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Everything posted by Jer

  1. My Windows also has an update ready to install...maybe this will fix the problem.
  2. I'm all of a sudden having the same issue, triple clicking the back button to return to the general discussion board after reading a thread. This just started this morning, I also use IE-8. The address it keeps wanting to go to on the first two clicks is "www.ontariofishing.ca/banners/240x70-1.html". The smaller advertising banner at the top of the page when viewing a thread is also blank. Could this be related?
  3. I was referring to the "island people" in particular. Heck, I was born and raised in Mississauga. As far as the original post, I moved to the Kawarthas 14 years ago for the fishing, I stayed for the lifestyle, I can't imagine living anywhere else anymore.
  4. Actually, now that I look again, it was only $130. I don't know why most of the other Compres were $110. There was a similiar Clarus for $105, but the Compre felt much better in my hand. The Crucial they had in the same size felt really nice as well, but at $160, it was too rich for my blood. I already own an older Compre baitcaster and a newer Clarus spinning rod and have no issues with either. I guess I can try out the new rod in a few weeks for the walleye opener, should do well for some medium sized cranks and jerkbaits. Drop-shotting for pics is an option as well.
  5. You don't wanna be one of "those" people... Nice place to visit...wouldn't wanna live there.
  6. The 35 is good, but the 60 is even better. Thank you for shopping Swish, all of our products are always 100% gauranteed. What store were you at?
  7. JP, I took your advice and picked through the Compre rods at CTC in Lindsay and found just the rod you mentioned, CPS-X70MB. It was a little pricy at $140 compared to most of their Compre spinning rods at $110, but i think it's just what I need.
  8. I'm in the market for a new spinning rod to pair up with my 2500 Stradic, mostly for drop-shotting, dragging a tube, worming, etc. I have a lighter spinning rod I mostly use for walleye jigging, small topwater, small crankbaits, etc. I'm leaning towards a 7' medium weight Compre but it's hard to find any with a slower action than fast. Any other suggestions in the $100 range?
  9. I thought I was wrong once...but I was mistaken.
  10. When I was shopping for a new motor ten years ago, Boatland Canada in Orono had the best price by far on the 70hp Johnson I was looking for. It was at least $1800 cheaper than any of the other local OMC dealers at the time.
  11. Stopping your vehicle is highly over-rated anyways...
  12. You might save a few bucks by waiting...but how much is being on the water this year worth to you?
  13. The last can of SeaFoam that I had, said it was 100% petroleum. I strictly run Shell high test in all my small engines, boat included. It's the only gas I know that's 100% ethanol free. My lawnmower, weedeater, etc. have never run better.
  14. If you have a Swish Clean-It store nearby...get a small bottle of Aromx 60, it will eliminate almost any foul odour.
  15. Way to go. We had trouble finding crappie this weekend, a few on Saturday and none yesterday. Were you fishing deeper with the colder temps? Enjoy your crappie feast!
  16. What is the limit for panfish in the rest of Ontario? Why? Because the rest of Ontario has a 50 sunfish limit. The Kawarthas are already getting the benefit of the doubt at 300. Why is this not enough? What is the difference between a Bluegill, Pumkinseed and a Sunfish? http://www.ibnature.com/Redear,Bluegill%20Sunfish.pdf Pumpkinseed and sunfish are the same fish. Bluegill (Lepomis macrochirus) Redear Sunfish (Lepomis microlophus) What you seem to be missing , Jodi, is that they are all sunfish. A bluegill has more meat and is less bony. If you hold a bluegill and sunfish of the same size you can feel the extra meat along the back bone of the bluegill. I'll agree that a bluegill tends to be meatier than a pumkinseed, but what's your point? Why is Rice Lake not as safe as other lakes? Does the Trent Severn Waterway only travel through Rice Lake, bypassing all the other lakes between Lake Simcoe and Lake Ontario? Are you serious? Is Rice Lake the only lake that is shallow on the TSW? I don't know. I'm sure you do. My concern is Rice Lake. Others can worry about lakes they understand much better than I. Could you point out where all these springs are? I know of two right in the bay in front of our resort. We mark them on the rare times we can skate on the lake. There is also a huge pressure crack that comes up without warning. I know of one truck that got stuck on it this winter. He called 911. I would hazard a guess that Upper Buckhorn is much more dangerous in most areas than Rice. I haven't heard any outcry from our local emergency services. Ice fishing can be inherently dangerous at times. It's no different on Rice than anywhere else in Ontario.
  17. We found it slow yesterday as well, never did find that "magic temperature" but we did get a few later in the day. Hopefully today will be better with warmer weather.
  18. I thought no one was coming this year... But if they do, I'm glad that they clean fish so efficiently, at least they will get the most out of their 300 limit.
  19. I think Ron was making the point that bluegill are sunfish, just like pumpkinseed and redear. The regs don't differentiate, the 300 limit is for all sunfish combined.
  20. Stu must be frantically researching moose hunting regulations...wondering why he drew such an "asinine" comparison. Imagine if a group of fishermen arrive at his resort and find out only one of them is actually allowed to harvest any and all fish for the trip.
  21. How you can even compare the two, I have no idea. Moose hunting is one of the most regulated and controlled forms of outdoor activity we have in this province. There are only so many tags available for each designated area. What you are proposing is a continued free-for-all on Kawartha panfish. If you would truely prefer the moose tag scenario for panfish, perhaps your resort, and all others, including the casual fisherman, should be allotted a quota of panfish for the year. If your guests catch there 2000 fish by July 15, make sure they tag each and every one of them, close up and go to Florida early.
  22. My bad...I guess Lake O is closed right now.
  23. Considering the original accuser hails from both Pickering and Cameron Lake, both places that pike are open year round these days (Lake Ontario and zone 17), you would think he would know better.
  24. This is what I would be concerned about. Generally, a bank won't offer a 5% down mortgage on what they might consider a "recreational property".
  25. Since a whole group of hunters would probably only have 1 or 2 tags, I'm sure they would share it among themselves.
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