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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Today was just another classic Georgian bay opener. Sack just shy of 20lbs but close to 40 fish boated between 8am and 2. Average size high 2’s and 3’s. Spent the high sun period site fishing in 7<fow watching schools of smallies seek and destroy our ned and whacky rigs. Gonna try for some largies in the pads just to shake things up this evening.
  2. Re: bass on beds i think people forget that bass spawn anywhere from 0-10 fow. Sure we all know about classic sight fishing but that only represents a piece of the picture. furthermore if you have ever surfed, you realize even bigger waves expel most of their energy above the surface of the water. When you dive beneath them you hardly move at all. Yes if there are waves crashing on the beds in a foot of water, they are definitely taking a beating. Remember bass also spawn in waves, only a particular subset of fish will be doing the deed at any given time. The only time using a gps failed me and scared the heck Out of me was the time I decided to go adventuring into a giant shoal/sunken island field on the western outskirts of pointe au baril. The area is basically totall uncharted and impassable and therefor sees quite literally 0 boat traffic or fishing pressure quite literally ever. I figured I was going to be slick and slip my tinner through the gaps in the shoals and fish the deeper areas between the strips of rocks keeping a driveline to focus on where i was going. Simple, troll out and then follow my driveline back home. Sure enough I made my way out heading south west through the rocks (it was glass calm by the way) slipping through the doorways. Caught a few fish but nothing to write home about, then made my way back when I realized that even while sitting on my drive line, those 4 foot wide gaps in the rocks I had slipped through on the way out were now far more difficult to spot and were in many instances my only way to make my way back north east to safety...and even worse, at some point I had clearly taken the wrong “doorway” and what this meant was that I was now probably 10 feet away from my way into the maze and had no idea how the heck to go out. Admittedly I’m pretty sure by the end of my way trying to make it through the maze, I gave up and smacked the TM off of some rocks and scraped the bottom of the boat over a shoal just to make it out. In hindsight I was really really stupid. Had a lake breeze kicked up or anything the waves could have built very quickly out in that open water and put us in an area unnaccessbile to help, and in a small boat stuck. We easily could have swam to safety (there was rocks above water everywhere too), but I definitely could have lost the boat that day
  3. There’s 0 doubt that electronics are extremely handy, especially when it comes to navigating. Certain times of year/patterns rely a lot on utilizing your sonar and even more specifically down imaging. Smallies in September like to sit on bait, for the most part the bait they feed on is barely visible on chirp sonar, but on down imaging you can see the fish chasing bait. I still have no friggin clue how people used to get around on Georgian bay prior to having a gps. I mean sure you could learn the way through some of the main channels through experience, but there’s no way in hell you’d venture off of them unless you were paddling. heck I still run into rocks with some regularity while standing on the deck running the trolling motor. I’ve been lucky enough that to date (knock on wood) I haven’t hit the lower end of my outboard off of anything. I basically 100% owe that to having a gps to guide me on my way. As a rule of thumb I stick to drive lines and charted areas and when I want to explore I throw in the bow mount and make my way carefully. I’ve learned a lot of water this way.
  4. Took my neighbor fishing a couple weeks back and hes lived in Pointe Au Baril since the 50's when I describe the fish that i catch on a regular basis he is blown away. Truly the "good old days" are now. Regulations are tight, the lakes are the cleanest they've been in hundreds of years, there is no commercial fishing going on and the fish are plentiful and fat.
  5. was blessed enough to spend some time salmon fishing in Haida Gwaii Needless to say that there is more than just fishing to do. Just a day in the boat is a bloody adventure. I remember sitting one day as we trolled along, I was staring at the snow capped mountains of alaska, while Whales, Porpoises and sea lions could all be seen. A really incredible place.
  6. I’m blown away by your bug report lew in pointe au baril they are the worst I’ve seen them in 16 years
  7. you must mix some running in on your walk to get away from the bugs!
  8. if you want to know the real scam, check out oil prices...oil is trading at some of the lowest levels we have seen since 2003, however we are paying some of the highest gas prices we have ever seen in Canada. Just another day living in canada where we are accustomed to over paying for everything.
  9. View Advert Free used seats Hey guys, just replaced the original seats in my boat and before throwing these ones in the trash I figured maybe someone could use a couple of seats for a tinner or something??? pick up either in Toronto or meet up along the 400 between Toronto and pointe au baril. cracks as you can see in the base material. But definitely an upgrade over sitting on the flat bench in a tinner? Advertiser AKRISONER Date 06/18/2019 Price 0.10 CAD Category Fishing Classifieds
  10. sure enough, went to the north end of the lake and there were fish protecting fry...go figure south end of the tri lakes didnt see a single bass up on a beds, mostly just other fish cruising around checking out the spawning blue gills and sunnys. Then headed to the north end and sure enough there were largies protecting clouds of fry. Let me tell you, we had boats on all three lakes in the tri lakes and the largemouth fishing saturday and sunday was not good at all. Piles of dinks and males around and not a single bigger fish to be found. Our biggest fish from 3 boats was a 2lb smallie on sunday, thats rough! A couple of 4lb smallies were caught over the weekend but they were definitely cruising shoals for food and not bedded up.
  11. i think this is what many of us work for a living for...those few special days a year that seem to just "fill us up" thats a lot of fish caught. Very well done!
  12. Live update from the kawarthas the bass are not on beds and the fishing is tough. Bites are around but you gotta work for them, they sure as hell aren’t up shallow enough to see.
  13. Sick nick, the kids are gonna remember that trip for the rest of their lives!
  14. Sweet mother of god it’s bad up in pointe au baril. It’s worse than I have ever seen it, last night I drenched myself in bug dope and tried to go do a couple of things in the boat sitting at the back of the cottage, by 8pm I was done, I couldn’t take it anymore, a swarm of about 1000 blackflies plus a swarm of about 100 mosquitos had found their way to my stationary ass and proceeded to dive bomb me like pearl harbour. I even ran to the house and tried to shake the bugs off and jumped inside, I think one 1 or two mosquitos snuck in but the amount of black flies that had stuck to me and come in was literally in the hundreds. I then spent the next 20 minutes vacuuming all of the windows in the house to suck up the swarms of blackflies that had collected on them. Gotta love that special time of year where two different types of biting flies are at their absolute peak lol.
  15. Man...the close up of his achillies bursting is wild jeez when they went up 6...I actually got the feeling, the actual feeling of omg this is it, I was actually shaking. I’m 31 years old and I’ve never seen my team win it all...I guess I’ll have to wait
  16. lucky duck! durant says hes playing...as they are saying online If durant is durant at 100%, curry and thompson are hitting their threes, cousins is a defensive beast, i can see the raps winning in 5 LETS GO RAPTORS
  17. I fish both, ive heard some of the back lakes in virginia are good...obviously the great lakes and some places in wisconsin seem to be producing, but ill tell you right now, alabama, south carolina, north carolina all dont even come close to shaking a stick at ontario's bass fishing. Ill let you know how tennessee goes next year as well. Ya we dont get 10lbers, but you also will never get skunked for 4 straight days fishing anywhere in ontario.
  18. might be booked out? But id try and camp at emily or stay at pigeon lake resort.
  19. one of my favourite moments jimmer, literally right in front of your place last year on the friday before opener i was doing some autocharting of a not so well graphed area and as im making my laps two guys go by throwing spinner baits on medium bass gear. I yell, "you know bass is closed right?" "were fishing musky" cant fix stupid.
  20. then our fisheries would turn into the depleted mess that is united states bass fishing. Our fishing is so damn good for a reason, im a fan of keeping it this way as painful as it is. Let the fish on the beds do their thing in peace. Yes a few A holes are always going to be a mess, but the last thing the kawarthas needs is a bunch of idiots hammering bed fish for a month straight. If everyone actually practiced proper catch and release then id consider it...but sadly thats about 10% of people that fish. Tight regs, and even harsher enforcement. Lets keep our bass fisheries the way they are...the best in the world.
  21. only thing that works are long sleeves pants, a buff and a hat. basically soak everything in bug repellent and deal with the bites. This time of year at dusk though is literally unbearable, you cant be out standing still it in no matter how much you cover up and soak yourself in bug dope. Had a moment last year just before the July 1st long weekend we were out in the boat and you could hear the dusk swarm lower down on us. I was covered everywhere but my hands which were soaked in bug dope...i looked down to see no less than 10 skeeters chewing my one hand lol.
  22. Please REPORT suspected poaching, abuses or theft of our natural resources QUICKLY and with as many DETAILS as possible. MNR TIPS Line 1-877-TIPS MNR (1-877-847-7667) Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources Offices. Crimestoppers 1-800-222-TIPS (8477)
  23. when i hear that Bruins fans, coaches, players and management are complaining about a non-call that didnt go in their favour.
  24. If it’s well vacuum sealed, and clearly identifiable and you specifically claim it you shouldn’t have any issue at all. Live plants and animals are more of an issue, packaged foods meant for human consumption typically are far less of an issue.
  25. Kd isn’t coming back. He was supposed to be back games 1-2-3 and 4 and still isn’t back. It’s all mind games not allowing Nick nurse to adjust his rotations at practice due to not knowing whether Durant will play or not. even if he does come back, and same goes with Thompson at this point, they are going to be in rough shape. Both have bad strains, which if you’ve ever pulled a hammy, a calf or a groin...good luck you want to play NBA finals caliber basketball like that? Good luck
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