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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. The Elite 4X does not have GPS. The Piranha Max 176i PT is a black & white unit. If you want colour consider the Humminbird 386 ci Portable. 2 1/2 times the power, twice as many pixels and also a slot for charts.
  2. I hope they have a PCOC & all the safety gear.
  3. In the small town I live in it will get you a great place but in Toronto 350-400k will not get a nice shack or good area. Here's an example of what's for sale in Toronto. http://beta.realtor.ca/PropertyDetails.aspx?PropertyId=14521020&CultureId=1 *Note the land size.*
  4. Maybe Port Bruce on Monday. Saturday into the early hours of Sunday is tied up with a reunion of old military buddies in London.
  5. They don't make the Liberty anymore. The 3.6 V6 has plenty of power. In the Wrangler it's rated at 285 hp. I belive slightly higher in the Ram. 290 hp in the GC. Many of the older V8 workhorse motors used for towing had less HP. In my Wrangler I've towed about 1,500 lbs without hardly noticing it.
  6. Generally nothing will be done for a broken toe. No cast for them. My mother went through the same thing but the big toe. When I was much younger she say's I was a bugger. Did something to piss her off & she went to kick me in the arse. Me not being stupid moved out of the way. She connected with the door frame. Broken toe was the result.
  7. I take it you are referring to John. When his health went downhill I was on a self serve basis with him. Tanks were in the basement.
  8. Dan my point was a bait dealer should know they can't bring in leeches from out of the province. If as a dealer they don't know the bait laws they shouldn't be in the business.
  9. I suspect it's no bait dealer asking the question. Any bait dealer should know about bringing bait into Ontario. "(preferably in Ontario)"
  10. Not too likely. Straight from the Regs. Leeches -120 Includes those caught and/or purchased -It is illegal to bring any crayfish, salamanders, live fish or leeches into Ontario for use as bait.
  11. That would only work if the OP got their card from BoaterExam. It's only one of very many places he may have got it from.
  12. ?????? What 800 #. Each issuer has their own records. Many different organizations & companies are authorized to issue Pleasure Craft Operators Cards.Notice I said cards not licenses. No central registry that all issuers cotribute to.
  13. Do you have someone who has access to your home? If so have them get it & overnight courier it to you.
  14. So your saying that someone who's ancestery is from from Cyprus or Lebanon looks the same or similar to someone from Vietnam or China?
  15. You were not ticketed because you commited no offence. Yes the S hooks are not the best option but they are still legal.
  16. If you want to get good mileage out of your tires on an Explorer forget the "P" grade tires and pay the extra for "LT" tires.
  17. I believe that $25 is for parking only. Another $25 to launch.
  18. Damn you must be old. We moved on to fountain pens that used ink cartridges in my day.
  19. Try your local UAP/NAPA store. Ask to see the marine catalouge. They can order in many parts but if they have to come from the US wharehouse expect 3 weeks delivery time. 2-3 days if in the Ontario wharehouse.
  20. Does that include launch fees? Launching a boat there can be expensive & parking a difficult situation.
  21. Chicken livers. Let ripen a few days in the sun. Sure wouldn't want to eat them though.
  22. So he didn't get a ticket so how does he know what the actual charge was? What section of the HTA? The quote you posted there is for a safety inspection certificate not a charge under the HTA. Maybe this link for fines will point you in the right direction. http://www.ontariocourts.ca/ocj/how-do-i/set-fines/set-fines-i/ Scroll down to the HTA and it's regulations also. Not such charge applies to leaving a trailer hitch in unless it obstucts the veiw of the plate under section 13.
  23. No law against leaving the hitch in. The charge would be for obstructing a clear veiw of the license plate.
  24. I'd be suprized if they put it in in 2017. The 8 speed is to be discontinued in favor of a 10 speed. Where I work will be making some of the gears for the 10 speed when it comes on line in a few years.
  25. I don't know where you guys are getting the idea a 8 speed auto is an option, The 5 speed is the only auto available in Wrangler.
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