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Everything posted by Jer

  1. The faces I can almost understand...but wehat the heck is on the one guy's shirt that needs obscuring?
  2. Wish I could help...I fish Chemong all the time, haven't caught a musky nor a 23" walleye there this year.
  3. Scuro, I hope I'm not one of the "cons" you speak of that threw "civility out the window" during our discussion of the issue at hand. That certainly wasn't my intent and I honesty believe that I only argued the points as they were presented with no personal atacks involved. I really wish I could reread te thread to see if my argument didn't come across as intended. I'm sure if we could all look back, there was certainly more than one "reasonable conservative" that offered a valid point or two.
  4. Well you know how it is...a heated discussion, guns are involved, it could have ended in tragedy...
  5. Obvious waste of taxpayer money.
  6. California has a tendency to put that warning on about every product known to man. If Chronzy's batter was sold in California, it would probably have the same warning.
  7. It's certainly referred to as the "pee bucket" more often than the bailing bucket on my boat.
  8. You have to release any OOS, slot-size, or otherwise illegal fish no matter if you think it will survive or not. It may sound silly, but otherwise too many will take advantage and keep illegal fish claiming it was dead or dying.
  9. My favourite has aleays been topwater plugs, especially the Pop'R. It might not be the best technique for numbers at this time of the year, but occasionally you can get a pig in the right conditions in September and October.
  10. We fished Kawarthas last year with nothing but a hand auger, which was fine until the ice kept getting thicker and thicker and thicker. We even adapted a power drill to the auger with limited success. A gas auger is on the Christmas list for this year.
  11. Nicely done, it's a beauty.
  12. I feel for you... We had to put our 13 year-old Beardog down a few months ago...it really sucks. At the time, I didn't see a new dog in the near future...but then a few weeks later and we once again had the pitter patter of little paws in the house. You'll know when and if it's time for another. In the meantime, hold the memories close.
  13. I don't drive my truck for sometimes weeks at a time. Never had a problem starting until just this spring when it needed a new battery. Considering it's a 2001 and it was still the original battery, I can't complain. If your battery is more than 5 or 6 years old, it's probably due.
  14. Several years ago, we stayed a week at Tremblant at my brother's condo. Looking at a map, there were lots of lakes in the area so we dragged the boat with us. We never did find anywhere to launch and fish for a day. Hopefully you'll have more luck getting your kayak wet somewhere.
  15. It's great they're promoting the event and I hope it's a great success. However, I fail to see how this festival implies a "change of heart" regarding year round fishing. The festival runs during traditional open seasons for all species mentioned. Now if this was a "winter" festival with the full support of the RLTA, I would be more impressed.
  16. I've fished Limerick Lake a couple times, caught some real nice smallies out of there. Have always heard that Mephisto Lake (accessed from the north end of Limerick) has some exceptional bass fishing, but never had the time to make it in there, so much water to fish on Limerick itself.
  17. Too bad (or thankfully) he was born in Austria, can't run for President.
  18. I heard it on the radio about an hour ago. Apparently several years worth of Matrix & Corolla are being recalled due to stalling issues. This was a voluntary recall by Toyota, they obviously learned their lesson last time.
  19. Less poverty? You would have to ask the people in food lines for hours to get a loaf of bread. I remember the USSR falling due to massive public revolt. Thank goodness they kept the tanks in check for once. Funny how Western Europe was able to thrive after the war, while Eastern Europe, under the yoke of your mighty USSR, wallowed in poverty and under dictatorship for decades. With all due respect Johnny, it seems you need to study your history. Socialism spawned the Berlin Wall, not so much to keep others out, but to keep their own people from fleeing to the west for freedom and the chance for a better life. Maybe they just wanted to buy their liquor from a non-government store, perish the thought.
  20. Most toilet bowl cleaners will do the job, especially if they say 'Swish' on the label. Make sure you rinse well.
  21. OK comrade, how did that all work out in the former Soviet Union?
  22. It's not what I consider the role of government, to make money on a retail enterprise. The Beer Store was originally opened as Brewers Retail and was a joint venture between Molson, Labatt's and Carling-Okeefe, albeit under strict government regulation. With all the recent buy-outs and merging of our brewing industry, I coudn't say who has ownership anymore, but I'm positive it isn't the provincial government. The 407 I agree was a farce. Public infrastructure should never be in the hands of private corporations. Public control of these types of things is what I do consider the role of government.
  23. Definitely to the vehicle manufacturer recommendation...and yes, tire size has everything to do about it. The larger the footprint of the tire, the less pressure is required to support the vehicle. I've had this argument at various lube shops with my Dakota. Even the door sticker can be wrong if it refers to a different tire size than what is actually on the vehicle. My door sticker recommends 40 psi, but for the standard P245 tire. My truck came with a p265 tire with the package I ordered. This tire size is only referred to in the manual with a recommended pressure of only 30 psi.
  24. The Beer Store has always been privately owned and the LCBO probably should be.
  25. I usually use them nose-hooked on a drop-shot rig.
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