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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Honest question to the club here who here is someone with a bad evinrude or mercury story? I personally am and then who here is someone that has a bad Yamaha or Honda story? I own both, but I have nothing bad to tell lol
  2. Stick with the yammy...just saying
  3. Absolutely, we use em on a modified Carolina rig with a float on tip ups for walleye and crappies
  4. Is this effective immediately? Wow
  5. You should see the squalls going on at my parents place. It’s basically a full blown blizzard
  6. It just did that in parry sound harbour. People are out skating, it’s really neat. Snowing today though so it’s gone now
  7. You are like me...i find ice fishing the complete opposite of open water. Open water season give me stormy cloudy weather any day. As long as it’s not a “cold” storm where it rains for days. Unsettled stormy weather is the best. Meanwhile ice fishing, give me the sunniest calmest blue bird day you can find and I’ll always catch more fish.
  8. I bring this up because I am conscious of the fact that if my 68 year old father with a bad shoulder goes in...I’m not certain he’d get out. Wasn’t there a guy a few years ago that was 300lbs and went in with a floater and just couldn’t manage to get himself out? Good god I couldn’t imagine going that way...wow
  9. lol you would be shocked at what you can walk around on when it comes to ice. Last year when i rescued my dog i was walking on <1" and it was shattering underneath my boots as i walked. When i finally went through i was basically on "puddle ice" like im talking less than a quarter of an inch. So little that I dont specifically remember there even being ice chunks from me falling through. Ive also walked on what I wouldnt even call ice..it was more like 8 inches of heavy snow that had piled up on a skim of ice. Im talking so bad that if you stood your spud up on it and went through never mind needed to hit or break anything. That time though I was specifically doing it to see if I would fall through. I was 40 yards from my house wearing a rope, floater and with picks in hand ready to fall in. Crazily i didnt. We then decided that we would fish it. We set tip ups and you couldnt run to them because your feet would go through, you had to shuffle your way to them. When you sat in you chair if you sat too hard the legs went through. Youd also slowly sink as you sat jigging. Heres the point in all of this, the guys that fish two inches of ice on simcoe that are actually prepared with the right equipment are far safer than the guy that comes to the lake totally unprepared to fall in because he punches a hole and sees 6+ inches of ice. Ice is 100% unpredictable, it cracks, currents push water up, it does all sorts of stuff meaning that its totally unpredictable and inconsistent. The only way to be on it safely is assume you are going to fall through basically no matter what. To me the 250+lb 50+ year old guy that doesnt wear a floater or carry picks that goes out on 5-6 inches is way crazier than the 20 year old 180lb guy thats carrying a spud, wearing a floater and carrying picks. Ill ask the 50+ crowd here, how many of you are confident that you can do a body weight pull up?
  10. yup, try to be courteous on the water...and honestly always ask if the people mind if you fish there.
  11. well personally i prefer my cow "smoked" rather than "alive" while I eat it on a sandwich.
  12. Oh god don’t try to access the sound from parry sound side, if there is ice it only showed up two days ago. Where I was fishing you could see open water Saturday
  13. The pressure on our lakes is higher than ever, but luckily conservation awareness is becoming more prevalent especially with the younger crowd. most young anglers I know these days might keep one to eat if that and the rest go back. Anything big is almost never kept. These efforts being made are allowing our fisheries to still seemingly hold up to the increase in pressure we see.
  14. Cant save these cheap morons from themselves lmaooo youd have to be nuts to even take a skidoo on simcoe never mind a car. Parry sound just got safe for snowmobiles, never mind a bloody car lmao. as my buddy jake says, the fishing regulations say perch season starts on simcoe when some moron puts their minivan through the ice! Lmaooo
  15. sounds like my dad's stories from his time in the military. They had finally ordered a pile of new trucks to replace the WW2 issue trucks that they were using. My old man said they spent more time trying to get the brand new dodges running then they did training lol. He said they ended up doing a lot more walking then driving ahaha.
  16. just some fun infographics regarding mask mandates If you want to really get into the science of it read this scientific article https://www.pnas.org/content/118/4/e2014564118 In summary, there is laboratory-based evidence that household masks have filtration capacity in the relevant particle size range, as well as efficacy in blocking aerosols and droplets from the wearer (67). That is, these masks help people keep their emissions to themselves. A consideration is that face masks with valves do not capture respiratory particles as efficiently, bypassing the filtration mechanism, and therefore offer less source control (84). and another article from the University of California https://www.ucsf.edu/news/2020/06/417906/still-confused-about-masks-heres-science-behind-how-face-masks-prevent
  17. ill call what you are saying...selective "reading" so i will provide you with further information from the very source that you are using to try and tell us how masks are pointless. Absolutely the mask is not a 100% effective at stopping you from contracting covid...obviously (duhhhhhhh)...but it is a preventative measure which has been shown to reduce its transmission. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/prevent-getting-sick/cloth-face-cover-guidance.html?CDC_AA_refVal=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.cdc.gov%2Fcoronavirus%2F2019-ncov%2Fprevent-getting-sick%2Fcloth-face-cover.html Seatbelts dont prevent 100% of automotive casualties either
  18. He just updated saying it wasn’t safe because he had to move every twenty minutes because he was sinking!
  19. Just saw a clip on social media of someone out in 120fow with two inches of ice.
  20. So much nicer than the crappy ones I bought from sail lol
  21. Reminds me of the time I got a bunch of bogus charges from a phone they they sold me that kept accessing the “browser” at the time due to a defect in the phones design. I ended up with an $800 phone bill and when I went to bell to explain what was going on they agreed to switch my phone for one that wouldn’t be defective, but when I asked about the fact that my bill was $800 they told me to fly a kite. I immediately switched companies and told them to go you know what themselves. I paid out the end of my contract but refused to pay their data charges. 10 years later I move into my condo in toronto and being a new build the only service available was bell fibe for internet. When I finally went to get my internet set up...guesss what? They wouldn’t set it up because I “owed them $400”
  22. Jesus it’s been some years since everyone was driving to their fishing spots on simcoe...yowza cant even walk on it this year
  23. I’ve never heard of “falcon rods” and honestly in that price range it probably won’t make a huge difference between one rod or the other. a longer medium heavy rod is kind of a “quiver” killer when just starting out. It can throw spoons etc for pike but you can also throw other stuff like crankbaits etc with it as well. String your baitcaster with braid and then attach a leader to it using a double uni knot depending on what you are fishing. If you are throwing lighter stuff, 8lb fluro, if it’s spoons etc for pike, attach a piece of wire, if it’s walleye, run some 14lb fluro etc. when I first started I had a shimano Bob Izumi mh that I used for everything and it got me by actually really well (those rods were actually awesome for the price) don’t ask me about my rods though now...lol this is me when I look in the rod box on my boat
  24. Good stuff, and I hear you about that ice on these big lakes. Seems like it’s a lot of two steps forward one step back. I’m hoping this forecast for the next week tightens everything up and I can finally approach some lakers and bows for a chat
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