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Everything posted by shane

  1. I guess I'm not cool because I use Flickr to store my pics and then link to them in my post. Same thing as Photobucket I guess. I was already using Flickr before I joined here. I never was one of the "cool kids".
  2. "Too soon old........too late smart"
  3. shane


    I used to be a painter. Then one day this rich guy hired me to paint his porch...........except I thought he said Porsche. Now I'm not allowed to paint anymore.
  4. Guess he didn't feel like smiling for the camera.
  5. Wow! that's a big carp. WTG! It seems to have a weird shaped mouth. Like it has no lips or something?
  6. Man, I hate those things. There are some monsters around here too. A lot of fishermen go missing every year. The ministry knows what's going on but they are keeping it secret because they can't afford to do anything about it. I snapped this pic last year. Never saw the guy again.
  7. I've been doing a bit of fly-fishing the last couple years. It's a pretty screwy way of fishing but it is fun and sometimes I will catch some on flies when I'm not getting anything fishing 'normal'. I'm also wading all day and usually take both rods. I just hide one rod in the bushes while I fish up and down a stretch and then switch rods and do it again. It's a pain in the butt but it's better than being stuck with just the fly-rod. Plus, there are some spots that just call for throwing out a worm and sitting in the shade. Ian James is a well known fly-fisher/author/guide that lives here in London (Ont.) and fishes the Thames a lot around here for smallmouths and carp. He has a lot of good information on his site, especially for beginners. I do pretty good with my version of his 'white puke fly'. This should be his site http://www3.sympatico.ca/ianjames/ Good luck.
  8. I've got a big box full of newfie jokes somewhere. I'll go look for them. Welcome aboard!
  9. So sad. I know how tough it is to lose a friend like that.
  10. It's Friday the 13th! We went down once a couple years ago just to see what all the fuss was about.............What a freak show!
  11. I don't know of much going on in the Maitland R. until bass season opens. Maybe try for perch off the pier.
  12. Here's a video of the Joe Cell thing. <object width="425" height="355"><param name="movie" value=" name="wmode" value="transparent"></param><embed src=" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" wmode="transparent" width="425" height="355"></embed></object>
  13. Or The Joe Cell. This one is really weird, but there is a lot of of people (especially in Australia) that really believe this is the answer. It's using water but it's different than HHO (I think) http://www.thejoecell.com/
  14. A boat motor that uses water for fuel?
  15. Very nice.
  16. Glad to see you're back. Oh...........where are you?
  17. Get whatever color they have at the store.......then take it home and paint it black.
  18. A 'triple dog' dare!! You have no choice. Or forever be known as...
  19. Everybody's in a good mood for a change. Must have been out fishing a few times.
  20. "My name is ________ (your name), and I'm a fishaholic" Ohhh man, you've got it bad.
  21. So ............Did you unroll that poster yet? I'm guessing juvenile atlantic salmon.
  22. I think that that the bears living in southern Ont. are generally smarter than your average bear. (Keep an eye on you picnic basket). I keep hearing about a couple of bears living in the Maitland R. valley that nobody has actually seen but have been positively ID'd by the droppings which are found regularly along the river by fishermen. I think the smarter ones will probably do well down here.
  23. I don't know anything about the area you're going to or even about crappies, but, if you've got the time, then it's a good time to go. Watch for where other guys are fishing and try to watch what they're doing or using. Maybe try talking to them. Some guys will be helpful. Anyways, good luck and post some pics.
  24. Wow! You guys are hard-core. Congrats to the 'old man' on his new PB.
  25. Nice one!
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