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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. If your family will let ya maybe we can get out for a am trip and see if we can get some fish to move. around the XE2 area is good for perch bass and everything else great for family fishing with minnows its weedy but there are always fish in the area that is N42 25.600 W82 27.059 in that area to find the marker then follow the boats or break lines
  2. Darrell By August the eyes will have moved deeper down on this end of the lake if they are still around in numbers you will be heading NNE from the large red/white marker for deeper water 17-19' and as bob said drifting slow worm harnesses I can give you some gps points for the area when you are coming down (they are on my gps and its not hooked up right now) I am heading out for work now but will try and give you some good pointers later as for now check out this site it has a great map for you to have a close look at LSC when you place your mouse on the map it will give you GPS points so you may see spots that look great and be able to mark them down or print off a map of LSC and mark the areas you like. http://www.marinecruiser.com/chart.html Like I said I gotta run for work but will give you pointers later and please remind me about the GPS points later and drop a line closer to the time you are coming down it will be easier to give up to date pointers. Cheers Mike
  3. Happy B-Day Wayne hope you have a great B-Day party this summer to make up for the long hours today
  4. Dang ice ours has been gone for two or three weeks now heck the boats have been fishing the Detroit river for all of two weeks if not longer
  5. Sorry to here of your loss Flex as others have said you have alot of great memories from days gone by that is the good thing you will always be able to remember him by. Our thoughts are going out to him and your family.
  6. Last year I tried it once it was fun even thought the weather was getting rough and we headed off early (gotta give respect to the big lakes) I was just talking to Slow Poke about hitting it in April i can not wait to get out there again. Hey Dax i might just have to tag along behind you this year
  7. so far so good hope to have some time to get used to the new stuff
  8. cool thanks for all the info I let him know who makes them and what ya thought and let him go from there. Cheers
  9. I guess one of the main things I wanted to know does anyone know much about these boats? What should he look for as signs to stay away from getting the boat As Randy is smart enough to not put his family in danger he had asked me what I knew of them I had never heard of them so came here to ask for the help on buying the boat. Thanks for the other advice as it may help some who never been to Gbay (me included) make the right choice for heading out there. Cheers Mike
  10. From what he was saying they just want to go from Island to island it sounds like they have a camp they go to up there and want to do as the others do and maybe put a line in with the boys on off days.
  11. Dang I am sad to see that no one knows about these boats I thought that if any place would know about them OFC family would well this is a long bump to see if anyone has some help for me today
  12. This is not for me but a friend who is looking for a boat for his family to get out on Gbay he has never had a boat before and just wants something to do a little fishing with and take the wife and 3 kids from island to island on the weekends. He asked me what I thought about this boat I dont know much about the Cheetah boats but told he I should be able to find out more then he would ever need about these boats. Would this be a good deal for him? Thanks Mike $3500 firm I guess 1985 cheetah Bow rider. has a 1990 90HP yamaha outboard comes with a newer trailor bildge pump storage cover(canadiantire) NOT a BIMI top. has some safety equipment . just had the steering cables starter throttle cables etc replaced. newer floor put in. has a stereo. also comes with a fishfinder. great boat for fishing tubing just relaxing in the sun.. the seats fold down flat to lay down on. email for more info.. the boat is a 16.5' approx the prop has some dings in it but still runs perfect. thats why never bothered to replace. great deal motor and trailor alone is worth close to asking price
  13. Dang maybe there is Global Warming in Da North yer water temps are just a bit higher then our heck we still have some ice down here.
  14. Dang glad to here that she is doing Ok and it sure is nice to read post like this it kinda makes ya feel warm inside knowing that another great life long brotherhood was made on OFC. Hope she recovers fast.
  15. I pass by BPS when in Ohio and love stopping there the guys and girls are great and some prices are crazy cheap I also really like the store in Rossford Ohio but I do also shop at the local guys here in Chatham. Bass Haven is the best bet Dennis has the right stuff not just alot of extra crap you would never use There is a NEW store in Belle River I think it's called big catch outdoors I have not made it in yet but here they are very good I have met the guys before and they are very nice guys they hand make knives that will last forever as well as a fish gripper thing for cleaning fish its cool and the wife loves hers. In Windsor Wallys is hard to beat he has alot of stuff that is used at his door step on the DR river,Erie and LSC. I really enjoy trip when I can to a small store in Lambeth just west of London on HWY 2 Steve is a great guy to chat with and has a very nice small store not alot of stuff but again he has what people want and ask for. Then the big small guy Angling Outfitters its hard to believe that he might have as much or more then BPS in his small store I have bought alot here and even bought my GPS/Sonar there for more then I would pay in the USA at the time just because his customer service is #1. I guess what I am trying to say is along the lines of LEW if you keep up with the times the small stores will be around for a long time. Yes we have alot of competition for the store in my neck of the woods with in 30 min of these Chatha/Windsor stores you can be a many different Gander mountain stores and als oBPS not to mention Dicks Sporting goods. With in a 1 1/2 hours you can be in Ohio at BPS then Gander then Janns net craft then up to MI for Caballas we have a lot of choice here in the SW and the good shops are still around. Many thanks to the guys who help us on the local front.
  16. Welcome home Brandon I hope you are not myself and stuck here it was hard not heading back west. But on the other hand maybe we can get out for some musky this summer if you are still in the area maybe you can make them 30"ers look more like 50 with your lenses
  17. Glad that he got the transplant and I hope all is well.
  18. And Just think most who retire want to head south for the Texas and Florida snow you guys have a great place Lew very glad you can enjoy it for sure.
  19. Dang that sucks for sure I have had mine since last winter I used it all winter and alot in the summer with out a problem (knock on wood) that sure does seem odd that all 18 are having trouble try calling Josolyn at Angling Outfitter in woodstock he will be able to let you know for sure what is going on he is the BEST for these things in my opinion. If there is nothing he can do he will treat you right for getting into new units if he can not help I would think you are outta luck. Just me thinking out loud again.
  20. It sure does look good there Lew even though I had not met Ed I still think of him and your self on May 24 weekend I would think he has shared your new ride with you many times last summer.
  21. for some odd reason when I saw this pic I thought of turk and a good party at Jeffy's house years ago Great report Brad if i had know that there was a bunch of people heading up I would have been on the road at 2am with Brian.
  22. great report for sure and Wayne you are right this place sure has made me some life long friends even if we dont get together all the time we can keep in close touch here. I guess I missed out today as Slowpoke left a message last night when we were out asking me to join him out there today Oh well I guess instead of fishing I will unpack the van and give it a break from fishing gear until June.
  23. All I can say is NEVER have a item shipped by UPS they will charge you out the butt. Always as for USPS that way they dont rip you off for there broker fees. Yes Broker fees are just that you get Broker and broker and they make a killing no joke there.
  24. Awesome place Lew you guys deserve a place like that after a life of dedication to Canada and the Big city Congratz I also look forward to more am reports and the live cam sounds great
  25. He's from Alberta we gotta cut this guy some slack they are starving out there and all is fair game.
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