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Everything posted by Garyv

  1. Guys like them are total AH'S they will get away with this as they most always do. Real shame if something bad happened to them but it never will because we allow people like them to be protected by their "Rights". When my Mom was in the Lambton Lodge she continuously got calls from telemarketers to buy stuff or have one of their investment counselors come out and talk to her. She was smart and always got a number, if they would leave one, so I could talk to them before she would agree to anything..
  2. I can understand your feelings, but being realistic docks do hold fish. A while back the Ontario Government was going to make it mandatory to have a permit to put a dock in a waterway, not sure if that ever went through. My suggestion to protect your kids is a couple of cement blocks around your area, some rope going to the surface from them and a floating line with some floats like you see in pools and public beaches to cordon off the area that the kids swim in. Not sure if it's legal but this type of marker is used just about everywhere I see public beaches on inland lakes.
  3. Just make sure if you buy reconditioned that it's balanced... makes a big difference. My slogan is "if it's not balanced it's not fixed!"
  4. Walleye and Pike...Weather was very rainy with a fair amount of cold and warm fronts. We got out every day some were better than others. One day great luck on black and silver 2 to 4" rapalas another red and white spinners. You had to keep switching lures to see what they wanted. Stayed at Ritchie's "End of Trail Lodge" now owned by a lady, Erin Drysdale (sp?) Did the plan where they provide the food and you make it yourself in your cabin when you want it. Both Paul and I really liked this plan. We didn't have to do any shopping or drag our food in, what they supplied was great, plenty of it and you didn't have to adhere to any schedule. We both would do it again anytime. The Fishin Canada bunch did a show this year from Ritchies but we booked before we saw the show.
  5. Cool...I purchased my first Loran and hand held GPS from them. Still have my rain gear folded up in a Lucky Lou's bag. He used to have a guy, I think his name was John, working for him that was a wealth of info when plotters were first coming out.
  6. Geeze that was quick!!!!!
  7. Nope Gowganda is a thriving metropolis compare to this place!
  8. The beginning of June a buddy and I took a fishing trip north, to a somewhat remote area. I believe others that post here have also have been there so the question is where are we and what is the town's name....and this is all there is one store. I'll post the answer in a day or so unless someone gets it first.
  9. Did you get any pictures of Lemont?
  10. I have sent you a PM
  11. We sold worms at the store for years. Do what Roy said or buy a commercial ( usually at CT or a bait store ) bedding and a nice worm box. Keep them cool and moist, feed them with worm food, also available at CT or bait stores. I usually buy mine in early to mid June and they will last until October when I release them. Oh one important thing, if you find any dead get them out of the box quickly as the gas they release is toxic to the others.
  12. Lots of them up on the Bruce Peninsula...please explain why you would want to kill them? They were here before we started destroying their habitat. Don't bother them and for the most part they will not bother you.
  13. I've thought back and the only problems I have had with my Dodges is the 78 ( the fabulous slant 6 ) needed a new ballast resistor so I went to the wreckers and carried a few. Since then I will admit the A/C units usually crap out but outside of the std brakes, tires and standard maintenance I have had to replace the CO2 sensor on my current Dodge Ram. Now that I've said that I will admit the best truck I had was a GMC 3/4 ton diesel van....what a great machine!!!
  14. I have had every truck currently still available from GM, Ford and Chrysler. Basically all have been OK BUT the only make that ever left me stranded on the side of the road was two of the Fords. My 2 cents worth!
  15. My daughter lives on Lake Huron about 600 feet from our house. We are about 30 Km by water from Sarnia. Tuesday evening she spotted them before and during a storm that went through. I've been out on Huron when you can see them in the distance....scary stuff when your going full throttle away from one.
  16. It has the ability to catch as many fish as a ranger bass boat...only it will take longer to get where your going. If your not tournament fishing who cares about time!
  17. Well after the death a few weeks back of my fishing buddy Amy, my dog, I wasn't sure about getting another friend. Found I missed the companionship and work of a dog ( as always happens ) so on Tuesday evening, while all the storms rage around Southwestern Ontario, we drove the hour and a half to Mitchell to see Dixie a 7 Mo. old border collie......She left her old home with us in my truck shortly after we got there. I'm hoping to bond with her over the next few weeks and hopefull will have her for years and years. You never can replace a dog you loose but can surely give the love to another. Here are a few pictures.
  18. 20+++ in fact I still have one of my first bamboo poles and the old pocket fisherman.
  19. Fantastic news....now both of you go and enjoy the summer!
  20. Best wishes on your birthday...Getting older isn't bad it's a privilege!
  21. After the last year and a half without it I must say good health....without it life sure has it's limitations!
  22. I have been around here since almost day one, and yes things and participants have changed but in life that happens every day. Some have become close friends, others acquaintances but year after year the stats keep getting higher so something is working where many other boards have fallen by the wayside. I spent the last year and 1/2 recuperating from some health issues and although I haven't put much on here about fishing ( haven't been able to get out ) the board has helped me get through this. It's nice to see a group care and share not only their fishing but their life both good and bad with others....hence the name OFC Community!
  23. Studerbaker Hawk.... My first car was a 52 plymouth cambridge 4 door sedan, ( 2 door shown ) followed by a 59 studebaker lark. I did go on to better cars later. 78 Silver anniversary L82 39 De Soto
  24. Working all summer makes it for the most part impossible for me to go in June anymore. Sept sounds great, but keep in mind the further you get into the month the earlier it gets dark and the colder it gets. ( been there done that ) I'm scheduled for an angiogram July 17th and if no surgery is required I will try my best to be there.
  25. Cliff....Also make sure that the head portion of the shaft is not over your side gunnal so while docked it's not able to hit the dock.
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