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Everything posted by Jer

  1. ...it's called "slacktivism" and it's the latest rage.
  2. It's my favourite of the three, more structure and variety.
  3. Fishing spots I can't help you with... The two best restaurants in the area are Jesse's Tap & Grill in Ennismore for a bar & grill experience and Chemong Lodge for a more refined atmosphere. Enjoy your time in the area and good luck with the fishing.
  4. Glad to hear the surgery went well.
  5. Excellent report, Drew. We could have used your surgical skills at Lakair, would've saved Joey a trip to the hospital.
  6. -flares and lights are not necessary on smaller vessels (unless you are out after dusk, then proper navigation lights are required) -whistle or air-horn -floating, waterproof flashlight (with working batteries) -a paddle or an anchor with at least 50 feet of rope -a floating, heaving line (I believe at least 50') -fire extinguisher if boat has a built-in fuel tank ...see, you woulda been missing all kinds of things, as much as a $240 fine for each missing item. Oh ya, proof of ownership, cause it's assumed you must have stolen the boat otherwise...
  7. And what that does that have to do with having "bill of sale" on board. The assumption of guilt is troubling, you don't have a "bill of sale", so you must have stolen the boat.
  8. You must have been real upset when the float-plane was invented...
  9. It was a tough day on the water today. We were out on Buckhorn for about 7 hours, can't say we caught any that were 13".
  10. I've got a cradle and it works great, but it's almost impossible to handle if you're on your own.
  11. If you don't mind the Kawarthas, Beachwood Resort is nice on Lower Buckhorn, should have everything you need.
  12. Find yourself a good "bio-enzymatic" odour digester. Most effective against organic odours. Simply spray the surface down and leave it wet. The next day wash with soap and water. We have lots of different versions at Swish, but I don't know where you could get any in Sudbury.
  13. Last week I had a self-inflicted issue with my two-year-old Napoleon Grill. I guess I let too much grease build up in the lower tray and last week on a particularly windy day, all that grease decided to ignite just minutes after starting the grill to pre-heat. By the time I got the tank shut off and the fire out, all three of my control knobs had melted in the centre and wouldn't turn the valves anymore. I took a close look and couldn't find any other visible damage. The next day I went to the local dealer where I purchased the unit and they directed me to the Napoleon Customer Care phone number as they had no parts on hand. Although officially, such incidents (grease fires) are not covered under warranty, they were quick to offer all the parts (three knobs and springs) at no charge for the sake of "customer relations". All it cost me was less than $16 for shipping. Two days later there was a package at my door, I snapped the new springs and knobs into place and the grill works as good as new (although a little discoloured on the front panel). Thanks to Napoleon for standing behind their product, I knew it would be worth buying Canadian made. Also a reminder to myself to clean the damn BBQ more often...
  14. What's the matter? You don't trust him with yours. ...on second thought, I don't blame you.
  15. The thought did occur to us, but I don't even know where the tourney was based from, and we didn't get his info. Next time I'll have a camera ready. I understand that stuff happens, a simple "sorry guys, didn't see you there" would have sufficed. It was the attitude that pissed me off, like we were at fault.
  16. You shouldn't make assumptions...they make an out of you and me. I don't really care where the pros fish, I can find my own spots. I live on the lake, fish it almost everyday, and know it better than most of the pros. If you read more carefully, you'll see we were fishing the spot long before this dimwad came through at full speed. He wasn't upset we were fishing "his" spot, apparently we were just in his way on his own private water speedway. It would have been no different if we were broken down there and adrift. He just wasn't looking where he was going at 60 mph.
  17. We were at least a mile from the nearest channel marker and if the guy hadn't stopped, he would have T-boned us. I don't think he saw us at all until the last second...
  18. Jer


    Now that you're a member...next year you can leave Brian at home.
  19. Are you talking about Google Earth? My Google Earth application totally disappeared from my system a few weeks ago, desktop icon and all. I tried reloading a few times and it would go through the whole download and install procedure but still would not show up anywhere. Finally I "un-installed" the program (it was still listed), downloaded it again and it's been working fine. I'm not sure, but this may been about the same time I upgraded IE to version 9.
  20. Obviously, you would rather have it that nobody owns any guns at all, as they are all equally dangerous.
  21. We had an experience yesterday with an ignorant tourney pro on Buckhorn. We were drifting between two islands when one boat was coming up behind us, as they slowed to pass, another bass boat came flying around the point of the island at full speed headed right for us. I was seconds from jumping from my boat. He came off plane no more than 10 yards off my bow and then had the balls to give us crap for fishing in that spot, don't really know what that was all about. We told him to slow down and watch where he was going and he took again in a huff.
  22. It just bugs me is all...and I don't even own a gun. Just tryin to kill some time waitin for my buddy to show up to go fishin...If he doesn't show up soon, I may have to go find one of them "assault" candlesticks.
  23. What is it, in your mind, that makes an AK-47 more dangerous than most other hunting rifles out there. You do realize we're not talking "fully automatic machine guns" here, right? Is it just the name? Watching too many Hollywood movies? Any gun is just as dangerous as any other if handled improperly. So you're OK with your neighbour owning all sorts of other "legal" guns, but you hear "AK-47" and you run for the hills?
  24. Well done! She's a beauty.
  25. Our previous dog, Bear, got skunked a couple times over the years. I can guarantee that throwing him in the lake for a rinse does absolutely nothing but spread it around on the coat. I found the peroxide, baking soda, dishsoap combination worked best. It left a hint of skunk, but bearable. For the next few weeks you'll find that everytime they get wet, the smell will come back to some extent.
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