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Everything posted by Jer

  1. That may be a bit rich. I have the 2000 model year of the same motor, bought brand new for less than $5000. I would be surprised if I could sell it right now for more than $2000 or $2500.
  2. The place is looking nice, Lew. It seems "Lew o'clock" comes a lot later these days, must be the fresh air.
  3. The hot water tank can be run at a higher temp and the domestic hot water supply can then be sourced through a tempering valve combining hot and cold water to reach the desired temp at your tap.
  4. The Tri-lakes are very high right now as well. I believe they are still doing some work on some locks downstream and are holding the water back in the larger lakes. Last time I looked, Lower Buckhorn was very low. The level on Scugog will give you a good idea of the flow in Lindsay. If the water is rising, the dam is closed, there will be little flow. If the level is dropping, the dam is open and the water will be flowing.
  5. It's great of you to help out, Cliff, but I'm just curious: Are you allowed to advertise a job (let alone hire) on the basis of gender?
  6. First time I heard "Rage Against the Machine" musta been almost 20 years ago. I thought "Wow, what a bunch of angry, young men!". Then I went and bought the CD. Flashback to the good old head-banging days.
  7. My boat has been at the dock since Good Friday.
  8. Ernie put a set of the Silent Armour on my truck a couple years ago and I'm very happy with the tires. I was driving all over the lake all winter and never had a problem with traction on the ice or in the snow (not that we had much). Nice and quiet on the road as well. I haven't put a lot of miles on them yet, probably less than 10k so far, but they show no signs of wear.
  9. Hats off to you for braving the weather... I only managed about 10 casts off the dock all weekend, with nothing but an OOS bass to show for it.
  10. I would hazard a guess that they are paying much more than only $110 a month. My Bell bundle costs just over $200 a month. That includes hi-speed internet, phone service including unlimited long-distance within Ontario, and Expressvu including the HD package. Just the satellite service alone is darn near $110 a month.
  11. I did a search on both sites regarding Crestliner. Came back with zero results on both... ...I'm just sayin'
  12. Bear was adopted from the Peterborough Humane Society as a pup. They had his mother and her whole litter. That was almost 13 years ago, he's been a great dog. There's something to be said for mixed breeds. He's a shepherd mixed with "something big": My next dog will probably be a humane society adoption as well.
  13. I'm liking the oil-filled bearings on my trailer more & more.
  14. You'll be happy with that unit for sure. It's the same as mine (P450) but with the rear rotisserie burner. I haven't tried the charcoal tray (did you get the tray with it?), but as a propane grill, it's been awesome. This is mine new last year:
  15. I believe it'a a myth. It's more of an issue that if the battery leaks in any way, it will eat the concrete.
  16. You gotta take a look at Napoleon. I bought a Prestige II last year around this time. This is about the best built BBQ I've ever come across. 10 year replacement warranty on the burners, lifetime on most everything else. I got a simple 3 burner unit (no side burner or rear rotisserie) for $800. The thing is a breeze to take apart and clean, gives good even heat and best of all, it's built in Ontario (though some models are now built in China). I couldn't be happier, and believe me, I had no plans of spending $800 on a BBQ at the time. I'm hoping it's the last one I ever have to buy.
  17. One thing to remember...it's still only April...the marinas (especially at trailer parks) are for the most part, totally empty. There are no boats to damage right now.
  18. You should really check the location and the regs before making such accusations. Bass is open year round in most of northern Ontario.
  19. The derby (Greenwing Festival) is located at the Trent canal below the liftlocks. Last week they dumped hundreds (probably thousands) of rainbows into the canal, including 10lb "Walter". I hope you don't mind crowds, with the nice weather forecasted for tomorrow, it will be a zoo. Apparently, it's one of the largest such festivals in the world.
  20. ...maybe he rinsed them off in the toilet bowl?
  21. Double baked potatoes: Take a few large russet potatoes, poke them a few times and cook them in the microwave until more or less done. Cut them in half lengthwise and scoop out the insides into a mixing bowl, leaving the shell intact. Mash the scooped potato and mix whatever you like in to the bowl. Our favourites include sour cream, onion, chopped peppers, chopped bacon, ham, porkchop, sausage, whatever leftover meat we might have in the fridge, shredded cheese of course. Mix it all up and stuff the potato shells (just like devilled eggs) and sprinkle with paprika, parsley, parmesan if you like. Lay them on a shallow pan and bake them on the upper rack while you cook your steaks. Instead of marinading (unless it's a tough cut), try more with some different rubs on your meat. What I find myself using alot is a mixture of mostly brown sugar, a generous portion of paprika, some steak spice, onion salt, etc. Whisk it all together and rub into your steaks at least an hour before cooking. If you're using a BBQ sauce, wait until the meat is almost done before basting.
  22. I really wish it was as simple as that...you're right about the second part though. You nailed it Spiel, I would've just let him off on shore to take care of business, but he has a heck of a time getting on and off the boat these days, near impossible without a level dock...poor old bugger.
  23. I got my first computer in 2001, so it must have been shortly after that. Right off the bat there was something different about this site. I've never been a huge post contributor, but I bet there haven't been many days in those 9 years that I haven't checked the board at least once.
  24. With this cold front coming today, I thought I better get out last night for a bit...it looks like the weekend is a write-off. I know it's been said before...but they were on fire! I was only out for about an hour and it was non-stop action, I never had to move, I must have caught a hundred fish, mostly crappie, but also some monster bluegill. I filled the livewell with my take for the evening: After an hour or so, my partner for the evening gave me the look that it was time to go in: He can only handle so long in the boat these days. After a bit of culling at the dock, I kept the best ten. Ready for the knife: Previous years, we'd still be waiting more than a week to get out. Gotta love the new regs.
  25. Great news, Ron. Good to hear that the township council is willing to hear from both sides. Kudos to the MNR for representing as well.
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