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Everything posted by Jer

  1. That really depends on where he was, doesn't it?
  2. We should take up a collection...his wife really does deserve a pair of winter boots.
  3. Do ya mean right in Snug Harbour, Cliff? There is one in Peterborough ya know...
  4. We've camped at Crotch Lake for a few days each of the last two summers, and will be again in August this year. All I can say is it's a tough lake to fish, beautiful and scenic, but tough. My best luck was for smallies around the rocky reefs and points. The rare weedbed will hold some largemouth. Enjoy your stay, it's a fun lake to fish, tons of promising looking structure. I just fond the bites are hard to come by, but still, we'll be back in August.
  5. It's really quite simple, roll up your panfish fillets (or you can cut up walleye fillets into smaller strips), wrap them in a 1/2 a slice of bacon, pin with a toothpick, and spritz them with some Italian dressing. Bake them at 350 to 400 on the BBQ for about 15 to 20 minutes or until the bacon is cooked to your liking. Enjoy.
  6. I was just looking through the EZ Loader catalogue from a couple of years ago when I bought a new trailer for my 16' Crestliner. They don't seem to offer a drop axle model until you get into the 2100 lb class (EZL 90, that's what I got). I had much the same problem as you, my boat sat way too high on my old trailer making it a pain to load at some ramps. I don't know what money you're willing to spend, but I paid $1599 for the new trailer. My dealer gave me a $400 trade-in for my old one (it was in much worse condition than yours appears), so for $1199 plus tax I was very happy. Launching and loading is now a breeze, I'm never the one looking the fool at the ramp anymore. 1200 lbs for your boat may be a bit light anyways. I was surprised when we did the math and my boat could be as much as 1800-1900 lbs when fully fueled and loaded, especially if you take the boat on any extended camping trips, it's surprising what you might end up loading her up with.
  7. How is he giving up his location? Seems to me all he mentioned was the lake, it's a pretty darn big lake. So far at our best spot on Buckhorn, we haven't seen another boat.
  8. We've been having a blast with the early season crappie as well. I always knew we were missing the best bite having to wait for the end of April.
  9. Another beautiful day on the lake yesterday, though not quite as warm as Friday. With the slightly cooler water temps, the crappie were a bit more hesitant to bite, but persistance finally paid off: Unfortunately, these went home with my buddy...
  10. It's really nice to see an early crappie bite. We were on Buckhorn yesterday and did fairly well once we found the right spot. The fruits of our labours: Yummy...
  11. What a lovely day on Buckhorn today. It took a little bit of work, but once we found the crappie, the bite was on. I have some pics, but the camera is being as fussy right now and doesn't want to download. Nevertheless, suffice it to say, if you get a chance to get out on this wonderful weekend, go for it! The bite is on. Why were we denied this opportunity for ice-out crappie for so long? I figgered out the camera: ...on the BBQ: ...mmm...bacon wrapped crappie delights:
  12. Looks and works pretty good on my blackberry. First post ever from my phone.
  13. He mentioned in another thread that he couldn't find a "stirring the pot" emoticon...
  14. I think if your not gonna use it...you should just sell it to me, really, really cheap. I'll even trade you my 6" hand auger, then you'll have two.
  15. Most of the lake has been wide open for at least a week now. The ice you see in my pic is just more of a slushy mess and is blowing out of my bay into the lake as we speak. There aren't many public launches on the lake and I'm not sure if any of the marinas will have their ramps open yet. You can always launch in Chemong at the causeway and boat around. The ice there is also pretty well gone when I drove across this afternoon. A little bit of wind is all it will take.
  16. The boat was already running on the driveway a week and a half ago. Last night the winter cover came off and the trolling motor and battery went on, new batteries in the flashlight, all my safety gear onboard. The last of this should be gone tonight or tomorrow: Will definitely be out Friday on Chemong or Buckhorn, or both.
  17. The gun license program is a national thing. Hand guns are a different animal altogether, near impossible to obtain legally.
  18. You should add that first pic to your signature. Awesome fish for the little guy.
  19. After drinking the beer I could make a decent contribution...
  20. I know of at least one RLTA member that actually catered to a group of American ice-fishermen this winter...can you imagine? I wonder if they told Susan? The point being, I don't really think we should paint the whole association with the same brush. Unfortunately, the squeaky wheel gets the grease...
  21. Just curious... Does Honda have a similiar rule as GM in Oshawa (and I assume Chrysler & Ford do the same at their plants) where non-GM vehicles are basically not allowed on the premises, even employees with other cars have to park farther away as far as I know. Years ago, we had to do some work at GM, all of our guys were driving Dodge Caravans at the time, we had to rent a couple of Chevy vans for the day to get our stuff and our guys where we needed to be.
  22. I was watching closely and saw me and my buddy wandering around in our blue suits. Great to see CHEX following up with the other side of the coin...
  23. You sure you don't have the wrong lake? The only Bridgenorth I know of is on Chemong.
  24. The whole lake in front of me is open...except of course for my bay which is locked in pretty solid right now. I walked over to the point today and fished the open water there a bit...no bites though. The warm temps this week should do it.
  25. My guess is that each bank would read the higher voltage of the other bank rather than of the discharged battery and would assume that the battery is fully charged when in fact it hasn't charged at all. If you only want to charge one battery? Why not just get a single bank charger?
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