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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Well it has been a long time coming for the family trip but was well worth the wait. we headed to a lake in the Kawarthas and had a blast there I must say that this was the most fun and best weather we have had for a trip in many years my daughter brought a friend and that helped to keep them busy as well as my son as the girls would let him tag along.Any way we went there for fishing and a little relaxing and we did both well after we took care of my son as his luck would have it he found the wasp nest and got stung right on the lip he was not bugging them just playing with the tennis racket and swatted at one well that one won that battle but we sprayed the nest at night and took it down and burnt it in the fire. He was better then next day and was ready to go fishing and have the fun we went there for.The day started wit ha great sun rise and the wife with a monster pickerel have a look at the teeth on this thing Me with a monster bass well I think this is how I am supposed to take the picture The kids wanted to get a tube this year so I picked one up for the trip what a fun time they had on it Well there goes one day the next we got out for some pickerel fishing and pan fish but for some reason we never took any pics of them I dont know why maybe we were having to much fun to care about the pics but that night I headed out this was Monday before the full moon I was now able top chase musky and hoped to get a nice big girl from the lake I hooked into one that gave me a great battle it was staying at teh bottom and would not some up I could feel it thrashing the bottom and rocks then came off I know she was a big one but lucky she came off as the florocarbon leader was almost toast after the beating she did on them rocks down there I do know where she lives and will meet up with here again. about a hour later I did get a nice looking 40 1/5" in a different area that I had not fished before after a short scrap and pic off it went I found out later that the kids messed with the camera and this is what a landscape shot looks like from my camera on a timer. No more musky that night but I did get some nice sun set pics and moon rise pics as I was trolling around Well the next day there was a major storm that came through that morning I did manage a follow or two and some more pickerel and panfish but no musky I did however put teh wet day to use and painted a 10" jake with some spray bombs in a my version of Strawberry the cans had a touchy top button and it was hard to get a small spray but this is how it turned out it looked great in the water but no fish liked it. the same went for Wensday as the fishing was way off after the storm Thursday was better with some pickerel and others mixed in but the musky were still only following to the boat and that was it for the day but Friday would bring better things once again we got the pickerel and pan fish bass also but the musky would show as well I got one casting a sledge it was in the low 30" range I did not measure just a quick pic and off it went. I started to troll and found some big marks down low so I set up my rod to find out what was down there and sure enough I was lucky enough to have a very nice looking 48 1/4" come and take my bait 10" Jake A couple shots of her as she swam around the surface before going home That was it for the night but what a great way to end the day. The next day the girls wanted to get into some musky so off we went and found a 38" for my daughters friend it was her first musky and biggest fish ever later that night my daughter caught a 35" I am so proud of her as she needs no help to bring in the musky at 9 years old she has learned alot and suprised me with what she knows I guess she listens better then I do. about 30 min later another rod goes off the wife gets it out of the holder I was watching the rod double over and could here the reel screaming line off then nothing it was gone not 2 seconds after the down rod goes off but it was gone also I know both were fish as the lines were not out far and we were well off the bottom Oh well thats musky fishing that was it for the night but both girls were on the board with musky so they had fun back to camp we go for the last night of the holiday the girls want to stay up late but both want to fish in the am I let them know that I will be waking them at 6am it was all good for them until 6am came around only my daughter would get up she was very tired but like her old man wants to catch another musky so off we go in search of it we started by casting she has a top raider on but nothing going it has now started to rain so I set up the canopy and we troll 30 min in a line goes off I had the rod to her and she takes over from there counting down how close the fish is so I can get ready Oh yeah it started off wit hover 100' of line out as it was running good she boated this 37 1/4" that was alot of fun I had to cut a couple hooks so she was driving when I was setting lines again 50 min later the other rod goes off and its a nice 38" again its all her we boat it take the pics and call it a trip nothing better then ending the trip with my little girl and best fishing partner.
  2. I dont wear one when in the boat but do have a floater suit for the colder days on the water. I hope that the rest of us dont have to suffer because of some who dont know what they are doing. My kids always have there's on I guess if I get one of the self inflating ones I would use it when at high speeds
  3. congrats on the great Weekend Mark you guys are having a awesome year so far sorry ot here of the lost monster you will have another shot at her I am sure were you down my way or the other end?
  4. thank you very much Terry I think we will find it and take advantage of it.
  5. thanks for the info guys I will put it to use for sure and post pics if we get luck over there I did just find out that there are two locks between Cameron and Balsam is there a boat launch that is open to the public? I will be coming from Fenolen falls over to there I am sure I can find one some where that will be cheaper then the $80 for teh two locks both ways.
  6. no I did not see them I will try and find them thanks
  7. Thanks Tom I have been trying to get in touch with him but you know he is always working or working on the next bite.
  8. Hey all I was wondering if anyone out there might be able to shed a little light on Balsam lake for me I might get to fish it next week for musky and bass I dont need your hot spots just general ideas would be great if you are afraid to share with everyone a PM would also be great. Cheers Mike
  9. Yesterday I was out with dad and we got two small skies they both came off the boards we were out for a few hours this was dads Bday present as he is 75 years young tomorrow.
  10. My daughter was 3 months when she first went into the boat and my son was 6 months they both love getting out fishing and spending time on the water or camping I would say that they were both two when they got there true first fish that they reeled in on there own. I know it means alot to them when we get out fishing and I try to get them out as much as possible my daughter is now 9 and spends alot of time on the water with me even in the fall when its cold she bucks up and heads out with the old man.
  11. I wish I was a master maybe in another 25 years or so I will be a mid master but master level would take about 50 years of hunting these fish. Heck every time I go out I dont know what it will bring a master should be getting the big girls every trip. The boards are easy to make and I know your Gramps will do a fine job on them.
  12. Tyler the musky here on LSC love boards they can be great as we dont have alot of tight turns to make like lakes with alot of good rocks and weeds to troll around this way you can get a good spread on your lures.You don't have to have a mast either as I just ran for the first two season of musky fishing with one board off my bow and it would only run good for about 50-75' away from the boat but that did the trick alot It depends on the day for musky some days the boards are on fire and others they are not most of the musky we had on or got to the boat were on boards this year as in years past I will swear by boards for this time of year on LSC if you are out by your self you can still run the boards just put one board off the same side as you other line I usually like the back left corner that way I can watch both rods as I am driving the boat. I also made one of my own I found the instruction on the net here is the link these run nice also. http://www.quintefishing.com/make_your_own...aner_boards.htm Ask anyone who fishes LSC regularly they will tell you the same thing as I have not found people who dont like boards down here. I am not saying you can not run boat rods I will go out and do that also if its to choppy I will just run two rods from the boat or 4 rods from the boat if I have more people but to get started you should look at the rods and reels you are using then got and get some Down Easter S-10 salty rod holders these things are great for musky fishing. Tyler we will get you out there some time
  13. Ok mental note dont hide behind trees and watch out for rod taunting fisherman I think I got it. Cheers and Welcome aboard
  14. I second or third or what ever its at for powder paint they are great and you can do many jigs with a bottle the smell from baking them in the oven does not last so your wife will not kill you when she cooks a roast the next week it will be fine.Just heat and dip but remember t obreak the eyes open after baking if you have paint on them if not its a beach to do. I will also mix my powder paint together to get different colors or shades of colors you dont have to air brush them on but it can be done Roy won a air brush kit here a couple years ago and could let you know how it works. Good luck its fun to do.
  15. Jamie (crazyhook) always has great pics I wonder if he fishes them from the Yak?
  16. I was going to suggest stop going pee in the sink out there you never know where it may drain a friends basement stunk to high heck we messed around to find the problem some one finally found out that the sink drains into the floor for the sump pump after a few weeks and how ever many bottles of bleach it was good as new but the joke still goes on.
  17. Dang Wayne with them yellow beavers getting around so much I am glad I never fell into one of them or don't remember it anyway
  18. I would love to take credit for this event but it has been going on longer then I have been a member of the Belle River Chapter I must say that this group we have is great with every member doing there part if its getting things ready for the event day or helping out measuring fish (that is the best job as you get to see the smiles first hand) all our members have done a great job thanks to them all.
  19. Well yet another great event went down in the books and this years had the most kids yet 240 kids came out and had fun it sure was a great event. I must say that mother nature was on our side this year unlike years past she gave us a great morning with a cool breeze from the lake that made it every enjoyable for everyone. Thank you to all our sponsors that always help out for these events. Here are some pics from the day The line up was very long heading right out of the park first thing 7:30 we got the registration started Our friends from the MNR came out to help us and talk with everyone also hand out fishing licences to the kids Mo Musky as always was the big hit for the kids Fishing went until 10am then we had to tally all the fish that were entered that took some time as there was alot of fish caught by the kids this year but we did get the Door prizes going shortly after 10:30 as planned but alot of people were done and ready shortly after 10. and around 10:45 we got to the winners here are a couple of them Thank you to all our members for supporting this event and helping out with out our members we would not be able to do these events and Cody for being Mo Musky.
  20. Dang it seems that there are alot of July people out here enjoy the day Clive and share the fishing pics with us.
  21. You are correct and I dont remember talking about Monique at all I wish I could find the bit that would help the joke along it sure is a great way to remember the difference
  22. QUOTE (Roy @ Jul 17 2009, 02:24 PM) * You're so right there Rich. I know a guy (who shall remain nameless) who is 3 times that age and if he wants to feed his family any fish at all he has to bring his wife Monique, his son Avery and his daughter Jaden out in the boat with him to catch the fish. Quote (Tj) That's just plain ole slander.... Sorry Tj but that is lible (if I spelled it correctly if not you can correct me) For Bob and Tom fans they will know how i know this and the bit is funny as hell I tried to find it but can not its the difference between slander and liable sorry the otehr thread was locked before I read it and could correct you
  23. congatz on the new rig I hope you have many great days on it any pics? it sure is a great feeling to get a new to you boat I know that feeling waiting for the right one to pass by. As for the 10lbs depending on what kinda weather you will be fishing in it should be fine
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