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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. With the price of tickets forget it. Cheapest seat in the house in the nose bleed zone is over $60. Not that many at this price also. All others over $100 with the top seats at just over $285.
  2. Within reason who really cares. OK I've seen some posts that leave me shaking my head. If spelling is slightly off or grammar not perfect I don't give a rats arse as long as I can understand the message. For some posters English is not their first language (but their trying their best) and spell check corrections only make it more confusing for them. Lets not forget the purpose of this forum is to share information with our fellow fishermen(fisherwomen).
  3. Princes Auto has an axle with brakes going on sale Tuesday the 18th if it will fit your application. Details in the flyer are a little slim but it's 3,500 lb, 72" hub face, 58" spring centre & 5-bolt brake hubs. $219.99 ($180 off) PN# 8277873 A phone call should get you more details.
  4. "Stanley Cup Bound ?" :rofl2: Only if you can find a time machine to transport us back to 67.
  5. Last time I was stopped as the officer walked up to the car I stated "I bet your going to sell me a ticket to the Policeman's Ball". His response was "Policeman don't have Balls". After a few seconds he shook his head & tipped his hat & returned to his cruiser and took off.
  6. As for placing jugs out Randy makes a good point. You open up your self to possible lawsuits by doing so. "Your honor the defendant took the responsibility to mark the shoals and I damaged my boat, injured myself and my child because he missed one." It's a sad state that when you try to be helpful you can actually bite off more than you can chew. Good intentions can bite you in the arse.
  7. If this comment was in response to my post I think you should read what I posted. I never said "he should be fired". I said "reported". When someone takes on the responsibility of teaching a course that has legal implementations one should also take on the responsibility of teaching the right information. If his/her information was in the other direction (yes you can contrarily to the excising laws) which lead someone to violate the laws & they were charged would your sympathy still be the same for the instructor? If your going to teach teach it correctly. Any organization which employs or certifies instructor should have in place a system to ensure they are up to date & are actually instructing to the correct standards. Firing may not be necessary but at least corrective actions are required to stop further mistakes. If the mistakes continue without any attempts of correction by the instructor (& yes this can happen) than yes firing would be appropriate in this situation.
  8. If the instructor actually told your friend what was reported (and your friend didn't misunderstand him?) he should be reported to the Ministry as he has no clue to what he's talking about & as such should not be teaching hunter safety which in part deals with Ministry regulations. As an instructor of Hunter/Safety he should be expected to held to a higher standard. I'm a First Aid/CPR instructor & I'm expected to be extremely more knowledgeable than the 70% required to pass the basic First Aid Course.
  9. Many surplus stores also carry these 12 V batteries. Many come out of computer back-ups or emergency lights which require changing of batteries on a regular schedule.
  10. Does the motor idle but die when you give it fuel? I believe you will find this motor's carb does not have a high speed needle but a fixed orifice instead. Only one needle & seat and this for the low speed settings. If your high speed orifice is clogged it needs to be cleaned out. You could try seafoam first but most likely it will require dis-assembly & cleaning. I have a 1967 40hp Johnson & I have seen this before.
  11. These lights should work fine as they run off the vehicles system directly. Mine run fine even if they are setting on the grass. I believe your problem is within your tow vehicle. To confirm have another tow vehicle (same type of plug & confirmed working on another trailer) hook onto your trailer & check to see how your trailer lights work. If your trailers light work fine stop wasting your time on your trailers system & concentrate on your vehicle. Good Luck: Rick
  12. As long as you don't drain your deep cycle battery too low why not just hook it up to your motor directly (from time to time) instead of your starting battery to charge it when you are boating from place to place.
  13. If you know someone with a trailer that has good working lights & the same type of plug as yours, hook up your vehicle plug to his/her trailer just to confirm the problem is in your trailer & not the tow vehicle. I just had a friend show up at my place with his trailer blaming his trailer light problems on his trailer only to find out when I hooked up my magnet mount lights that they acted exactly the same. Problem is in the tow vehicle. Best to identify where the problem is before working on the fix.
  14. Good to hear you had a great day. Nice fish. We were out of Port Bruce yesterday & fished from the west of Port Bruce to over off Port Burwell mostly in 59-62 fow. Between the two of us we landed 6 walleye (3 each) & lost one rainbow. 4 off dipseys (mixed veggies) & 2 off riggers (green monkey puke). I got 2 like this at 28".
  15. I checked out the link but the rules tab will not open. Sounds like an interesting time. 2 of us were out of Port Bruce today & managed 6 walleye & although we didn't weigh them the total weight would be close to 30 lbs. Fish are there. Best Wishes: Rick
  16. Hint: Think pink, 30'-40' down over 58-62 fow early in the day (ie; before 9). After that much longer leads on downriggers or 10 & 7 colour leadcore. Pinks are still good but orange & black (greasy chicken) also produce. getting off to the sides of the boat(planner boards or dipseys) or far back on riggers (up to 200') seem to help as the day progresses. Will also get bows & farm animals. Here's a few from last Sat. Good Luck: Rick
  17. How do they ship? If by courier you could be hit with some very big & unexpected brokerage fees.
  18. I highly suspect some fly in trips will be cancelled depending on the area. We are currently in Stratford preparing to accept 200 evacuees from the fires up north. Due to arrive sometime tomorrow but these things have a habit of changing. Rick
  19. I have a problem with this statement. It gives the impression that asprin is a standard first aid treatment for strokes. It is not. Stokes can be caused by two factors. Blood clots or ruptured blood vessels. No way for the first aider to determine which is the cause. If asprin is given to a stroke victim due to a ruptured blood vessel this can be fatal or at best the damages of the stroke will be worse.
  20. Forget worry about infections First Aid is about preserving life. Yes helping prevent problems in the future or dealing with minor injuries is good but being prepared to deal with life threatening injures is the most important thing for a First Aid kit. For most boating situations this will be proper training & quick access to advanced help (ie: ambulance/coast guard[cell phone, radio ect.]). Most life threatening situations will be heat/cold injuries, heart/ stroke situations & severe bleeding. BTW: I'm a First Aid & CPR instructor for St. John Ambulance.
  21. A 2-3 oz bottom bouncer commonly used for walleye should keep your lure down when paddling. Vertical jigging will also work but keeping the bait near bottom will be hard if your drifting at any speed.
  22. I'd first try running you baits around 30' down over deeper water. Compared to Port Burwell/Bruce the temperature bands are more spread out in the Port Maitland area so moving your baits to different depths may be required. Temp Transects 2.5-3 mph should be a good trolling speed. For running lines without dipsy's try deep running Reef Runners (800 series) as these will run down almost 30'. Also harnesses behind bottom bouncers will get down deeper. Purples, orange/black & pinks seem to be the hotter colours further west on Erie. For spoons either copper or gold backs seem to produce better than silver.
  23. Sound like you had a great time. Good report. Waiting to see the pictures.
  24. This link should help. For Buckhorn - http://www.fish-hawk.net/viewtopic.php?f=7&t=133
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