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Everything posted by mbac31

  1. Im looking for a float reel for my daughter but cant seem to find a smaller one for a 3 year old. I have built a rod for her but now need to find the smallest Float reel I can for her. Maybe someone knows where I can look. Might have to convert a Fly reel over maybe. Thanks
  2. I cant seem to get the smaller ones. What size were you using and where were you on the Island?
  3. Some Companys now offer them on their websites available to order. Quantum, St Croix etc. Just search around and you will find them. You can go into places that male them and get one made for yourself. Usually you need companys permission to add logos. Bass clubs are a good source for these shirts as they usually have an affiliation with groups and organizations that have their own branded shirts.
  4. http://www.ehow.com/how_5847211_make-tempura-batter.html
  5. Im doing trip for Sea Trout in two weeks. I have the other ones but they tend to rust quick. I have the fly tying hooks in stainless but the wrong bend. Might have to modify them maybe.
  6. Im looking for this style of hook or similar but in a Stainless version. I cant seem to locate any around here or close by. Looking for sizes from 16-6 Thanks
  7. 2 more weeks till vacation

  8. This is one of mine from this season.
  9. Seatbelts save lives no doubt. This one hits close to home all to well. 2 weeks ago on october 8th my 20 year old cousin was killed from one. They are not sure but she had the marks around her chest from wearing it but still was ejected from the car. 2 days before her birthday and 2 days before her boyfriend was going to ask for her hand. In 1998 me and my wife made the front news page for our crash up in Uxbridge. Had to get a ride from a helicopter in that one. Thank god for seatbelts She was wearing one and it actually broke her pelvic bone from the impact. I hate to imagine what would of happened if she wasnt wearing one. That Video is true, the person not wearing one can cause more damage then the crash itself.
  10. Very sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. Condollences to you and your family
  11. Hey, If you have any problems with it next week. Let me know. I'll take it out with you. We will use my truck. I will show you how to winterize it at well. Call me on monday. In the down season we can change those fuel lines and add a water seperator for you.
  12. I cant beleive you let Jackie drive. LOl. Congrats man.
  13. I have had the HDS 10 and HDS 8 since they came out, three months after I cast a while ago. I have tested them and taught alot of guys on this board how to use them. I can even tell you which weed is under the boat right now. I had a blast with it in the ocean this summer as well. Hard to tell in deep water though but you will get the hang of it. I will admit, Lowrance is much harder to use out of the box but with a little work you will far surpass that of any other imaging thats on the market right now. There are some great viseos out there as well to easily teach, Doc Sampson, Bennett Marine, etc.
  14. Ive been away most of the summer, was wondering if I missed it.
  15. Try downloading the new fix.
  16. Pre fishing is not against tournament rules. I will have spent some time on the franny this year pre fishing for sure.
  17. To funny!!
  18. welcome to the site
  19. How is this spam? I compete every year and am proud to do so. I met 4 OFNers there last year and if I remember there were a few posts following it.
  20. If you think yours is hard try doing 6 of them like on mine. Simple procedure. Google it and you will find nice videos of it. I would recomend buy a $27 dollar Hayes manual and doing alot of them stuff yourself. Dont buy the Mercury manual as it only reccomends Merc tools the Hayes reccomends normal tools. I just did my friends small opti and was done in under an hour, geal oil, plugs, fuel filter, stabalizer and winter cocktail etc.
  21. It will be out of Valleyfield bud. Sept 23-24. Tons of fun for the crowds as well as I beleive some free stuff to be tossed out as well the second day. I know I have some free stuff to be given away from my sponsors. It will be right in the harbour in the park. You wont be able to miss it. If you see my boat or me say hi. Its got Great Canadian Sportsman Magazine as well as Dobyns, Rod Glove, etc on it.
  22. Hows long point treatin ya DINGIS.
  23. Just wondering who all from here will be attending the Berkley B1 on Lake st Francis this year. I will be participating again and hoping to cash a cheque, Lol. Feel free to say hi if ya see me there.
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