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Everything posted by Jer

  1. I thought he guided strippers...
  2. Well it did when it was illegal...
  3. Glad to hear Marvin is back up to snuff, he a pretty amazing little guy for 15. Moosy really just had an upset tummy Saturday night and a bad case of the runs on Sunday. My guess is she got a few too many droppings during the pot-luck and I did catch her licking some paper plates clean in the firepit afterwards. I don't blame anyone but myself for not keeping a closer eye on her when the food was around. I was watching during dinner and certainly didn't see her begging or anyone feeding her from their plates. She's all good now except for the hot spots on her head and even they are starting to heal nicely.
  4. Looks like Bill Gates strikes again...
  5. Upgraded to IE 9 recently, maybe that's the issue? It hasn't seemed to affect anything else on any other sites. I know I can still send messages, but how do I access any previous messages in my folder?
  6. Nice pics, Wayne. You certainly got into a few more fish than me. We only realized on the way home that we hadn't taken any pictures at all. ...and it was Sandra, by the way...and don't be marrying us off so soon, nuptuals are planned for late summer/early fall 2012.
  7. I'm having an issue with the messenger on the board. Whenever I click my profile tab in the top-right corner of the page, the drop-down menu appears only for second and then disappears and I end up on my profile page. It doesn't give me the opportunity to choose any of the other options: ie. messenger, manage friends, etc. Anybody else having this problem or know a way around it?
  8. Jer


    She get's that alot.
  9. Jer


    Maybe your dog is a lesbian
  10. Jer


    Problem was, she was smiling from both ends...
  11. Jer


    I wouldn't let it keep your dog away, Geoff. Moosy had the time of her life, she really did. Next time we'll just be keeping a closer eye on her and denying any requests for giving her any "treats".
  12. Jer


    I sincerely hope this wasn't the case, Wayne, but rather a case of mis-guided affection. Besides, I did catch Moosy gnoshing away in TJ's firepit after the fish fry, probably got a helping of Art's red beans & rice...
  13. I think these blooms are generally quite localized, I haven't seen any sign of it on Buckhorn as of yet. There's a lot of water between the "back channel" and Buckhorn.
  14. Jer


    No worries, Art, I know you wouldn't have fed her anything. Funny that you mention bald spots though, Moosy just came home from the vet with the top of her head shaved, she developed some serious "hot spots" on her scalp the last couple of days. You gotta wash off the Cajun spices from your fingers before mauling the dogs, lol. Actually, the vet figgers excessive wet head syndrome (imagine that), the heat and possibly some nasty deer fly bites.
  15. I just checked the Le Baron web-site (someone please recommend a new webmaster to them, please) and you're right. They used to make a 1500 series. The 1000 series might be just right as well.
  16. I may have to settle for a Symmetre, I priced out a new Stradic 1500 at $185, the Symmetre is only $115. $70 buys a lot of baits. I have both in the 2500 series now (albeit older models) and actually prefer the Symmetre.
  17. Jer


    Well Moosy is feeling better today Wayne, back to her old self. It was a multi-stopped ride home though, with one accident in the back of the truck. We'll certainly be keeping a closer eye on what she might eat when there's so many people and food around. I hope the other pooches are feeling better as well.
  18. I'm hoping to get out tonight to give it a try, though eventually I may need a nice shiny new reel to go with it... Looks like a mighty fine rod, it was the highlight of my weekend...
  19. You shoulda gone to Lakair. I scored a Spiel custom light action spinning rod, all for $20 worth of raffle tickets...
  20. Jer


    Sandra, Moosy & I had a blast as well, the only downer was the Friday evening downpour...that and our lack of a decent air matress. It was great to meet everybody, I think we'll be back next year for sure. Doug, I hope you're feeling better soon, glad you made it home OK.
  21. I think you may have to shift the engine into gear (either forward or reverse) to disconnect the linkage.
  22. We don't tend to get much of a crappie bite at that time of year, more incidental catches while fishing walleye or bass. One place to concentrate on near your cottage, would be in the channel out front of the bay in front of Emerald Isle Marina. There is some deepish water (15' or so) with some big humped weed beds to the south of the channel. Jig the edge of the humps and you might find a walleye or two. Good luck and enjoy your stay.
  23. My buddy and I just beat the storm to the dock as well, by the time we made it up to the house, a blast of wind almost blew us off the deck. We'd only been out for about 20 minutes, it was absolutely beautiful after the earlier front, the radar showed a second front out on Georgian Bay, I figgered we had a couple hours to fish. I honestly can say I have never seen a storm come in so quick, we literally made it in by seconds. The power was already out when we got in, not to be back until Saturday.
  24. Though I haven't rented a houseboat personally, in speaking to many that have, I would recommend not trying to travel too far on your trip, avoid the canals and as many locks as possible. There's enough water just on the Tri-Lakes to keep you entertained for week. Bring a small fishing boat to tow along and you're set.
  25. We lost power on Wednesday, finally got powered up again on Saturday. When the hydro truck left, he accidentally cut the phone line, didn't get that back until yesterday. We been roughing it, good practice for lakair..
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