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Everything posted by EC1

  1. I don't have a witty name for the situation... but it sure did brighten my day a little!
  2. EC1

    EC1's 2012

    Well, Black Friday 2012 is coming up.... Spend it all then . LOL. Realistically, there is nothing I need for 2012, but I'll be needing a few more tricks up my sleeve for 2013. And thanks for the feedback guys!
  3. Since barely anyone posts reports anymore, let's just all do a 2012 summary. Summary for my year so far... Blade baits are golden during the coldwater months Can't seem to find any spring crappie fishing pictures.... Got a few here and there. Nothing special. Fished for walleye once as well.. Had a few decent fish but no PB's Got better at fishing for lakers and whities Jigging for softwater lakers is very similar to ice fishing for them Figured out how to use a flipping jig(Never got anything over 3 with them though ) Flipped all summer but got my biggest largemouth on a jerkbait in the early fall... Fished the OBF this year, and embarassed myself big time. The dropshot is my #1 Technique.... USE IT MORE. Found the effectiveness of a football jig Fall smallies are my absolute favourite thing to target after September. Here's a PB at 6+. Put a few of non fishing friends onto a few days of decent fishing. Goals for 2013 - Catch a 5+ Largie - Get better at jigs - Barely did any fall crappie fishing for 2012... Maybe get a few trips in for next year - Learn to fish crankbaits and swimbaits better
  4. I am gonna apologize that I didn't read 2 pages of this... But I'll explain why I, personally Read OFC. I'll admit that I barely read any newspapers, and am not super updated with current events. I find that you will learn a lot of insights into life and street smarts just from reading here(Some Fishing and some NF, of course).... Well if you keep up and read most of the posts.
  5. I love that I thought "stoned polar bear" right off the bat as well!
  6. Nice, getting a new combo for the trip! Looking forward to hearing about it!
  7. You've got your kids hooked on fishing for life! Thanks for sharing.
  8. Barometric Pressure & Bass Here's an article that I read recently about this stuff. The guy explains things better than I ever could. In my books, I don't ever get that scientific and go fishing anyways for a few reasons: 1. If the weather during the weekend goes sour, you just have to prepare yourself for the weather. 2. There's likely still a fish or two willing to bite no matter what the weather is. 3. At the end of the year you don't want to kick yourself for not having gone fishing enough.
  9. Beauty colours on these fish! Thanks for sharing!
  10. Thanks Gentlemen! Used the parking lot where you have to walk across the footbridge. Boy oh Boy does that spot right past the foot bridge smell awful ....Lol.
  11. BTW, here's a link from Matt Allen and he's great at sharing his tactics with Swimbaits and now the a-rig. He's from the west coast, and the stuff that he does to his rig seems pretty interesting. EDIT: Added link. A-rig: Tips, tricks, tweaks
  12. Threw it a grand total of once...Didn't get anything on it. My conclusions about it - When it lands in the water, it sounds like a 2# bass jumping. Very hard to get feedback of what your baits are doing and when they are tangled. I do want to give it another shot, but I don't know when that will be.
  13. The walleye look very tasty! BTW, I think largemouth fishing in the thick stuff is probably the most fun type of fishing there is!
  14. Afternoon guys! I'm probably going to be fishing in and around Barrie for perch and smallies in the next couple of weeks, but then I had a question I wanted to ask before I get a ticket for parking at the Tiffin Launch. Is there somewhere I can park and walk back to the launch, or will I need to find somewhere else to go? Thanks and have a good weekend!
  15. EC1


    Up until the point where it gets cold enough to need actual insulation in the glove, I find white work gloves are fantastic. Just takes the bite out of the wind, and does not affect manual dexterity too badly. Once the real gloves are needed, I just have a bunch of gloves with thinsulate in them. Not much you can do about it. Any glove will hinder your touch etc.
  16. Nice! So what's on the menu now? Joining all the salmon guys?
  17. Screw him and his report! I like my fish bigger and bigger! Hopefully the freshwater fish in Canada are an exception, I'll be happy if climate change makes our bass grow like Florida largemouth! I'll also give up ice fishing for a year round softwater season as well!
  18. I've seen that in some fall crappies before. My best guess is that they're already stocking up for next spring! From what I recall, they're not huge egg sacs, and don't look anywhere close to being ripe yet.
  19. Wow, that is quite the fish from shore! Big congrats from me! :clapping:
  20. That was a great read! Thanks for sharing! Makes me want to make a trip out there sometime this year now!
  21. Let me be the party pooper. I don't think your knot had any problem, you just skimped out the coin on FC line. I think Stren Fluorocast is TERRIBLE. I had 17# and it broke in all sorts of weird ways that I couldn't explain. You also can't go wrong with any of the knots that the others told you above. With FC, I find the ratio for money : performance is key. IMO, if you're not paying close to 20 bucks (or more) for a spool of FC, you won't get good quality. Maybe someone can prove me wrong, but I'll stick with what I have now and not complain about mysterious breaks.
  22. Ahh, that really sucks. I hope it's gonna be better for you at your next T! Moosebunk's got that honey garlic fish recipe. Quoted from him.... try this fried in oil next time. 1/2 parts buttermilk pancake mix to 1/2 parts original Shake N'Bake, a little garlic salt and optional spices to all make up the coating. Dip walleye in an egg or two beaten with a little milk and maple syrup before coating. Fry that goodness for some sweet battered walleye with a hint of a honey garlic flavor.
  23. Had a terrible evening last Friday. Had a 12" LMB hit 3 times and finally caught it. That was also it for the rest of the day. I'm sure scugog is always good for bass... well if you can find 'em!
  24. You and Stoty got it down!
  25. I'm more than double her age and I don't have one that good! Nice fish, I bet you're proud!
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