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Everything posted by Jer

  1. We had quite the storm thru Ennismore as well...lotsa lightning, wind & rain. The only damage seems to be to my phone line. Somehow we still have intenet (Bell Sympatico), but no dial tone on any phone in the house. Doesn't make any sense to me. The Bell techy is supposed to be here anytime.
  2. Sorry to hear...it's always a tough day.
  3. My buddy and I both picked up the blue Ice Armour suits a couple years ago at Gagnons. They by far had the best selection and price of the blue and the black (extreme) at the time. I love the suit, have yet to be cold or wet at any time while wearing it, although you do need some additional layers underneath when it's really cold. I looked at the extreme version as well but the blue has faired better than I ever expected and was $100 less.
  4. Owen Sound is on Georgian Bay, Lake Huron.
  5. Reminds me of a time when my buddy and I were out on Buckhorn and came across a guy in a little tinny fighting an obviously big fish. He waved us over and asked if we could land the fish for him, he wanted nothing to do with it but didn't want to cut the line. He passed the rod to me (just a little spinning outfit) and we got the fish landed and released, a nice 40" or so musky. The guy was just happy to get his lure back and not have to get close to the beast.
  6. I read the link. Seems to have to do with commercial overfishing in the Mediterranean by France, Libya (probably not so much right now) and Turkey. Didn't see any reference to scarcity off the coast of Nantucket due to excessive "sport-fishing".
  7. It's the same here in the Kawarthas. Seems to be a cyclical thing, when I first moved here 15 years ago, there were thick beds of pads everywhere. A few years later, they started to die off, you could see floating roots all over the place. After that the pads had a comeback, but short lived. Last year we saw lots of floating roots once again and the pads are far and few between. I imagine in a few years they'll be back.
  8. ...but where am I supposed to get my sales leads from? All kidding aside, congrats Cliff. I'm sure you'll find something to occupy your time. I'm a bit jealous, probably another 20 years before I can do the same.
  9. Well, anywhere would be better for decent (or any) pike. Neither lake suggested has a pike population (except for the odd stray). Of course, musky is certainly an option...
  10. Do we get to pick our own laws? If so, I'm in...
  11. I've got almost the same set-up, except a one piece with an extra fast tip and I think my Stradic is the FH model (baby blue). It's been a great combo for just what you mentioned, primarily worming, drop-shotting, tube-dragging, medium weight jigging...
  12. Tent trailers are great. As kids, we camped all over Ontario with my parents in a 1978 Bonair tent trailer. I still have the trailer, though far from road worthy these days, we still set it up at the house every summer for extra sleeping room.
  13. You buy alot of those, Roy?
  14. If you can find a Dutch store, check the Indonesian food section. They should have peanut sauce for the satay.
  15. Worst thing I've had was an Osprey divebomb a topwater bait a few years ago. Sorry Brian, but there was no warning, it just dropped from the sky as they do. I ended up having to cut the line and hope the bird eventually got free of the lure tangled in its feet. My buddy and I once successfully released a hooked seagull, it was amazing how the bird calmed down once tucked under my arm...
  16. Too busy fishing?
  17. Thanks everybody. I managed to get a copy at the tourism office in Peterborough. Time to load up and hit the road... Next stop...
  18. The marine formula is specific to ethanol/moisture control.
  19. Thanks Dan, I found one at the Kawartha tourism office in Peterborough (or so they tell me on the phone anyways).
  20. Does anyone know who carries the "Backroad Mapbook" publications? We're off to Crotch Lake tomorrow for a few days and the only decent map I had of the lake was in my Backroad Mapbook for Eastern Ontario. I can't find the book and wanna grab another copy. For the life of me, I can't remember where I bought them previously. I still have the Kawartha and Haliburton books, just need the eastern Ontario version. Thanks.
  21. Not too worried about the paint job on that Mazda, I guess. Beauty spot you found there.
  22. ...increases even more in a boat. I always said, more beer gets spilled than drank on the water.
  23. You should have let him call the cops...
  24. The guy who bought the property from Gary & Judy was originally gonna subdivide the property and build houses. He ran the resort into the ground for a couple of seasons and is now leasing it out to the teen leadership people. How much it gets used I don't know, I usually only pass by at the end of the road, there is a nice new shiny sign. It's a shame really, as Jimmer said, the place used to be hopping, full of fishermen from as far as Colorado.
  25. Ennismore Inn & Resort closed and was sold a few (or more) years ago. It is now a some of kind teen leadership training centre.
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