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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Can’t please em all wait till I catch a 50+ inch musky this fall
  2. Looks like everyone was having a terrible time, I’m sure there weren’t many laughs had either. trips like that catching a few fish is just the bonus. Thanks for the report.
  3. That’s more like what some people are now calling a “Walleye boat” theres a guy up in pointe au baril in the fall that drives a nitro one. I’m pretty sure it’s even described as a Walleye boat and is marketed as such by nitro. they have a transom capable of mounting a kicker unlike a bass boat. If you’ve got a full windshield, it ain’t exactly a bass boat anymore. You are talking fiberglass multispecies then.That’s just my opinion.
  4. Can’t agree more, when the sun comes back in March and your bones have adjusted to the cold, even when it’s not necessarily warm, we spent a few days out in -10 when the wind was down just basking in the sun all day fishing outside of the huts in sweatshirts. Man did we ever have some cold days this year. Dave is the kind of guy who I’ve never seen quit or ask to go in. For perspective he once went overboard in late October, but even after falling in the lake said he wanted to continue fishing because we were catching lol. Well this winter we had a day that the wind was absolutely ripping and the air temperature was -22 without the chill...when I crawled out of my tent and went to their hut and said hey are we done here? After only an hour of fishing having spent probably half of that just trying to set the tents up in the wind, Dave promptly responded yup screw this, I couldn’t believe it lol.
  5. Not sure why motorguide thinks that having as many strange angles as possible on their unit is appealing? dave is it true that the new Garmin remote floats...aka no need for a tether anymore?
  6. Wanna know how to fish bass? These guys have more information than any person should ever know.
  7. Listen to this man above everyone lol certified professional big bass catcher
  8. You can get spotlock on a bow mount relatively cheap now. Definitely way way under $2000 for a basic set up. Also, lol at the continued comments about “who cares, I fish out of a tinner and still catch fish” automobiles still went from point A to B back in 1920 as well. You must drive a model T Ford too then. Or if we’re talking current era you must drive a base model Kia 2 door. this new tech is all wayyy to rich for me, but maybe 15 years from now it will look good on the front of my boat. Exciting stuff, love when game changing tech arrives on the market, gives you a glimpse into the future.
  9. i really need to do some reading and look into getting a subscription again. Ive always just bought the cards and never dealt with the updates etc and now that something like this is out I wonder if I would be able to use it with my slightly older non "platinum" cards. I purchased navionics on my phone a few years back but then it prompted me that if I wanted to continue I would have to pay another $30 or something so I just never updated it and kept the original version. I'm purely guessing but Im thinking you would need the most recent cards for this to work? I need to look into this because I definitely use my phone to do a lot of planning when looking at new lakes or planning to fish upcoming tournaments while I am away from my boat. The ability to route tracks and save them for upload to your graph is also a fantastic feature. I currently find it kind dumb that in order to save a route I basically have to drive it and then save it, rather than planning a safe route for myself on a new lake and then being able to drive it before I have ever actually driven the route. Something like that would have come in extremely handy while driving lake marion which is literally the scariest lake I have ever driven on. The fact that I had to venture out blindly just using my GPS without a route to find safe passage before I could actually save that safe route into my GPS seems insane. I probably need some lessons on how to effectively use my GPS to its full potential.
  10. best comment on the bass boat central forums was "cant you see this man is trying to get back to weigh in on time?!" lmao
  11. Same thing no? Grandpa was a 2nd generation canadian Uki and great grandma came from Warsaw when she was 13 after her whole family died from the spanish flu. Making me both, so its a double whammy The angling population up in my neck of the woods is weird. In a lot of ways it feels like it might fall of a cliff, or there will be a strange re-emergence. But thats purely for walleyes in the fall. During the late spring and summer its shocking how few anglers there are around. The only consistent angling traffic is driven by the local lodge, the only guys that seem to fish are people that actually live in pointe au baril and obviously that population is very very small. That area of G bay is just full of extremely wealthy American's that seemingly come up to the area to sit, drive around in million dollar boats and read on their docks while wearing big hats. Thats all they seem to get up to for the 2 months they spend a year on their private islands. They seemingly also pay the local contractors hand over fist to not have to do any of their own work at all either lol, Everything just seems to be "done" when they get there. Heck I wonder if they would even cook their own fish if they caught one...i doubt it lol
  12. what the heck do you do when it rains running a paper graph? lol
  13. Melnyk really out here having his equipment managers recycle dry cleaning hangers LMAO!
  14. Dave that TM literally looks like everything that I thought a trolling motor in 2019 should be. Very very impressive. To be honest, I really havent heard anything but bad things about the Ultrex. Broken stearing cables, shafts breaking just weird stuff. Plus lets get serious, Humminbird/Minkotta has completely missed the bus with their lack of wireless tech. Its 2019, getting people to hardwire ethernet cables into their boat is ridiculous. I am sure some people may still prefer a wired pedal, but getting your Sonar GPS Unit to talk to your trolling motor wirelessly, when it already speaks to its remote wirelessly should be pretty much a given? Brushless motors basically means that these Trolling Motors will never die, or at least 30 years from now you are going to probably want an upgrade anyways. Im a humminbird guy myself, and it will be a long while until I can afford an ultrex. But Minkotta is going to have a hard time selling trolling motors when Garmin how now brought trolling motors out of the early 2000's and up to 2020. Time will now tell if the units can be considered reliable and cross talk between other boats nearby etc doest become an issue. This looks very very impressive and im envious of the fact that it sounds like you will be fishing one of these very soon.
  15. those largies are gonna be eating frogs!
  16. really eh? Im definitely going to do that! THanks for the advice, I guess I should have assumed that they might, I have had incredible service with Humminbird/minkotta (Johnson outdoors) so Im not too surprised to hear that Rapala is great as well.
  17. i never had confidence in the jig until this year when i just decided to force myself to use it until i caught fish because if its that notoriously famous its gotta work...sure enough, all of sudden you are like wow, this bait that i never though could work is actually one of the most simple yet versatile ways to fish, you can flip jigs into absolute crap, or fish em deep. They catch big fish, they catch small fish even though they seem huge. Ive been loving throwing brown with blue with a nice craw trailer. I use craws with the floating claws, it just gives it that extra wobble when it hits the ground.
  18. flippin a tungsten punch weight into timber. Yes both species were up extremely shallow with that cold water still everywhere. Prior to this year I had never truly done any punching and flipping, It had always been throwing worms and tubes, id never done the true bobber stop, weight, texas rigged creature style bait punching before and sure enough it immediately has become one of my favourite ways to fish, especially for largemouth it really heavy cover its really fun. Had a moment during a derby on opener where i flipped into some tall grass and felt a thump and saw what i at first thought was a 10lb largemouth...it was just a big old carp that knocked my line ahahaha. I am enjoying it a lot though.
  19. Can’t wait to get back up and get back on em, even with the heat they are still eating, just a little deeper.
  20. Definitely knew about the crappie tourneys the Americans down south are intense. The guys in Alabama we’re fishing them on spider rigs and especially at night with big LED set ups all stuff that’s not even legal in canada. down in South Carolina they punch for em on huge poles. I’d never seen anything like it, punching heavy surface vegetation (maybe hyacin *spelling I have no clue) with a float and a 10 foot noodle rod. Rods, tackle, etc id never ever seen before seeing it in person.
  21. Is that your catch or someone else’s on a different forum. Either way that’s a solid day on the water. Forget the numbers that is some serious size.
  22. I quite literally had no idea that perch tournaments existed, I know there’s “perch festivals” and “perch derbies” where you either catch tagged perch, or i guess there may be a prize for a biggest fish, but they have always just been kind of free for all’s. Kids categories etc etc i had no idea there were FLW MLF BASS BFL bass style tournaments for perch.
  23. I was not aware a perch tournament existed? Is it catch and release like a bass tournament? Artificial bait only?
  24. Bill as sad as it is, tyee on the west coast used to be 50lbs as well and now it’s 30. That’s an insane difference!
  25. Sure ruffled a few feathers with the light chirps at Erie lol holy cow. big Walleye, and smallies you say eh? I think everyone knows this? It’s one of, if not the warmest of the Great Lakes? Resulting in increased metabolic rates and bigger fish. Wait did you just make my argument for me? Lol relax guys. You can have Lake Erie and share it with the Americans, enjoy! love the “get out of the kawarthas” comment. If I fished anymore lakes than I already do then I’d definitely lose my job and my girlfriend hahaha
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