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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. I personally never work on Rememberance Day. I always attend a Rememberance Day ceremony. Actually the only time I ever worked that day was when I was in the Forces. This year I'm in Ottawa attending the National ceremony for the first time. Pro Patria: Rick
  2. Outlander L comes with a 5 year warrantry (big plus) and does not have a chiped key.
  3. I'll be up in your area at times through the icefishing season so if you need a ride out to the grounds I could give you a ride if you have a proper helmet & meet me at launch point. With my schedule it could be any day of the week depending on weather & my work days.
  4. Just ordered my first ATV for icefishing & scenic trails. A 2016 450 Can Am Outlander L Max DPS.
  5. I'm a vet & I'm sure not voting for Harper. Notice how I said "Harper". It's no longer the Conserative Party but Harpers Micro Managed Party. Make no mistake that Harper is currently calling all the shots and has been for years.
  6. Don't expect to find fish hut operators in Ontario on Lake Erie for walleye. The area's of Erie that freeze safely (sometimes) are not on the area's which have many walleye. Bay of Quinte would be a far better bet.
  7. The regulations state you must carry the card & do not mention anything about a copy being acceptable. I wouldn't chance it.
  8. But how can she do that if she doesn't know where he's getting it at?
  9. Seaforth got hit about a hour ago. Went completely dark & winds really picked up. Heavy rain also. Local & area fire departments responding to multiple trees down over hydro lines. Still raining pretty good here but the winds died down after the front quickly passed. Lots of thunder still.
  10. You follow the rules of the zone where you catch the fish. Catch limits are zone specific. Possession limits are both zone specific and provincially regulated. As long as you do not exceed a zone possession limit you can have in possession up to the provincial limit. Your possession limits are not based on where you are, but on where you caught the fish.
  11. His insurance policy should not be a big factor in this case unless the driver that done the damage is uninsured. The claim in this case should be against the drivers policy.
  12. If you had the PFD's no law was broken in that respect & the CO was full of it. Now did he inspect you for the other required safety equipment? Still not a grey area if they choose not to enforce the law. It's call disgression.
  13. Actually where do you see a grey area? In this case you legally required life jackets. It's not a grey area just because the CO choose to use his disgression and issue a warning instead of a fine. The next guy may not be as lucky especially if he has an attitude.
  14. Just because you wear one almost all the time is your privledge. I have no problem with that. My problem comes when you think your veiw point is more valid than others & advicate for changes to the laws to follow your veiw point. Simular to some EX-smokers and religions who belive everyone should confirm to their beliefs.
  15. AKRISONER what grey area's are you refering to? I find if you take the time to read the laws/rules it's pretty clear. Don't take the time to find out the information & go by a guess isn't a grey area but a miscalculation.
  16. As an opperating light house the upkeep & maintenance(to government standards) could make the costs far too high even if you got it free. I suspect there would be severe limitations on any modification to the site. The old saying fits here "If it sounds to good to be true it probably is".
  17. Let's not be so quick to make statements which can turn out to be incorrect. Still sold in Canada but clearly marked as "Not approved as a flotation device" http://www.canadiantire.ca/en/pdp/boat-seat-cushion-0794401p.html#.VaZKKWNf9KQ
  18. I also had a neighbour who thought it was fine to take his dog for a walk & let it crap on my lawn. His attitude changed when he realized that all such desposites would later be found on the windshield of his BMW.
  19. 2 rods allowed from a boat anchored to the shore? Would a boat anchored to the shore meet the defination of open water? I don't think so. Anchored to the shore would be closed at least on one side.
  20. Will be fishing Leamington for eye's. Wed/Thurs looking at the Maintland @ Goderich for bass.
  21. I seen it once on Erie that the rain was so heavy that we scraped up against a bouy we could see untill we heard the thunk. This was at trooling speed during a walleye tournament. This was just before it got really heavy.
  22. Buchanan & Hall in Stratford does a lot of work in that field & is not that far from the London area. Possibally may have done the system you are looking at. Holmes on Homes has used them as their expert on these systems.
  23. http://www.snopes.com/media/notnews/piranha.asp
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