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Everything posted by Garyv

  1. Real men don't need skylights to see what there washing! If you do some remote camping the Zodi line has some great hot water units, wish they had them years ago. We used to wrap copper line arount a 5 gal bucket filled with charcoal...the first blast could prove to be very warm but if you used the right low pressure pump afyte the initial warmth it was very nice to use.
  2. Before moving to Canada in the 70's we lived in a tornado zone in the suburbs of Chicago. If that wasn't enough we would spend our weekends in Lake Geneva Wisconsin. I personally have been through 5 tornado's ( my wife 4 ) and each one was as bad as it's predecessor. Two of the most memorable were while driving home from University in Aurora Ill you could see tornado's in the sky. When I exited the east-west toll road to get away from the possibility of being on a road with no escape possible, I wound up sitting at a traffic light at an intersection known as Cermak Road and Lagrange Road in my new 66 Ford Galaxy. All of a sudden it started vibrating and moving sideways across the intersection along with the other cars. Since it was wet it just slid until all of a sudden it stopped. I was fortunate and never touched another vehicle, but wish I had on depends. The other time was in Lake Geneva where we rented a top floor of an older house near the lake for the summer. A severe thunderstorm was raging when it just got calm. In an instant all heck broke loose and you couldn't see the tree clearly that was about ten feet from the window. House shook and vibrated. My wife said what should we do and all I could reply was it's to late to do anything at least hopefully we'll be on top of the pile. Next thing it stopped and the sky got brighter..it was over. We were lucky houses down the road were damaged and on our other side about 1000ft away the damage started again. The tornado had lifted briefly and then put down again. The guy that owned the bar at the end of the road said it was unbelievable to watch. All in all four twisters had covered about a five mile area at almost the same time. Damage was something to behold. In the town of lake Geneva itself all the boats in the area were on the eastern shore, piled like logs would be for a fire. Then theres the major thunderstorm on Kesigami lake when we went to shore took off the outboard and stayed under the canoe but that's another story.
  3. Don't see Real Pros on the exibitor list. http://www.sportsmensshows.com/Toronto/links.htm
  4. So you finally ditched that flintstone guy and joined the OFC....smart move!
  5. My condolences to you and your family. It's hard to loose a fishing buddy but when he is also your did it's even harder.
  6. Heading out the our local Bluewater Anglers club meeting yesterday I filled my wife's car at $102.5 which was enough of a rip since Dryden was at $89.5, and the fact I live about 45 Km from the refineries in Sarnia so transportation is negligible. Today after oil prices per barrel fell yesterday and again as I checked before posting this are down another .19cents a barrel I drive by the same Esso station and the price is $104.9. Plain and simple if their isn't collusion between the Canadian companies then they must all be sharing the same pricing computer. Shortage my butt it's just another excuse to make higher profits, and don't give me that we all should be driving a hybrid, if you do I want to know what will happen when all those batteries begin to need replacing, oh well it's only lead no emissions! We use to have about 44 refineries in this country now if i am not mistaken we have 14 so want to raise profits just say shortage and raise the price because who will really be able to know the real reason behind this...... did I hear someone say profits. It's illegal to scalp tickets to an event, you can get prosecuted, but scalp gas well that's just the oil business. I haven't called my Mp or Mpp in a while so I enjoyed doing so today and even though it will most likely have no effect at least I feel better. In fact after posting this rant I also feel better not happy but better!
  7. Look at your Michigan and US markets. Mid Michigan is to far for Ontarians to drive for a weekend and with the new border procedures coming into effect there will, in time, be nightmares getting across, at least in the short term. Now where to look...do the research with you local tourism agency, the municipality ( to see if this will be allowed in your area ) Your State environmental agency to be sure they will allow the sewerage and you have an adequate safe water supply , and the cost of running lines to all these sites, as well as meet density requirements just to name some of the points of development. While I did mention sewerage above due to the water course you mentioned in your post many municipalities and environmental agency's will limit the amount of development around same unless you are on city sewerage system with the affluent being piped to a treatment plant. Also to be considered is the cost of roads, electricity being run to the sites and weather you want one meter or individual meters to the sites (* I STRONGLY recommend individual meters ). If you can provide enough water from well(s) make sure the water is safe, as mentioned above, or if city water is piped in how do you wish to be billed I.E. individual meters to the RV's ( if seasonal not very feasible ) and take into consideration what your overall cost will be when you provide "free" water as part of the seasonal cost and the waste that comes with it. maintenance costs involved with an operation like this also have to be looked at. The list is much longer and since working at a campground for the past few years has opened my eyes to the costs involved. * The only problem is you are then faced with multiple bills once the RV's pull out so my suggestion is for permanent sites only.
  8. Mr. Travis Baldwin will probably get community service as his punishment. He should serve it in Afganistan cleaning up in minefield areas.
  9. Kesigami is one of my all time favorite summer lakes, it doesn't look like it would be any different in winter. What a great day on the ice.
  10. I get all mine done at Wal-Mart...usually takes ten to twenty minutes. Think last year it cost me around $14.00
  11. The worst part is he runs a lawn mowing service and he's on the way to a job!
  12. The same thing happened to me only in my case it was a sand shark....ok so I'm bragging
  13. Worlds fastest production car...with thanks to Brad who sent this to me. http://www.dailymotion.com/video/x157l2_bu...on-at-top-speed As a Dodge Ram owner all I can say is this is really grabbing life by the horns!!!!
  14. Municipalities love to pass by laws. We don't have a driveway law about boats, campers etc but if someone uses a camper on their property thats a no. Trouble is the town is not pro active only reactive therefore someone has to complain in writing before they will act. They do this to protect themselves from constituent animosity. Now as far as your problem....do you have a garage? Is one or two car? If it's a 2 car them you can most likely fit your boat in on an angle (I do it every summer season with mine ) and just leave the cars out. If the boat trailer combination is to long then look into a folding tongue trailer to see if that would work. I like to leave my gear in the boat so pulling it into a secure area is a must. I watched to many episodes of the X-Files years back and I "Trust No One" To me a new boat on a driveway, especially if both you and your wife work is asking for some idiot to relieve you of your parking problem.
  15. I posted this picture many years back and since many on this board have come and gone so I thought I would post it one more time. It was taken in 1911 about 400 feet from where I live today on Lower Lake Huron. Sorry for the quality but the picture was emailed to me after being taken at a local museum. The caption reads "The total catch of 143 fish included 28 Perch and 115 Black Bass Seventy fish were given away before the picture was taken" No one realized then what would/could happen but must admit it had to be one heck of a good time for these two guys!
  16. Sorry to hear about the stones, he didn't need another kick in the butt. At least it will pass in time, but it's still not nice.
  17. Your car will pull it but the two important questions that have to be considered/answered is for how long ( especially with others in the vehicle ) and more importantly, as others have mentioned, how safe will it be with you vehicles braking system.
  18. Ask any divorce lawyer it is the equation/analogy they use in court!
  19. Fantastic... it takes the worry of supporting your family away. I fished with HH when he was in my area 2 years ago and found him to be a nice person ( he didn't complain when we didn't catch any smallmouth ) so I'm not surprised he was able to help you. Enjoy the new job!
  20. Stanton Air out of Orillia http://www.stantonair.com/index.asp
  21. I laughed my butt off, I'll be sure to show that to my grandkids...they think gramps is the king of gas!
  22. Mr. Hayward was the husband of the woman who used to day care two of my grandkids. She is a very nice person and they have two kids of their own one about 2 and the other around 4 months. I have known her family for years. Mr Hayward also had another child by a previous marriage. They has recently purchased a home in Brights grove and had nothing but the future to look forward to. Deaths like this are tragic and when you know the people involved really make you stop and thing how fragile life can be.
  23. camillj... You little friend has a brother that lives in my area...so far this winter he has eaten his way through a plastic, wood AND thin metal feeder to get at the bird food we put out. Since bullets can't hurt him and he is faster than a speeding ranger bass boat guess there's not much I can do to stop him!........LOL
  24. I posted about Gander Mountain and my St Croix rod purchase previously, but after I got home and up until last night I kept on thinking about the other rod they had and I would have liked to purchase. One of the reasons I didn't was I knew I would be pulled in and have to pay on they way back if I spent to much. Anyway yesterday early evening I called my Daughter in law and asked her if she wanted to do some grocery shopping stateside and off we went. I checked the crossing time on line at the bridge and there was no delay, but by the time we got there it took 50 min to get across, the only bad part of the trip. We did make a side stop on the way the Meyers and Wal Mart for groceries at Gander again and I ( after my wife said heres the money for your fathers day present early ) bought the other rod a G Loomis 7' 6" Mag-Light Ex-fast 6 to 12 Lb test line beauty. I figured this would not only be a great rod for steel heading but back trolling and jigging for Walleye and the occasional favorite of mine Smallmouth. When we got home I showed my wife the present she had bought me and she said 2 things. 1. I'm happy you like it 2. Your done going over to Gander for a few months! Now do I dare tell her about the trip to Cabela's the beginning of April?
  25. You have a PM!
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