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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. Another thing to consider is wether you want to stay on land for your accomindations or you stay in an over night hut? Pluses & minus to both options. Also are you looking for American plan or not? This is basically a on land accomindation option.
  2. As for brands it can be a Ford/Chev debate. In my ATV club we have members with just about every brand. Personally with my ATV I've had zero problems with my CanAm. Generally those with problems seem to be more operated related although Cats don't like water is a recurring theme.
  3. That answer is simple. Supply & demand. With low employment options supply outdoes the demand. Great option for retiree's.
  4. I spent today at the service in Ottawa. After the service I enjoyed a few beers with some people I served with in years past & some still serving. Currently in my hotel room watching the Leafs & waiting for another old buddy from the service to drop by. Pro Patria
  5. I installed a Detroit TrueTrac in the rear axle of my 2014 JK. Now it's almost impossible to spin the rear tires and it takes off quickly. Far better traction on slippery roads. Best money I've spent on the Jeep. The only things I've replaced on my Jeep since new have been a signal light and the battery this summer. At about 110,000 Kms already.
  6. Not familar with the type of transducer. Is it a single/dual freq or does it also have sidescan/downimaging with the transducer. If it's one of those transducers with many different freqs I'd take Jos's word for it as not repairable. I've spliced an old single freq transducer but wouldn't expect good results with a multi freq one.
  7. What you mentioned can be handled by 110/120 volt generator. But you also mentioned hauling water? Are you in a rural setting? Very many water pumps for wells require 220 volts.
  8. Also a valid drivers license. And don't forget to insure your ATV meets the legal requirements to be on the road. Even missing factory stickers can disqualify it. Also some (but quite far from all) Provincial roads allow the use of ATV's and are covered under the HTA.
  9. You do realize that it's technically illegal to have a porta potty on a boat in Ontario. Used or unused. Pump out toilets are the only legal ones. That being said I never heard of anyone actually being charged for having one on their boat in Ontario waters.
  10. If your seeing "Canadian Coast guard Approved" it's one of 2 things. Extremely old or a counterfeit. The Canadian Coast Guard has not been the approving authority for many years. Transport Canada is the approving authority.
  11. If you don't require Transport Canada approval(not required for ice fishing) look at the floating suits Royal Distributing sells.
  12. Legally in Ontario there is only one definition of a cord. 4' X 4' X 8'. Legally no such thing as a bush or face cord.
  13. I am waiting to hear what fines the 2 guys get that got that caught with 62 eye's a Port Burwell last week.
  14. I have a 2014 Jeep Wrangler bought new. Just passed 100,000 Kms. Other than oil changes the only things I've replaced is in the last month. A battery & a front signal bulb.
  15. BTW: You didn't try to place the tank in another position other than upright?
  16. A quick way to check for an overfilled tank is to look on the tank for where the tare weight is stamped. Add this to 20 lbs (assuming a 20 lb tank). If your tank weighs more than (tare + 20 lbs) then it's over filled.
  17. Sounds more like an over filled tank. On a BBQ the tank should be drawing the vapor off the top of the tank. If it's freezing your getting liquid propane which by nature is very cold in the liquid state. On a propane forklift they run on liquid propane and draw out of the bottom of the tank not the top like a BBQ tank. On forklifts any small leak will frost over.
  18. Chances are that the MNR will release their records. But the catch will be anything of value will be blacked out. They are required by law to release the records due to the request. Anything the can justify blacking out will be blacked out & this is the reason they contacted Mike. Personal information will be the reason for blacking out large portions of the record.
  19. A further on Tupelo's post. First make sure you have the correct prop that is maximum for the set up of your boat as you normally use it. The best way to do this is by running your boat wide open on flat water and checking the RPM. Next compare this to the maximum rated RPM for your motor. Is the RPM within the maximum WOT range recommended by the manufacturer? If yes than you need more motor for better performance. If no you can improve the performance by changing props. If the difference is minor than the improvement will also be somewhat minor. But if your boats RPM at WOT is far out of the maximum range than the improvements can be very noticeable. Sometimes there is no replacement for HP though.
  20. That could only apply when there is a set fine. Some offenses don't have a set fine. Instead of an amount for the fine it will stated NSF. These offenses require a court appearance.
  21. Dan don't tell me you are the guy who feels taking up 2 spots by parking across the painted line no matter where in the lot?
  22. The rooms were your classic motel rooms & very clean. I plan on returning next year. Maybe even a fall trip when the leaves are turning.
  23. I'd think twice about asking the local government about a drawing of your septic system. If the former owner installed without a proper permit & inspection they may order it's removal. Why take the chance.
  24. I just got back from an ATV trip staying in Tweed at the Park Place Motel. Once there you don't have the load your ATV up to go to the trails or even through town. I traveled eastward the first day and westward the second day. Covered 150 km's day one return. Second day 95 km's return. Basically rail trails but through some nice country. https://www.facebook.com/rick.ball.351/posts/10154961139683920?pnref=story
  25. The diver acts as an attractant along with helping get down. 3'-4' works good for me. Too long & netting the fish becomes a problem. Yes colour can make a big difference. Use a lure of a similar colour. Sort of the straggler from the school scenario. In stained water use a mirror type finish. More flash. A few days age in slightly stained water on Erie the only fish(s) I caught came off a gold mirrored colour dipsey with a green monkey puke (copper backed spoon). This far out preformed everything on the boat. In clearer water match your colour to your lure. Tiger fire in clearer water has worked good for me.
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