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Everything posted by Jer

  1. Almost a panfish grandslam: We caught a ton of fish tonight, only these three were of any size though. Good enough for a snack.
  2. Sorry, wasn't me or Moosy in Port Perry, though that dog is a dead-ringer for Moosy a few months ago (she's 10 months now). She used to nip a little as well but seems to have outgrown it. Travel conditions on the ice are the best they have been all winter.
  3. Scary smart is right. Moosy has a coat only slightly longer than a lab but not as long as a Golden. She is jet-black, which is interesting since her mother was the golden and her dad was a chocolate lab.
  4. I didn't know Ford made spark plugs.
  5. I guess she get's the retrieving instinct from both sides...Golden & Labrador. My last dog, Bear, would do well to bring a ball back twice before finding something better to do. This one never stops.
  6. Got out on Buckhorn for a couple hours after work yesterday... The sunset was impressive... The truck makes a fine rod holder, tailgate fishing anyone... The fishing was slow to say the least, I didn't even get a bite. At least Moosy enjoyed a never ending game of fetch, here she is on the fly... So far this winter, Buckhorn has been a bust. Chemong has been by far the more productive lake.
  7. We've had a membership for a couple years now (since the Peterborough store opened) and we've bought lotsa stuff (ice-hut, gas auger, computer, lotsa propane... come to mind). Like someone mentioned, you gotta know your prices, but overall, most things are a good deal. I find many times they have "quality" items at very reasonable prices, but sometimes not for long (like the ice huts & augers). Very rarely do you see any "cheap crap" in the aisles. Basic groceries are reasonable (milk, pop, meat, etc.) but many times grocery store specials are better.
  8. Is that really what you want? Hardly a comparison between what those people have lived through for years and our prices going up a bit.
  9. A friend of mine bought a bag of chinese "cod" fillets a little while back. He said they tried them prepared in every way possible and still chucked the remainder in the trash, it was that bad. They're a British couple so they know their cod.
  10. I've got a seagull, a beaver & an osprey... -seagull was landed and released -beaver came loose on its own (thank god) -had to cut the line with the osprey
  11. Do you even watch the games?
  12. It certainly does become habit, sometimes I find myself signalling sharp turns in the road.
  13. Last weekend we got stuck a couple times in my truck on Chemong, nothing a shovel and push couldn't get us out of. I wouldn't go out on my own. Yesterday we managed to get set up with the portable in a reasonably sheltered spot and had no problems, the wind wasn't as bad as you might have thought, fishing was poor at best. You gotta stick with the beaten path, fortunately we get enough traffic on Chemong to keep most spots accessible. Despite the wind forecast, so far we have nothing more than a breeze, we'll be heading out at about 1 pm and try to stay past dark for a change. Most times we have been heading in while most people are just getting set-up for the evening bite because we've been out since 8 am, caught almost nothing and have had enough. We were spoiled last year with travelling conditions, it's surprising how what really doesn't amount to heck of a lot of snow this year, has made a mess of the ice.
  14. The "tear-down" cottage next to us on Upper Buckhorn sold five years ago for $200,000. These aren't big lots, about 75'-80' of frontage, 1/4 acre in total. The cottage is long gone now, replaced by a $500,000 house.
  15. I'm sure it's ok on the ice.
  16. What used be a blurb in the local paper and a mention on the local news now gets spread by the net on forums just like this. Twenty years ago, it would have got very much the same coverage here in Peterborough, it's still very much a small town, many news days are slow, but that would have been the extent of it.
  17. That's sad, isn't it? Maybe it's time to move to Minnesota...
  18. Nice video...I enjoyed it. Maybe the hut would be easier to haul if your buddy wasn't catching a ride on the back...
  19. Well they never fixed the rail, so at the very least, he didn't pay for it. To this day, there's a burnt and bent patch about 3 poles long.
  20. Several years ago, in very much the same area, a sledder ran right into the causeway (pretty sure it wasn't moving either). He became airborne and landed the sled right into the guardrail on the far side of the road (a few more feet and he might have cleared the whole thing). Apparently he had gotten turned around and thought he was headed away from the causeway, he was driving too fast at night, overdrove the headlight and couldn't react in time. He survived more or less OK, the snowmobile not so much. Believe it or not...this happened years before they allowed ice-fishing on Chemong. Go figure...
  21. I thought this was interesting. This accident occured very close to the location of the polar plunge last weekend. There were almost 2000 people on the ice watching the plunge...and the paramedics won't venture on the ice when it's almost 20" thick?
  22. Just by location, I'd hafta say it's a brookie. I can't imagine anywhere near Rice that would be stocked with splake.
  23. Maybe because it's still new to us all, but ice-fishing Chemong & Buckhorn so far has been nothing but a pleasure. We've commented several times on how nice & friendly everybody we've met on the ice has been. Far cry from what you run into in the summer sometimes. Only in our second year, maybe things will change, but I certainly hope not.
  24. I run "ethanol-free" premium gas from either Shell or Ultra-mar in all my small engines, 2-stroke & 4-stroke alike. My equipment has never run better. I empty all my fuel for storage on smaller items, but my boat, being a larger tank, I store full of stabilized premium for the winter.
  25. Not even close. My buddy had a 2005 from new, recently traded it in for a 2010. He couldn't be happier. Real nice vehicle, no comparison to Jeep or Dodge. My girlfriend drives a 2004 Mitsubishi Lancer. It's nothing fancy, but reliable as hell. Again, no comparison to a Neon. I wouldn't be brand shy. My buddy hasn't towed with either of his Outlanders, so I don't know how they rate in that regard, but certainly a quality vehicle.
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