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Everything posted by Handlebarz

  1. Holy crap he is older again soon we will have to have a ramp installed to get him in the boat. Have a great B-Day Paul I know your with Joey so its gonna be great.
  2. Dang Tony that is dang awesome congrats on the haul and to think just for doin what ya like to do.
  3. That is great Gerritt and for sure the look on her face sais it all I bet the barn board will set the picture off very nice.
  4. I too love the skin mount we have two of them and both are memories that dad and I shared if we had caught a 30" walleye there would have been a skin mount of it for sure but there was no way we were keeping a 27" for the wall if you were to see the fish up close I know you would be in awe as it is amazing also. Thanks everyone and Joey yes I remember talking that weekend sorry to here of the spread this cancer crap really sucks for sure. here is a pic of the back of my daughters shirt at the relay for life here in our town she made the news and was asked about the shirt. this is the back of the wife's shirt she did a memory for which people could donate $2 per name on her shirt that money went to the other money they raised for the fight against cancer.
  5. I love watching these projects come together nice find Bernie I cant wait to see her finished
  6. great report Joey its amazing what mother nature can do with the water levels we get that every year here its very cool to see
  7. As some here may know my father has been fighting cancer on and off since 2005 the last round has been hard on him as it is in his lungs and liver.He decided that our may 24 trip of 2007 would be our last as he does not want to leave my mother at home (as I tell the wife she just has to wait 34 more years and i will do the same I think her response was I hope not LOL) Anyway we have always had goals for getting fish mounted Pike 40+" musky 45" that was broken with my first ever and still no mount even with a few 50+ under the belt one day I will have one with the best memory to go with the mount( actually think I do its a 49X24 that I caught when fishing with my daughter). What I am getting at is during our last trip dad boated a fat 27 1/2" walleye it was not his biggest that was just over 28" but this one has alot of meaning to us both as it was our last may 24 trip and yet another big one that we let go. So This year when I was at the Muskies Canada Odyssey I was talking to James from Advance and I told him I was sending a picture that week to have this fish done at the time dad was not given alot of time and we were waiting for his last cat scan it was not great so Advance got this beauty done for me and I just had to share it with everyone here sorry the pictures dont do the work justice as always but it sure does look amazing even when it was on there wall beside a mount of a 18lbs one. I must add that since April dad has had another cat scan and they found that three of the toomers shrunk 30% that was the first time he had this news last week he had another one done and he finds out how it went on the 9th of Sept. This post is not to drag anyone down but to show off dads trophy that he does not know was even done for him Oh yeah he still has that picture in his van and shows it off to his friends dad has alot of pictures all of me and my family but that is the only one of him self that he shows to all that want to see. http://www.advancedtaxidermy.com/ Here are a few pics from today thanks again to the fine staff over there.
  8. Dang and to think back when I did Co-op I waitsed it at a Ford dealership fixing cars and never went into that job market wish I had been smart enough to do the same as you congrats on such a sweet summer job. And for all you other your gunns on the OFC site take a lesson from Pikeie and Brandon (he spent a couple summers up north also) dont worry about making all the biggest parties for every summer there is alot of time to party after school is out. WOW I sound like a old man now that suck's but is true.
  9. Great looking boat Ryan I just bought one about the same last year it has been a amazing boat to me and the family what year is yours? With that 115 how fast do you get out of it?
  10. dang that sure does suck where was it taken from Rick?
  11. that sounds like one hell of a great time wish we were working full time and had some extra cash have fun and take alot of pics I cant wait for the Non Bunk Bunk report.
  12. So I guess the PM I just sent to Chris was a waste of time and you all had her first well next time I wont send this to Chris. My message title to him I LOVE THE NEW OFC Hey Chris I did not even know about the new feature on OFC it sure is amazing that I have found new true love LOL. I had to laugh just now as I got this PM from "maceylove" Hello My name is Mercy i saw your profile today at ofncommunity and becameintrested in you,i will also like to know you the more, and i want you to send anemail to my email address so i can give you my picture for you to know whom i am.Here is my email address ([email protected]) I believe we can move from here! I am waiting for your mail to my email address above.Mercy (Remeber the distance or colour does not matter but love matters alotin life.([email protected]). I thought I would just give ya a heads up about her or him or who ever they are sending there spam I wish I had the balls to send a email and see what I get back but I dont know how to get rid of computer crabs LOL. Thanks alot Mike
  13. that is fun not knowing what is gonna happen as kids we fished LSC in the shallows from shore after dark and all you would here is the jitter bug or hulla popper heading your way then the explosion what a rush.
  14. Congratz Dad welcome to the club I know you will here this 1,000,000 times over but it is true they grow up fast and enjoy every minute of these days. I hope mom is also doing well that sure sucks putting in all that time them have to get the knife out I cant wait for the fishing reports with the new family.
  15. I have ti agree with both of these Angling Outfitters Lambeth Rod & Tackle
  16. Very nice Joey congrats to you guys looks like a great day to be out there
  17. thats what its all about congratz papa she will remember that for sure
  18. I would go with contrasting colors like bright blades and dark body or white,gold or silver body with a dark blade maybe two different blade colors. I have the silver/nickle one my daughter picked it out and we have boated a couple musky on it last year.
  19. That to has been suggested here but I dont think it will go anywhere I would think that if the big salmon tourneys can do it then why cant these ones also do this.
  20. Alot of the big boats here on LSC have big live wells to help revive big girls when they are out fishing that is cool in my books if they are tired they get to relax on the boat until they are ready to go off to home again. But I think it has to be hard on the fish to take the ride into shore from where ever they were fishing and yes some would be fishing 11 miles away or farther from a weigh spot on the lake then have to ride into the shore and get the fish measured and then take the ride back out if it is released to me that is just to much extra stress on a big fish like this one. I fish the MCI musky outing on LSC as it is measure at boat side take a scale sample for the MNR and release the fish back on the spot it takes no longer then if you were out fishing with your buddies for the day. But I can not support a tourney that mandates you must run a fish into shore to have it measured I dont know if there is a rule that you must have a large live well on board or not.
  21. what a great report and long read but worth every min of it thanks alot
  22. congratz to her I mean you guys the wife and I just made 10 this year and for the friends we have it is a long time also I think I realized I have a great wife when I was asked where she was last week when we were camping I said fishing they asked with who? I said her self they wanted to know where on shoe I pointed to the lake and said in my boat they could not believe that she would take the boat out on her own and even know how to run it I guess I am really lucky. Cheers and here to another 20 for ya
  23. Thanks everyone and yes my daughter and I get out alot and have a great time we would be out today but she had a friend sleep over last night then I got called off for work Oh well there is always the weekend.
  24. Dang now them are some great looking fish congrats guys
  25. First off its not the size of the fish its the memory of it so I suggest that you get it done (I dont know what you are getting done for that part of it) all that matters is that it means enough for you to ask where to go so there must be something there for it to be done. I would suggest Advance they are very nice people and do amazing work I just got a call last week for a pickerel that is now done for my father. He has cancer and was not supposed to be around for a long time they did a rush on the mount and it is ready very fast but I dont have to pick it up until December if I want to leave it there until then they just made sure that if some thing happens it is done and ready for that and the way they talk to you when you call them it shows how much they care about the customer give them a call. on a side note dad did get good news and will be off kehmo for a couple months sorry I did not want to hijack the thread about him just point out that they are great people to work with
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