned it over so that you did not see the place it was from Oh yeah there was not only fast food in there but this also
  19. nice skies guys great markings on them also
  20. I must say that I was SHOCKED by the selection of fishing stuff at CTC in Lindsey this place has just about everything you need and a very large Musky section if you are there check them out you will be saying to your self Holy Crap that EH guy from OFC was correct this place does have it all and more. They have at least 3 rows of just fishing tackle that is not to mention the ends and other stuff in the store I am not adding in any of the camping stuff this is 3 isles of selection if you want coffie tubes pick your color gulp they have just about anything in any color you name it its there WOW is all I can say for CTC this is the best one. If you want something they will get it for sure. Here in Belle River there is a new store that just opened up these guys have been around the fishing/hunting world for a long time but just opened a store and are going to be great for teh area with musky stuff and all the info you want from the local charters check them out if you are heading to LSC. Big Catch Outdoors is there name. http://www.bigcatchoutdoors.com/index.php
  21. some times its nice to have a huge one so that they can swim around and enjoy there last hours of life. One thing to remember with them if your fishing in a boat is to bring it in before getting up on plane you might get lucky and have it still there or have one with the plastic lid that helps it float. CTC has smaller one's and so should almost any fishing store.
  22. thanks again everyone I cant wait to give it to dad I know this will be a great thing for him to see.
  23. Brian I am with you on that one to bad there was people there to help her out that would have made some great lessons for these goofs that do that to them. Now the moose that was cool I guess you just need to get them drunk before they will say yes also.
  24. Congrats on yet another great trip to the Great White North Ron you guys sure do get some great trips in.
  25. Well once again it took me a month or more to remember about this section to be amazed by your pics brandon congrats on some more amazing shote
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