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Everything posted by shane

  1. I only use the front halves. We should split on a pack.
  2. Ian James is a well known guide/flyfisher from southern Ontario. I like his leader system. Nice and simple. http://www3.sympatico.ca/ianjames/ His leader system is about half-way down the first page.
  3. I like that one too. The different shades of reds over top of the different shades of bluey/grey. Very nice.
  4. Welcome to the loonie bin.
  5. 'Fireball' is a name I picked up back when I was 'HO scale slot car champion of the universe', and my first internet forum user-name, so I just kept it.
  6. So? Are you flowing yet? Living in my own version of 'This Old Freakin' House', drainage problems are pretty common around here so I find this interesting. If you have access to the drain pipe in the basement or something, you could try running hot water into the bath-tub and then feeling the drain pipe with your hand at different spots and you might be able to find where the clog is. Good luck.
  7. Put them in the bath tub and feed them bacon. You can turn those 1 3/4 pounders into 10 pounders in a couple months. I saw it on TV somewhere.
  8. I think, when I finally catch my 24" smallie, that I'm going to take a nice side-view pic of it and then have the picture blown up to life-size and then hang that on the wall.
  9. I was just going to reply that there were no problems here in London, then when I logged in to make the post, everything slowed down. Oh well, I'm in no hurry tonight. Merry Christmas everybody.
  10. I used to have a mother-in-law that was known as 'the old campground flasher'. We had lots of trouble with her.
  11. I do most of my fishing chasing smallmouths around in the shallow waters of the Thames R. and pretty much all of my Rapalas are floating models. My first lure of the day will almost always be a little 2inch floater in a rainbow trout pattern. One thing I learned with the floaters is that when I get a snag and have to break it off, half the time the stupid lure will then decide to come loose and then float to the surface. So now I try to position myself downstream before I break off and I have a chance to catch it. Or at least a chance to wave goodbye as my $7.00 lure floats away into the sunset.
  12. Nice shots. I really like the first one.
  13. I think there should be a separate category for NF posts.
  14. HAHAHAHA! Have a nice day everybody!
  15. Hi everybody. I haven't been out taking many pictures but I have been learning some photoshop stuff. Happy holidays and best of luck to all in the new year!
  16. I agree. But I think we're outnumbered around here so I'm keeping my head down.
  17. I used to get signed in automatically every time I came to this site but then something changed and it doesn't do that anymore. So I only log in if I want to post Same thing has happened on other sites but some sites still remember me. Strange. Stupid computers.
  18. Thanks for the warning Woodsman.
  19. HAHAHA!! Good one!
  20. I think you're right. Looking at the way the line is bent at the guide, it looks like the line would flow better if that guide was turned around back where it should be.
  21. I had a similar thing I made from a Tupperware juice container for carrying minnows while wading the Thames. Had a cord attached to it and to my belt so most of the time it was floating beside me in the river. I think this 'minnow dispenser' thing could be pretty useful some times. But I just can't buy anything if I think I can make one myself.
  22. Pretty cool. I wonder how far you could get if you jumped off the CN tower? Could I get home? Would sure beat driving.
  23. Try pulling up behind a cop with this one. 370HSSV-0773H
  24. I learned how to play crib when I worked at the army base here in London playing againts the army guys. I lost 5 to 10 bucks a week from my pay-cheque for the whole time I worked there. Do you know it's legal to steal points from your opponent if he doesn't count them?
  25. Nice shots. I really like the more subtle use of the HDR. and WTG on the sales! Now you can add 'semi-pro photographer' to you resume.
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