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Everything posted by Woodsman

  1. The title is somewhat misleading as the request is not coming from the MNR but from Ontario Nature which is not a government agency. Formerly known as Federation of Ontario Naturalists.
  2. With tracks and a ski I believe you'll find it falls under a motorized snow vehicle. Defination under MSVA: “motorized snow vehicle” means a self-propelled vehicle designed to be driven primarily on snow. I doubt the aurguement ice is not snow won't fly.
  3. And it will never be as the cost of crude is only one factor. Costs of refining,transportation and sales have not dropped in half. That being said I'm not saying we are not being shafted just theres more to the equation than the cost of crude.
  4. A simular tactic has been used for years. Fill a glass jar(just small enough to fit through the hole)with water & a few minnows. Put a small hole in the lid & run a cord through it and tie some sort of stop(knot, washer, sinker ect)inside the lid. Also put a few extra small holes to let air excape. Attach lid and lower under the ice.
  5. I find they are quite good when fresh but don't freeze well. They tend to go mushy.
  6. Here's what I ran into this afternoon near Mitchell on my way to work. Visibility near zero. Turned back and went home.
  7. Link doesn't work unless your logged in as a member. Copy & paste would work.
  8. Yes you are correct. Only time you can't target fish is when they are not in an open season.
  9. BTW: Your $350 budget pretty much limits you to pop-ups if buying new.
  10. I don't think his misleading post was intensional but it was misleading. As for changes in 2015 I doubt it due to the fact the ministry actually clearifing recently what defines a spring loaded device.
  11. Are you walking or using transportation? If walking opt for a pop-up and get a lite sled for it & your gear. This is mine a Eskimo. By far the best anchors. If you have a snowmobile or an ATV a flip over is a good choice. They set-up far quicker but can be a pain to pull by hand if there is snow cover on the ice.
  12. Or use them here legally by simply removing one hook.
  13. Terry although I agree with you it doesn't always work out that way. I remember a couple years back someone harrassing me because I was still fishing off IBP because I already caught 2 whities. I was told I could no longer keep fishing as I already had my limit. Didn't matter I was targeting lakers. Too many think they can police things themselves instead of making a call to the authoritites.
  14. Brian this is the second forum (that I know of) you have started this same basic post based on your misinformation. My fear is someone will believe you and harrass someone who is complying with in the law based on your misinformation. May not be a pretty site and could also get them charged for interfering with someone legally fishing.
  15. Yes I've seen it in heated huts & also during openwater fishing. And yes some have tried to justify extra rods due to the babies being there.
  16. Simply if the child is actually fishing no problem with the extra lines. If the child has wondered off to play or asleep than pull the extra lines. I've seen a few claim their baby asleep in a car seat justifies an extra line.
  17. In Ontario those under 18 (Canadian residents) are deemed to be license holders. So here a 3 year old would have a license.
  18. Once I was given change for $30 when I only paid with $20. I told the guy and showed him what he gave me. He argued that he didn't make a mistake. My response was "life to short to argue". That sure confused him.
  19. There is a parking lot right at the north side of the Hwy 21 bridge. That's not anyones secret.
  20. At around 10,000 km the milage on my 3.6 showed an improvment of 1-2 litres per 100 km.
  21. The 3.6 is a nice peppy motor. I have the same motor in my jeep. In the jeep it has 285 HP but I believe in the truck it's tuned to 305 HP.
  22. Not a lot of info on the specs. No reference to the units wattage. I can't see this replacing most boat units. Small phone screen size and limited battery life are problems. Having phone plugged into a charger does not seem convienent. Most phones don't handle the elements well either.
  23. I can't agree with the underline comment. Great it worked for you but others have quit in different ways. I believe quiting mostly depends on motivation. If you want to quit bad enough you will. If not fully commited you will likely fail. What motivates one person may not motivate another. I've seen some quit over price, health issues/concerns, tired of inconvienience ect. or in my case not being able to sleep for more than a couple of hours before waking up for a smoke. I was a 4 pack a day plus smoker. Cold turkey worked for me but do what ever works for you. It's been 32 years since I quit. Congratulation Brian on your start of the process.
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