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Everything posted by EC1

  1. Good Afternoon all, Was just informed by some friends that we might be taking the next weekend off to try and shoot for a run at a buddy's campsite. As far as I've heard so far, I will be on a lake with smallies (Which will be OOS when I get there), and rainbows. No clue as to its depth or structures, but is anyone willing to share with me their experiences on the lake? I'm told worm and split shots will catch rainbows, but I would be a lot more interested if I got a chance to trick some of these fish into biting artificial baits.
  2. I think you're going to get like many different settings for this. First off, I'm practicing the pitch skipping myself lately too, and when I read from what others are writing online, it says to pretty much turn off all brakes (or maybe to a very low setting), and even have your tension knob loose too. Skipping also has a lot to do with where you let your bait make contact with water. Too close to yourself and it goes nowhere, too far and it might not skip. Their reasoning is because with brakes on, you will have to put more juice into your cast, and that is where you start casting hard at the water, and the one time your thumb is late, you will be looking at a beastly backlash. I had one of these a couple nights ago, and it damn took me nearly 2 hours to fix the line......(I just spooled some Daiwa Braid on and was not going to waste an entire spool of line.) As for me, normal pitching I've been using minimal brakes and a light spool tension. It's all in your thumb!
  3. I haven't read from the pages before, forgive me.... BUT, I do find myself in a situation where I need the Canada Post right now. I just broke one of my baitcasters and I actually found out what part was broken....And now I was hoping I'd get the piece asap...Ain't happening anymore.
  4. Beauty pictures!
  5. I almost will not go in my canoe without it now! Helps a ton to know exactly where you are and where there is good water close by.
  6. AWESOME! Thanks a bunch to everyone! Marvin, it's crazy you know exactly what knockoff this is! Maybe if I find some at the dollar store, I should probably stock up on them. It's crazy to think that this jerkbait costed a dollar, because this guy suspended perfectly nose down, and the paint also has a nice yellow sheen in the sun! Now this really brings me to the point....Do I really need to buy a 25 dollar Japanese jerkbait!? This guy outfished my 25 dollar jerkbait for the day, and all this costed was 4 split rings and 3 trebles + $1.13 at the dollar store!
  7. My rule of thumb for colours as of 2011 have seemed to be to start off with something natural in all sorts of water. The reason to this is because I fell in love with dropshotting now, and natural baits just instantly becomes the first go to. It's something that is very bad, but I'm starting to notice more and more that a colour change was all it took to turn some of these fish into biting! (Means you have to own every colour that is catalogued out there Lol.) I've had days where the producing colour would outfish everyone else by huge numbers, and also days where if you had the right colour only in the tail, they would only bite the tail.
  8. Thanks for the help! Glad you guys like the title! When I checked the strike pro alpha minnow it says it floats an dives about 3feet. Mine suspends and dives about 5 feet. I guess it's some knock off then. Better not be losing it anytime soon!
  9. Good Evening all, Got quite a big question for lure junkies out there. I didn't particularly know this jerkbait until about yesterday, when its action and fish-slamming capabilities were exposed! The only problem is, I have no clue what make or model this is, and I was wondering if you guys could recognize it? My dad actually snagged it when we were shore fishing a couple of years ago. You won't be able to ID this via the hooks, because those were put on by myself, and if it helps, it says "SP" or Suspend at the bottom of it between the 2nd and 3rd treble. It has quite loud rattles, no weight transfer system, Half Oz., and is about the same size as a Vision 110. (110mm) This is a larger image of it in case you need more details. Larger Pic Thanks in Advance!
  10. Nice! What size are the originals?
  11. That looks like an amazing trip! The fish looks really good, and had you not said you were baby seal hunting, I would have thought you domesticated it..Lol.
  12. I think I have an idea for this. First off, those that want to share, write it up like a real recipe, and then whether it's going to be like the forum where people just add the recipes themselves or sends it into the admin. Once that is done, have a Latest Recipes section like the "What's on your mind?" on the main page. I know there's never such thing as too many recipes!
  13. Did my part today. If you guys don't Canada might be IN DEBT SOON. DON'T LET THAT HAPPEN!
  14. Finally someone mentions the albright. My tip to that is to go 8 wraps one way, and 8 wraps the other way instead of 10 only 1 way. The uni to uni really feels like you killed something everytime you reel past it, and cast it out.
  15. I remember one night a couple years back while fishing for crappie I got a bluegill that was give or take 13 inches. Dumb enough, I listen to the people around me, "OH WOW, THAT THING IS GOING TO BE DELICIOUS STEAMED!". Took it home and did exactly that....Was the nastiest tasting fish I've ever had. The fish just tasted like weeds and the meat was way tough. Now this is probably one of the biggest regrets panfishing in my years of fishing. I ate a gross fish, and never even got a picture of it. Now it's all just a fishing story......I've yet to have caught or seen one that is similar in size anymore.
  16. Has anyone out there been able to find the 832 in Neon Lime? That's the colour that I want most. Anyways, Tuf-lineXP, Daiwa Samurai Braid(Very smooth, handles very well), Fireline Braid(Very smooth also, but is prone to wind knots), P-line Spectrex has been nice to me over the last few years. Spiderwire Invisibraid looks cool, but seems kind of thick, but handles ok....Tufline Duracast sucks.
  17. Drove by some walking around just outside of Port Perry Sunday. Haven't hunted before, but definitely would like to know whether wild turkey is really all that much better.
  18. Nice stuff dude! That's some decent size! I cannot wait to hook into some bigger ones after 2 days of hitting clones at 7" or so. Just a quick pointer in your filets, there's an extra little piece of meat that is boneless on a crappie that is just behind the rib cage. You should be able to get a little extra bite out of your filets!
  19. I guess I have to make an apology too for not knowing that you can't put everyone's fish into the same bucket. BUT, at the same time, I don't think I've ever asked someone what type of license they're holding. Nipfisher, I think it's a little bit of an assumption that I don't know my limit though. There was a total of 57 fish in between us, I took 18, and the rest were Bigredfisher and his dad. If the numbers we counted were correct, there should be 39 fish in their possession (under the 40 that was legal). I apologize for not making 100% sure of our limits before hand. I had an awesome time today...but this pretty much turned that upside down.
  20. Awesome job there, mate!
  21. I would like to learn some more recipes. I recently did a baked crappie recipe with dill and crackers and that was quite delicious. If you guys are willing to share, I'm willing to try them!
  22. Nice! As long as there's no fishing downtime, you're ok to call it a quits for ice Otherwise, get back out there this weekend! Lol.
  23. Some good insight there. Look forward to trying it out this May!
  24. WHOA, lucky that I was busy if the fishing sucked. haha. And Vic, fishing does involve spending some time with people that you wouldn't otherwise see all the time!
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