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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. The back end of Wildwood is about 1/2 hr away. Park & fish off the causeway. Easy free access. Pike, perch, & bullheads to be had at this time of year. Possibly carp, suckers & OOS bass also. BTW: My mother spent time at the Lodge last year & only had good things to say about it. Good Luck: Rick
  2. Opinions come with this forum. It's the way it is. Sounds like a decent deal.
  3. Looks like the "friendly neighbourhood grammar police" require further training on proper sentence structure. Capitalization of the first letter in a sentence is a must. A period at the end of a sentence also helps. Way to go Terry, that station has been airing poor quality stories for quite awhile going back to the A Channel days. Our local channel in London is affiliated with them and the run the same stories many times. I have also contacted our local station for blindly running incorrect stories from their affiliate. I have received replies both my local station and your station on my complaints after the fact. One story that really got to me was when the reporter tried to show how unsafe the ice was by jumping on 2" ice over a moving creek which also had an air pocket under the ice.
  4. BPS carries the Humminbird Piranha Max 170 for $99.99. I have one of these & they are a good unit for the money. Dual beam, 8 level grey scale, 1600 watts & 240 X 160 pixels. Basically twice the pixels & power compared to the Humminbird 160.
  5. Sure windy around here. Although no problem here yet, I'm sure there will be some power outages associated with this front.
  6. In this case the CO would not have the authority to take your licence. Charge you yes. Whether it would hold up if challenged is another story. To the best of my knowledge the removal of your fishing privileges can only be done in court. Never heard of it being applied to single charges on the minor side of the rules (like your example). Now if you have a long history of offenses or are charged with multiple offenses (ie: procession of many fish over your limit, ect)than loss of fishing privileges is quite possible.
  7. To fire Wilson will first require firing Burke. Two good moves IMO.
  8. One could argue that 53-76 would only be one time with 2 name changes.
  9. At Shanty Bay today. Few fish caught & none by me. About 6" of solid ice with 4" of snow cover and slushy in spots. The walk out in the morning was harder than the walk back. By then some of the trails where packed down somewhat.
  10. No anchovies, pineapple or italian sausage for me. For me it's double sauce, double cheese, double pepperoni & double green olives. I call it the Quadruple Double.
  11. Yes all new life jackets need to be approved by the Department of Transport(Canada). It's been this way for at least a few years. Any older life jacket that was approved by the Canadian Coast Guard is still legal for use as long as it's still in good condition. Copied from Transport Canada's website: Approval Process for Lifejackets and PFDs Both lifejackets and PFDs are built to specific standards and are approved based on tests carried out on sample products submitted by manufacturers to a testing laboratory recognized by the approval authority. In Canada, the approval authority for lifejackets and PFDs is Transport Canada. Manufacturers of devices that have received approval are subsequently subject to an ongoing follow up system as a measure of continued quality control. The approval issued applies only to unmodified devices as built by manufacturers of approved products. Modifications to an approved device will void approval. Approvals are not issued for individual products nor can they be issued retroactively.
  12. Completely ignore this advice. The Canadian Coast Guard is not the approving authority in Canada. The approving authority in Canada is the Department of Transport(Canada). If it says "Canadian Coast Guard Approved" it is one of two things. 1: Old stock.(more than a few years) Or 2: A counterfeit product. To the best of my knowledge both the Buoy O Buoy & the Helly Hansens are approved by the Department of Transport(Canada). I know my Helly Hansen is approved by the Department of Transport(Canada).
  13. Fishing was pretty slow. Only fished Saturday. Marking lots of fish but few biters. Others around me report the same thing. I got one laker at 40cm. When jigging the fish would come up to look at the jig but only 2 light taps on jigs. Tried many types of jigs with the same results. The one I caught came off a minnow on the bottom & it was a very lite hit. Where I was had about 8" of good ice.
  14. This weekend. Just talked to the motel. Good to go at their location.
  15. I'm going to try out Boshkung Lake. I'll post how I do.
  16. I just started making my own last year for trolling on Lake Erie. I use Seaguar fluorocarbon leader line & Owner hooks. Seems to work for me. I use both plastic & glass beads.
  17. I believe the reason behind "the new system" is so that all information will be available to the CO's on the computer system. Under the older system when a sticker was sold (in particular at a private retailer) it would not be entered into the system until the paper work was sent into the MNR. Many retailers would hold on to the paperwork until they had quite a few to be sent in. When the MNR received them someone had to be paid to enter the information into the computer system. Under the new system the information is entered at time of sale. Also under the older system it was possible to have the paperwork backdated to cover up an offense. That is one of the reasons you very seldom had a "fishing without a valid license" charges laid. It was far simpler to lay a charge of "failure to produce a valid license". Proof of this offense was far simpler as whether there was a valid license or not if it wasn't produced it was an offense. Penalty for "failure to produce a valid license" is not softer than "fishing without a valid license". I don't expect this to change much even though they will be able to confirm a valid license far easier.
  18. I was out there yesterday on Cooks Bay. Much of the rest of the lake is not safe yet. 3 1/2" of solid very hard ice. Lots of noise as it was making ice all day & with last nights cold I would guess it would have added close to an other inch +. Fished straight out from Gilford in 13 1/2 fow & the bite was non-stop. For the day myself & a buddy must of caught close to 500 perch. Most in the 6"- 8" range with a few bigger ones including a 13 1/2" one George got. Yesterday it didn't matter what you threw at them as they hit everything we tried. I mostly stayed with different jigs as minnows were not needed & I didn't have to keep re-baiting. We both brought enough of the larger ones home for a good meal. We also caught about 5 herring each all between 14"- 16". Don't confuse these with whitefish as the season for herring is closed on Simcoe. Best Wishes: Rick
  19. Hooking up an older battery to a newer one even with similar ratings is not a good idea. The weaker one will steal from the better one. Installing a switch to go back & forth between the two is the best bet.
  20. Three year option is only available on the year you renew your Outdoors Card. I just renewed my card & fishing license for 3 years. Every year in the past it has been a big hassle to get your new license & be ready for New Years day. In the past the MNR has been late getting the stickers to the retailers & now with the new system many places are still not on-line line due to training issues. Also with the hassles of the new system many places just said screw it, as it's not worth the hassle for them.
  21. Best advice here. To quit successfully you have to really want to. Reasons will vary person to person. For some it's money, others health reasons, family reasons ect. For me it was I couldn't sleep more than a couple hours without waking for a smoke. But at 4 packs a day I was a heavy smoker. Back in those days you could smoke almost anywhere. If I went to the bar I was good for an extra pack out of the vending machine. Quit cold turkey & believe me the first 3-4 days were very rough.
  22. Congrats from me also. It will be 30 years for me on the 31st.
  23. Angling Outfitters near Woodstock also carries them.
  24. I`m sure anyone remotely close knew that. Hell they may of even heard you in Beaverton.
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