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Everything posted by Garyv

  1. Garyv


    They say you get what you pay for and with Kesagami it's simply the truth. Class accommodations, food, and the fishing is some of the best in Ontario. Walleye will keep you busy all day and large pike, especially at the far end of the lake are just that....LARGE PIKE!. The lake itself is basically shallow (15 ft or so ) quite large and again with fantastic fishing. I'll guide you if you pay my way....LOL
  2. Well some on liked them enough to reelect them.
  3. Holy crap...I think I drove by your place yesterday...LOL
  4. Finally sold the Starcraft 20 Salmon boat this year so what I have left is My Lowe that I've owned since about 96....she will be getting a 70 on her this spring. Set up for Bass Set up for Salmon And the old faithful 12ft car topper I purchased at Sears on Lawerence Ave in the mid 70's
  5. Q..Does the kicker drop doun 8 or 10 inches from the picture when you are using it? A.. I never really measured it but would guess max of ten. There are stops about every 2 inches along the way so it can be adjusted to where you want it to be.. Q..I read up on one Garelick 4 stroke mount and it said not for hauling the kicker on the hiway! I can't take it off every time I want to move, Do you just go down the road with it like the picture?? A.. I have always felt this was to limit garlock from liability problems, but to be honest if I'm running a few miles on pavement ( like to say Sarnia 35 Km away ) no I don't remove it but do have a little chain and lock system I use to keep it from bouncing. If I'm going on a trip or traveling some real bad logging roads yes the kicker is removed. Just practice common sense and you should be fine. Remember the kicker is hanging on a bracket so downward pressure is much different than being mounted on your transom.
  6. Rick I totally agree the Canadian dollar is way overvalued. Somewhere some time soon something is going to give, perhaps earlier but for sure after the next US election. lets be realistic the Canadian as well as other dollars are not gaining ground against the US dollar for any other reason except the US dollar is loosing ground at a fantastic rate in part due to their economy and governmental spending. World credit, especially in North America, is at an all time high and let's say demand notes and these fantastic mortgage schemes start to be called the wheels will then be put in motion to possibly create financial chaos.
  7. Enough tools above to sink the Queen Mary....and don't forget make sure your safety chain "S" hooks have a snap lock to hold them on. open ended S hooks ar no longer legal for towing.
  8. Garry...boats can be replaced our lives and pets cannot. Glad you two are ok!
  9. Maybe this picture will help. Since you have to purchase a new bracket just make sure it's for a 4 stroke as they are built stronger. The steering on the picture is an ez steer but you can rig just about anything.
  10. As mentioned after a few months time will start to fly and turn into years......and the best part is you remember all of it going by. Congratulations on your two years!
  11. As far as I'm concerned you won't regret it. Help your pooch to get over her submissive problem now to save problems in the future. I have to admit I'm prejudiced about dogs. Amy goes everywhere with me and loves it in the boat. Shes great with kids and adults. In the last 2 years I have spent approx $4000 in operations she requires as she has a rare ( only dog ever documented ) disease of the liver lining but she is worth every penny.
  12. A cannibal was walking through the jungle and came upon a restaurant operated by a fellow cannibal. Feeling somewhat hungry, he sat down and looked over the menu . * Tourist: $5 * Broiled Missionary: $10.00 * Fried Explorer: $15.00 * Baked Liberal or Grilled Conservative: $100.00 The cannibal called the waiter over and asked, 'Why such a price difference for the Politician?' The cook replied, "Have you ever tried to clean one? They're so full of shiet, it takes all morning."
  13. Holy poop there is almost as much controversy in the posts above as tiller VS side console......for the record I prefer it warm, but then again most older people do!
  14. Salmon have a five year life cycle..from the colour that fish is on it's last few days and will die anyway. Personally it's colour is beyond what I would eat in a spawning fish but to each his own.
  15. I have had my Lowe side console for 10+ years and as far as I'm concerned they are a great mid level unit. Never has given me any problems and would buy another if the deal was right. Depending on the overall size of the 12ft your looking at the 7 ( by the way what brand motor is it and air or water cooled ) with one would be no problem. I stuck a 6 on a 14 ft alum. when the 20 was being repaired years ago and although underpowered we still got to where we wanted to go ....... just took a bit longer. I have a 10 4 stroke Honda on the 12 ft car topper ( the boats rated for a 15 ) and I sure don't need any more then the 10.
  16. Sorry to hear about your father, remember the good times, the lessons taught and learned and you always have him with you.
  17. Your asking for trouble....winterize the trailer and bring water and a portable john with you when you go up in winter and don't put water down your drains just pitch it outside. Bring the john home and drain it there. Used to do it for years when we lived in Acton and had a trailer in Port Franks and once you get the routine down it's no big thing.
  18. Joe, accept my sincere condolence on the death of your father. We were talking about a tractor accident in the London Free press yesterday at the poll where I'm working, and I guess and am sorry it was your fathers. Most of the people working with me are farmers and were commenting on how quickly these accidents occur and how tragic they can be.
  19. Since I work for Elections Ontario and Elections Canada I'm not allowed to give my opinion on the referendum but what I can do is give you the link to all the info regarding it. Hope this will help clear up any questions anyone will have. http://www.yourbigdecision.ca/
  20. Wow isn't it great the loonie is at par.... actually no it isn't. Ever hear of the sterling truck plant? They have been looking at getting out of Canada for a long time and now have the best excuse they ever had. Higher wages then their US plants, more benefits and social programs to pay into etc etc etc. Multiply that by the closings of other US auto companies facilities or the reduction of shifts. I know Toyota is building a plant but will they have a union? I will guarantee you that if the current trend lasts for the long run there will be plenty of manufacturing jobs lost to Mexico, and other "lesser " emerging nations. Companies are in business to make money not please workers and/or give into their demands. Unless you are in an energy Provence people that loose their manufacturing jobs can work at the corner variety store with it's high wages and fantastic benefits, or better yet the Saviour of the Canadian job market..."The Phone Center industry". ( remember the Government keeps telling us about all the new job openings ) The poor retailer is in the middle. Not lowering prices as they are trying to make up for all their past losses when the loonie was low, it's a catch 22. I will make a prediction that if the loonie does not decline by Christmas, border community retailers will be hit and hit hard at Christmas time. Why do I feel this way because when I was in business it happened before. The Exodus to Port Huron Michigan at Christmas was daily for weeks prior to the holiday. Don't get me wrong I fully understand people want to get the best deal, and I shop in the States myself but to think that the present loonie will not have an adverse effect on the economy in time just is not true. Just got an idea, get into the travel business and starting in November organize shopping bus trips to border communities in the States...bet you could make a bundle on that one!
  21. Best wishes on your birthday!!!!
  22. I add split rings to all my Salmon and Rainbow spoons and terminate to the main line with a good quality cross lock snap with swivel. I also find that I get better hook ups with swash hooks instead of trebles. Cleo's in our area are great for bows, and Shore fisherman use them all the time.
  23. For those that are not familiar with the bridge the middle traffic lane switches from North bound to Southbound in the Am to facilitate traffic coming into the city. When I was managing our Canadian operation I had the fortunate luck to become friends with the gentleman that ran the rep organization we used in BC, and used to stay at his residence when out there on business. He lived in West Van on Millstream Road which was as high as the roads went. His family room view was looking South with the harbor on the right and the bridge with the skyline of Vancouver behind it. During the day the view was great but at night it was breathtaking.
  24. I solved my trailer/boat problem two different ways My rack will hold a 14ft. boat no problem the 2nd way was I can pull just about any boat I wany behind this set up.
  25. Congratulations on the new family member.
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