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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. http://sports.espn.go.com/outdoors/tournaments/opens/news/story?page=opens_2011_SO1_Holliday_D3wi_notes&campaign=rss&source=BASSMASTERHeadlines
  2. They get a nice glossy Sheen to them which gives you a few extra seconds when it freezes again to go through the escape hatch before the Polar Bears take the roof down.
  3. Thats a nice fish man. I see my good friend there with you as well. Tell FB I said hi next time.
  4. The New Lowrance and HB units are awesome, but like MSBRUNO stated you wont get the traditional older sonar to distinguish what you are looking for. I have tinkered with both of these and IMO, I would have to say the Lowrance one is the better of the two. I have been using Downscan and Sidescan for 2 years now with alot of knowledge of them logged right now. Its amazing that the stuff from the older units being translated into the downscan can open a whole new world. Its cool to see them side by side as I have done for the last 2 years. What I thought was a certian object was infact not what I thought it was at all. They have come a long way with this and it will only get better. You will get guys stating its just a fishfinder, what more could you see with these. Well I have taken several guys from this site out to let them see for themselves and they are blown away every single time. You only get the downscan transducer, its dual beam though for deeper water or that translates from the 4000 watts of power to much clearer pictures in shallower water. The user friendly menu is very easy to use and to be honest, right out of the box on Auto it will blow you away, once trained on them you will wonder how you ever did without it. The Transducer is much smaller and more compact now then ever before. I have 5 transducers on my boat right now. The Structure Scan one being the biggest. But I wanted them both, Traditional and Downscan/Sidescan with the option to either have one or both on the same time. I have been a fanatic for electronice from the original paper graphs from my off shore commercial days to the new ones now. They have come so far its unbeleiveable. The grey scale is just as good as the color units. Different strokes for different folks. There are some Pro Elite guys that still want the Black and White units over the color ones. If you need more info on a detailed comparasion feel free to PM me.
  5. The inside of my case is lined with foam that had been molded to fit all batteries and unit. I bought 2 cans of spray foam, sprayed it in and put plastic wrap on it . Waited for it to get set up a bit and placed the stuff into it. Voila, a custom moulded case that can take a beating. Call me crazy I do alot of recording on my units just for fun. I like fiddeling around with them to dial them in better. Do they se more, no, but I dont want to use an older model. If we all kept the older ones the companies would go out of business. Just for the record, if they made a 14" HDS, I would be fishing with that on the ice, and probally watching the Hockey game on spit screen, one can dream.
  6. The Lowrance kit comes with the power cord and transducer. Swing arm as well as a few more things suh as a battery and carring case. I have the kit but dont use it for a HDS-10. I will probally use it for my DSI unit at the end of the month. Thats a 5" unit. Not sure if it will be sufficient though. There is one on Kijiji right now( Ice Transducer) Power cords are cheap. Batteries are cheap. You can build one better for under $120.
  7. I use this one. It houses my Camera as well.
  8. I have the HDS-10, HDS-8 with LSS-1 as well as the Sonic Hub right now. I have the software from Doc sampson as well for making and charting lakes. I love mine. If you want to know anything about them feel free to give me a shout. I have them figured out very nicely right now. I just ordered my Elite 5 " dsi for a portable. I also use a HDS-8 as my ice fishing unit. Once you go to these you will never go back. I'm finding structure on lakes I never knew were there. I have even found stuff like a Car on Scugog, Huts on Simcoe and other lakes. I would never find this stuff without LSS-1. Amazing the difference you see with 2d to Structure View.
  9. They cant be copied. If you try and place it in the Computer it will be erased. If you have a program like , Map Create, Fugawi, or Nav Planner you can view and make you rown. I have the softare from Doc Sampson for creating my own 3D type cards that are better then the Navionics, Takes alot of work but very rewarding in the end. I now have cards for just about every lake I go on. I have a ton of SD cards but it keeps everything organized. Lowrance has a program on their site or organizing waypoints and other stuff for free if you want. Try and find Map Create for Canada if you can.
  10. Very sorry to hear of your Dad's passing Phil!! Good to see you cherishing the memories and values he gave you.
  11. Congrats on the new addition Pete. Little fella looks so alert!!!!!
  12. Here is one that will bring it back for you. I will be doing this next week an will make sure to have one for ya,maybe 2 !!!! In a few short hours I will be bringing my little one for her first Newfie Christmas. She is gonna have a blast. I look at it this way, I get to spend a ton of well deserved time with family and friends I have not otherwise been able to over the year. My Christmas will be blessed as I will be able to spend it with my family in my childhood home. Been wanting to do this since she was born. Now she can get to experience it and enjoy it. Look at it this way Brian, if ya need to feel better, take some of that stuff and go lookin at that tree root again, you might see Santa.
  13. Wow is all I can say to this. Those miters are terrible. Doesnt look like he scored them at all or used any tape. Dap, not enough out there to match that. Those are not sanding scratches I see at the last pic. I beleive these guys lay the finish on with a brush. Lines are to varies for a belt sander. I could be wrong, may just be camera tricks. Thats not crown or valance moulding. Thats a banding finishing trim under sills for windows or a finishing trim for a joint where two peices meet. No filler spaces on top or bottom to adjust for squareness at all. Thsoe are the first thing to be placed up. If the house is out of square it can be hidden over the entire kitchen without anyone noticing. The banding is terrible on the b oxes, looks like a blind guy did it with grandmas old steam iron.
  14. I deal with these type of people all the time, seems if you have money and you buy a hammer you are a qualified carpenter nowadays. I had to learn the old way first before I was even allowed to touch a power tool. My wife is a Designer by trade and cant beleive what these people get away with. I deal with Designers and so called Skilled Tradesmen/women every day. Very few skilled or licenced ones out there. I'm a Master Carpenter by Trade. I had to learn so much stuff to become one thats its impossible to remember everything all the time. Lol. I can tell you how much a certian peice of furniture will move with moisture, just my passion and I have turned it into a career. I do tons of Custom stuff, hand turned peices to custom Furniture to wooden boats I have made before. I know how to steam manipulate woods, laminate bends, inlays etc. I dont use putty, plain and simple. Sometimes its needed in jobsite situations (Production Houses) but never in a private custom job. I have fired guys for using it. I can build a fine peice of Furniture or even a Beaver Dam if someone wishes. But guys like myself dont come cheap like the other post stated. But I have yet to have one unsatisified customer. Everything is up front and it gets done the way its contracted out to get done. I use contractors all the time and will not pay until I go through the job and everything thats entailed in a Contract is complete. Because Im a good carpenter it was hard for me to find good guys when I first started out. First year I fired 13 guys. Some of them with 30 years experience. I'm speaking from a Contractors point of view here as well. Do not pay them a cent and you should require them to discount the fee for being late and for all the mistakes. Request the job to be done as per your signed plan. If it does not meet it then they dont get paid until its done. As for the Crown or Valanc, I dont even nail the face of those. I use a Pin nailer on back reveal to attach it to the top and Glued miters are a must. I use a resin type glue for flex. I also color my miters with same stain as cabinets. There should be no gaps. This one installed in your kitchen can now for sure not be used again. Its now landfill. Call the owner of the company, usually works. Make sure he comes out to the Job. Always works for me if needed. Anice guy does this all the time as well. Great guy also. Knows his stuff . Again dont sit back and take it from them if I were you. Why dont you popst the Kitchen Company name as to warn others. To many companies out there like this hat give guys like us a bad name.
  15. I have to agree with Gerrit on this one. However I will add that its half your fault by doing this the "cash" route, usually goes ok but when it doesnt it can get ugly. Not saying this in a bad way but it is what it is. I'm a licenced contractor and when people talk cash I walk away. Sorry but its not worth it. Also Gerrit is right about the doors, Latch sides meet always unless specified otherwise. The guy seems like a run of the Mill guy that in all reality means well but is just a handyman. Big difference. We charge a little more usually which covers our insurance/expert advise and gives the homeowner a leg to stand on when a contract is signed. I even get a deposit up front that covers my materials that way without a legal battle if someone doesnt want to pay I'm not out just for my time only. With that said, talk to him and see what happens. Tell him your not happy and that he should have listened properly when asked to make it the same. I'm sure he realized it and was hoping nothing was going to get said about it. I get calls about this all the time and I usually stay away from getting involved in them anymore. Hope it works out for ya.
  16. Sorry, should have rephrased it. Nothing goes outside meant that its all made here. Sales are all over North America. They are all made and packaged here. Dave is in charge of Canadian sales and Jim takes care of the international sales.
  17. Here is a product I have been using for a while now. I tried al the rest and they did not work as well as this one. This company has grown to huge success in under a year. Best thing and reason I use them is that they are Canadian made. Nothing goes outside. The ownwr is a person who beleives in keeping everything here. Anything to do with the business stays here. Thats why I support them as well as I love the product. http://www.therodglove.com/
  18. Thats awesome bud. Great looking SUV for sure. We are in the market looking for one right now but thinking about going with the Suburban or Expedition with all the stuff that comes along with kids etc and we are able to take another couple along. I just did that home Audit, great deal for sure. Got a ton back.
  19. When I first moved here from Newfoundland I was Ice Fishing up north. I started dozing off in the portable hut looking at the hole and woke up to one of these little freaks looking at me. Scared the Jeebers out of me for sure. Someone must have caught it and released it and it decided it wanted something in my hut. I never saw something like that and thought it was a mutant of some sort. Kinda scared me at first but realized it wasnt harmfull other than the fact that the little buggers do bite.
  20. http://www.thestar.com/news/crime/article/900745--police-arrest-suspect-after-man-killed-with-crossbow-inside-main-st-library?bn=1 This city never ceases to amaze me.
  21. Reading this post brings a tear to my eye Wayne. Having my own Little girl now I can imagine what your feeling. She seems like one hell of a tough girl though. They have come a long way with the advancements of Cancer and I'm sure she will benefit from that in a good way and we will be reading a different post soon enough. My thoughts and prayers go out to you and your family. There is always room here if you need it. I dont live to far from there, East end of Scarborough.
  22. Just wait till they need to start finding ways to make back that money loaned out last year.
  23. No offense but they should not have to look it up. You could give them anyones name. Same reason they wont look up a drivers licence. Carry it with you and you wont have any problems. Plain and simple. I got stopped on Quinte by a not so nice Female officer with an attitude one morning this summer. She even checked my Fire extinguisher. I had to give her copy of insurance, Bill of sale for boat,Boat registration papers, all safety gear including Flares. Fishing Licence and Boaters card. I had more then I needed and everything was in a neat little package. I was wearing my life jacket as I usually do and she was a little angry to say the least. I had told her please come aboard and find something as I would love to know if I had something out of place. I preceeded to calm her down by giving her a coffee from my thermos. She then chuckeled and said if everyone was like you ,my job would be easy. I told her that if that was the case she would be doing it from a desk. Goes to show she like everone else can have a bad day. Maybe she had allready fined a bunch of guys for leaving it in the truck. Luck they didnt ask for all the stuff mentioned above. This stuff needs to be carried also. Same guys who complain about these guys doing their job are the same guys that complained that something needed to be done before. Who cares if its a cash grab. Something got done about it and Im sure people got a little more responseable for it. You will always find the usuall idiot racing around and the card wont fix that, they usually fix themselves and make the papers. Sadly in the wrong section but it is what it is. Piont in case, if you have the card carry it, and all required safety gear. Then you will have a great day of fishing.
  24. Thats way to low of a pitch for that setup Jamie. Try going on Lunds facebook page and posting your setup and see what others are running or calling Lund yourself. They will set you up with peoper prop. Im running a 175 OPTI with a 25 pitch prop so dont think 20 is sufficient for yours. You could try and go on walleyecentral.com and post rig setup there. Tons of guys running that same rig Jamie.
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