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Everything posted by EC1

  1. Nicely done! I was thinking about going there to take a few casts since it never even froze over at all this year. These things are supposed to bite jerkbaits year round right? Has anyone been in contact with the legendary SNAG lately? Would love to see what he's been up to with the downtown pike lately.
  2. If anyone wants to learn how to change backgrounds flawlessly, I'll teach them at the cost of a fishing trip. Anything you post on the Internet has a chance to bite you back... Just a matter of thinking before you post.
  3. Someone that's ice fishing the BoQ when other's are trolling softwater in the bay too! Nice fish!
  4. Loved it when I went there. Good largie and smallie fishing if you just paddle out...and you've got lots of areas to try if you have a big boat.
  5. Wow Beauties there! That pike is awful dark too! Just wondering, how deep do you need to fish for lakers up north?
  6. There's far too many lines on the market for everyone to agree on one. I'd say have a budget for 2 different braids and try both..I'm pretty sure you'll like at least one of them. There's not very many bad braids out there...And even the braids that aren't so good, there are people that like them. I've hated on Duracast for the longest time because of its line diameter.
  7. Thanks for sharing Moosebunk! BTW, I tried that Honey Garlic walleye recipe you posted. IT'S DAMN DELICIOUS!
  8. Glad to see you onto fish again! How'd that ling taste? I really want to try one this year...But I don't think it will happen unless Simcoe coughs one up for me during the day.
  9. I usually have 55# daiwa samurai on all my bc's. I think what you're looking for is a better casting braid. All of the 8 weave braids should be better in the casting dept, but check your line diameters before hand or make sure at the store. There's lines out there that are way thicker than they should be, some thinner(samurai is one of them). Samurai does break a little easier, so I dont recommend 40 for bc's. It will take a trip or two to get used to it, but I love that line.
  10. EC1

    Booming ice

    I remember having caught fish over noisy ice, but I can't see why not. I'd say panfish are usually more timid compared to others, but you shouldn't discount the ice making weather. We've had rather warm temps for the last while and then you got this "cold" day all of a sudden.
  11. I wanna know why all these pictures with the background shows NO ONE ELSE on the ice. I really felt uncomfortably close to other people that other day... But all in all, great weekend. Definitely my best week of fishing I've had on Simcoe in my life!
  12. Nice fish! Looks like you had an awesome weekend!
  13. Nicely done! I gave away an all inclusive ice fishing trip for Christmas to one of my best friends too. It's gonna be just like you to put him on fish!
  14. :clapping: Way to go man! If you made a Surely Fishing episode out of it, I would have loved to watch it. When are you planning on making another one anyways? And what species / technique will it be on? I really think that last whitefish video you did help me ice a few fish on Simcoe this year! Thanks again!
  15. I'm almost sure the sonar cones covered most of kempenfelt today. Most of my morning was trying to find my jig amongst the huge amount of interference. When is your report coming mike? Can't wait to see the pic of that last fish you got.
  16. Beauty!
  17. Good decision making! Mine are usually not as good when it comes to making a move onto fish. Hope you have a good meal out of em!
  18. :thumbsup_anim: Nice fish, and even if you skunked, I'm jealous you even got to go softwater fishing. Either let me get onto laker ice or let me bring out my canoe!
  19. Wow. Just wondering, have you guys tried casting for them at this time of year?
  20. I own the MH 28" rod and have handled the UL and ML. I think it's got a much better bend than any of the st croixs. I have no clue what the blank is in terms of sensitivity, but I haven't had any problems with feeling the bite yet. I like mine and will buy another one the next time I get a rod. (Hopefully I won't get another one this season... I don't need anymore rods ) I know that the softwater rods are one of the best in terms of splining for the best bend. (Go and take a look at some rods the next time you go to a tackle store. BTW, splining is because any rod bends best only in 1 direction. Placing your guides along that will produce good bends, while ones that are not on the spline do not bend anywhere near as well as ones that are. On a rod that isn't splined, there should be some torque/twisting on the rod when a load is on the rod. (Not to bash on high end rods, but sometimes their QC decides not to check the spline and you end up with a rod that isn't as good as it could be)
  21. Nice job! Someone's gotta take me out for some secret spot crappies. My spots are all fished out! Hope you have a good fish fry!
  22. Take a look at what the guys are doing in 50 fow tomorrow mike. Ran into the same thing shallower to deeper and I took 10 home. It was brutally cold if you have to take off your gloves to unhook the dinks. Im Looking forward to my perch fry though
  23. In my 12ft squareback, I usually run a 32# thrust, but have had a 55# in the back also. To be honest with you, the difference in speed between the 2 were minimal, except I think I'd say that the 55 was better at chopping through weeds. If you're looking at running to a spot that is over 1km from the launch, just spend some time fishing your way out with the trolling motor on high. Use heavy jigs and hope for a reaction bite. This method's caught me a few fish last year and they're great bonuses when you've caught fish before you even get to the spot you were looking to fish!
  24. Looks like I'll need to catch me one of those before the ice season is over!
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