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Everything posted by Jer

  1. I hope not, but she did drink out of a lot of puddles on the rocks. I read more puppy food labels at Petsmart today than I care to admit and I still came out with a bag of the damn Puppy Chow, just to see if it will settle her stomach. I did some on-line research, and again, the Kirkland brand seems to be very highly regarded. Usually 4 out of 5 stars, compared with Eukanuba (which I used to swear by) which averaged only 2 out of 5 stars. We also had a big party of about 35 people here on Saturday and although I asked everybody not to feed the dog, I'm sure she got her share of droppings.
  2. I just used my last few while at Crotch Lake last week. Today, I found myself at Brock Rd & the 401, looked up and saw the Tightlines store. I now have three more packages of SLAMMERS. They really are a nice bait. Nice store as well.
  3. It'd been about a week now on predominantly Kirkland, there's a few bits of Purina still mixed in. The runny poop has been for the last 4 or 5 days. We were camping for a few days last week as well, I hope she didn't pick up some sort of parasite. She's all up-to-date with her shots and hasn't shown any change in her behaviour. She's been an awesome puppy except for her bowels lately. For the first three weeks, she only messed in her cage once or twice, now it's pretty much every day. Besides the camping trip, the only real change has been the food.
  4. A couple years ago, somebody posted a web-site with dog food comparisons/reviews. I remember that the Kirkland Adult Formula food from Costco was very highly rated and priced significantly less than other high end brands like Eukanuba, Science Diet, etc. I switched my dog to it at that time and it seemed fine. When we got the new puppy a month ago, she had been eating Purina Puppy Chow so we bought a bag (even though I've never been a fan of the brand) and she was good with good firm stool. Since then, we have switched slowly to the Kirkland Puppy Formula (based on my experience previously) and now the poor puppy is poopy as all heck, runny stool, messing in her crate at times and has a totally messed up pooping schedule. On the Puppy Chow, she was gauranteed a good bowel movement within 15-20 minutes of eating. Now it's anybody's guess when she might need a poop. I'm picking up another bag of Puppy Chow today to tide us over and hopefully firm up her stool but I'm open to other long-term options. Also, if anyone remembers the link to the previously mentioned web-site, that would be great.
  5. ...no such luck, it has to be ordered...it will be next week. Bummer.
  6. It's been raining here most of the morning...no thunder though.
  7. I've replaced rods with them in the past, just not for several years, and not since Bud moved from his own store on the Queensway. He carried lots of stock back then, would even upgrade a warrantied rod if he didn't have the same one. The new location seems to carry more bicycle stuff than fishing gear. Either way I have no worries about them replacing the rod, would just like to have it for our trip. Roy, I was pulling a snag free and rapped the tip against the boat. My next cast, the tip snapped.
  8. Tomorrow we make our annual trek to Crotch Lake for a few days of camping and fishing. Yesterday I managed to snap the tip off of my new Compre spinning rod. What are the chances that Shimano would have a 7' one piece, medium power, extra fast action spinning rod (CPS-X70MB)at their Peterborough repair depot? We can stop by tomorrow on our way out with only a minor detour. This has become my favourite rig for drop-shotting, tubing and worming. I guess it's worth a phone call before we leave to see if they have one in stock.
  9. I have a Clarus spinning rod I use for top-water and small cranks. Never had an issue with it, works great for what I want it for. I actually chose it over the similiar Compre model, I liked the feel of the Clarus better, it has a softer tip which I like for giving my Pop-R some extra pop. That it was cheaper than the Compre was just a bonus. If there ever is a problem, another advantage of living in the Kawarthas, no shipping charges for Shimano warranty work.
  10. ...so in other words, you're a taxpayer.
  11. I sell cleaning supplies for Swish Maintenance. My focus is the foodservice, healthcare and hospitality industries. I cover a good area in my travels, including: Kawartha Lakes, Haliburton, Peterborough and Northumberland counties and most of Durham Region. Tomorrow will be a pretty busy day with my first call in Buckhorn, then Lakefield, Peterborough, Ajax and Pickering. Hopefully I can get home before the long weekend traffic.
  12. My math tells me that if 6V lantern battery was that complicated, it would cost alot more than $5.
  13. Once when I opened the table umbrella on the deck, I had a bat fly out and around my head. Freaked me right out, I musta screamed like a little girl. Ever since I've gotten in the habit of opening the umbrella very slowly and getting a good look up inside before cranking it right up. Sucks to have them in the house, I bet. Good luck.
  14. C'mon Lew, they paid you to say that...
  15. I fish a popper pretty well every evening when the conditions allow. In 14 years since I moved here, I've caught two walleye doing this. One was just this year.
  16. I'd love to get a Newfoundland dog. She's beautiful. How's the slobber factor?
  17. Jer

    Mornin boyz

    Just heading out shortly for the first day back after a week off...it's gonna be a long day.
  18. Well first there was Bear, who we lost last month just shy of his 13th birthday: Paco was with us just for a short time a few years ago. Here he is with Bear one Christmas morning: And now the newest member of the family, little Miss Moosy:
  19. Caught and released a seagull once. A couple years ago I had an osprey take a large topwater plug. I tried to get the bird close enough to untangle its feet, but it would have nothing to do with that. Ended up having to cut the line as close as I dared. I really hope he was able to untangle that big Bagley bait eventually.
  20. She's just too darn cute...it should be illegal. Teasing our two cats has become great fun: A relaxing kayak ride: Swimming has been coming along: "OK, I'm done, let me out": She came out fishing with me last night for a bit as well. Perfectly happy to just curl up and got to sleep.
  21. Check to make sure that the 2 amp setting is automatic, on some chargers only the 10 amp setting is automatic.
  22. Sorry Gerritt, so far Moosy only chews her toys, has already learned that pooping and peeing is an outside activity (with only a couple "accidents"), is fairly mellow in the house and is an all round great pup. She's laying at my feet chewing her monkey as I type. She even sleeps happily in her crate until at least 7 or 8 am. We've both been off work this week so that has helped. We'll see when we go back to work and she has to spend more time alone in the crate. The cats are a little put out, but they'll get over it. I'm loving having the pup. Our last dog, Bear, came to us at 9 months of age, well beyond his "cute puppy" phase, so this is all new to us.
  23. After less than a month of being dogless, Sandra and I made the plunge on Saturday and picked up our new pup. Mom was a Golden Retriever, Dad was a Chocolate Labrador. She's 10 weeks old and just the sweetest puppy I've ever seen. Training has been going well, she's more than eager to please. It won't be long til she's a faithful fishing partner. Here are a few pics: ...here we go again...
  24. If you use Randy's formula...it's about 5.4 lbs...still a very nice fish.
  25. I've got next week off for vacation and my fishing partner and I are trying to plan a few daytrips to get away from the hustle & bustle of the Tri-Lakes. Eel's Lake (between Apsley & Bancroft) has always interested me and I think we may give it a go one day next week. Of course, I'm not looking for anybody's "hot-spots", just a general idea of what to expect. Also, if anyone knows where to get a decent map of the lake, that would be great. I've got the "Backroad Mapbooks" version, but it isn't very detailed. Thanks for any help.
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