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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. Thanks for the report dave. Love seeing you fish some of the same water as me. I like seeing how other people do!
  2. the capilano river is full of fish. Your timing is close to bang on with their run. If you want to make it easy on yourself you can fish it no problem. Guys fish both near the mouth and I personally fished up the river casting flies. Thats an easy solution but will never match taking a charter in Howe sound. Honestly, getting out on a boat a lot of the time is like killing 6 birds with one stone. Youll get to go fishing, sight seeing, whale watching, nature watching plus a boat ride and a photography tour all in one. Howe sound may be one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen on the entire planet. Save up your pennies and make it happen.
  3. My bad with the autocorrect lol what Bill said
  4. I would literally say the complete opposite. Not to toot my own horn here, But I also consider myself pretty decent with the caster. At least at casting. still learning precise underhand skipping with it. But I put the time in to practice it. (side note if you want to watch some baitcasting mastery, watch bassmaster live today and watch guys like Seth fieder flip baits those guys are fishing really really shallow right now and a guy like fieder is one of the best on the entire tour casting to lay downs etc.) the perfect example of this are with smaller crankbaits and square bills etc. Stuff that with a spinning set up just doesn’t fly, especially into the wind. With the caster I can still get them to go. the thumb is getting a workout though that’s for sure. But learning to cast on Georgian bay has been really really good for teaching me how to cast into the wind, there’s no other option when the wind is over 20kmh+ off of the lake every day in the summer.
  5. Incredible footage, but holllyyyyyy f
  6. Thanks for the report. Looks like you guys are in mid summer form
  7. just placed an order far larger than i should have with peterborough pro tackle...rather have extra supplies then need to run to the box store because im short. THats usually what ends up happening, im like Oh crap im out of dropshot hooks and i head to canadian tire. Not this time.
  8. indegenous ID Which usually allows you to fish within your treaty grounds. Being Metis status doesnt mean you get to do whatever the hell you want.
  9. thats a great idea...braid never really goes bad until its been worn and frayed from a lot of casting. Guys will even unspool reels with braid and then flip the line around and put the old stuff towards the backing and the stuff that hasnt been cast on a ton at the end. Heavy braid thats 30-40lbs is also wayyy easier to cast. I think youve got yourself a good idea there.
  10. Hope you called the mnr tips line with their license plate numbers
  11. just a reminder friends...rather than buying at big box canadian tire, walmart and even bass pro. Support local, Gangons, Natural sports, Pro J and Peterborough pro tackle all sell the same gear or better while allowing you to support small business!
  12. Dont be an idiot, keep your stops to a minimum. gas up at home, Go enjoy some fishing. By the way golf was originally banned until a bunch of rich guys at the “Ontario golf association” lobbied the pc’s. this is on record. just because the OFAH isn’t as rich as the golf association doesn’t mean you shouldn’t live your life. If anything you going fishing alone is safer than golfing with your buddies.
  13. I’ve been out for bass already !
  14. Just have your crepe in the boat before you hit the launch. I really really enjoy watching the guy with his boat in the water still on the trailer proceed to put the cooler, the ropes, bumpers, tubing gear, then text his buddies that he’s on the way and then launch the boat, only to park it on the launch side of the dock rather than the opposite side out of the way while he goes and parks the car and then waits for his kids to get into the boat. sigh... or last year, a crew of folks at chemong launch were putting their dinghy in full of fishing gear. They threw it up literally right beside the ramp so close that all of their fishing rods sticking out were in the way of the ramp. I just proceeded to back in missing all of their gear by an inch. Then when I got out to let the boat out I grabbed their rods and moved them to the side for them, they still didn’t understand what I was doing even while I picked up their fishing rods.
  15. Chat with dave Chong about this. He’s got the scoop on navionics
  16. So try to keep this short...but guys that started baitcasting would cast and then switch hands to then reel. don’t ask my why they do this especially these days now that both handed baitcasters are available (back in the day reels only came one way) to this day it makes no sense to me, but with both handed baitcasters now available I think people that fish in this old traditional method will slowly disappear. I personally cannot reel comfortably with my left hand, so for me to have right handed spinning reels and then left handed casters makes no sense at all. I want to reel with my right hand all of the time so I do that. I guess some right handed folks never feel comfortable controlling their spool while baitcasting using their left hand, hence they want to control the spool with their dominant hand even if it means that they then have to reel with their left hand which is sometimes the opposite of the hand that they use for reeling spinning gear. im a real weirdo and it’s probably because of hockey? But I’m right handed in all things but hockey and batting while playing baseball and golf. Hence I can actually control a fishing rod comfortably with both hands. But don’t ask me to cast a rod from my right side, it feels super akward...unless that is of course while I am fly casting...because I fly cast right handed...I’m a mess lmao
  17. i honestly wish the weather would just do what its doing right now full time. I dont even mind the days that are a bit cooler...just miss me with the 30 degrees of death in the summer time. I have never in my life missed the heat. Perfect weather...cold but not so cold that you get cold if you wear enough clothes, but not hot that you are stripping every last layer off as to not die. I have no problem wearing pants a hoodie a bib and a jacket but being totally comfortable. Some guys are lucky enough that their hands and feet dont get cold in winter, im not one of those people. Last week i was in the boat and it was about 13 degrees. I loved every minute of it...then it got up to 20 and the wind calmed down, i stripped off the suit rolled up my sleeves and was comfortable as comfortable could be.
  18. You are so bang on with this one. I’d somewhat forgotten what it was like to actually have some spring weather to enjoy. Give me 15 degrees every day and I’d be the happiest guy in the world. the last few years it legitimately went from being 5 degrees to 25+ Over the course of a week. I know it’s been cold because I’ve been ice fishing until April the last few years. Finally we got our 4th season back.
  19. Hell don’t confuse the guy lol bloody bass weirdos switching hands with bait casters still to this day is wild lol. I still don’t understand why people do this, but then again, go down south and watch how guys cast. You can tell they fish a heck of a lot in the trees. I could swear to god the guys on santee don’t even know how to sidearm or overhead cast. They flip everything from crankbaits to dropshots!
  20. Just in time for your ice fishing season to be warm enough to finally ice fish...should keep you cruising on that ice until July
  21. A lot of that has to do with the fact that simcoe ice this year wasn’t “real ice” it was pack ice from the main lake that got pushed into bays during storms and then froze but yes it’s also been ridiculously warm, was a beauty day out last thursday 20 degrees and sunny and calm in the afternoon. I could have sworn it was June!
  22. Honestly I think it’s a mistake to try and learn with mono. It’s far more difficult to cast mono and flurocarbon then braid. I think you should learn with braid, I find the birds nests easier to get out too. Just remember when you bird nest, do not pull on your line and tighten it! Just slowly lightly work it out like you are untying a really tight knot. Pick away at it slowly and it will come undone. Also I’ll mention that even the pros birdnest from time to time so don’t feel bad about it. Don’t start by casting directly into wind. Try to have the wind at your back at first. Make short smooth casts and get used of braking the line before it hits the water/ground and work up from there. honestly if you are super carefully with your birdnests and work at them you will almost never need to cut your line no matter how bad they are. Typically the only time I get birdnests now a days that are bad enough to cut is when I absolutely try to launch something a mile long and something strange happens like I bump the handle and close the spool somehow or my line had a knot around my rod and I’m not paying attention and try to launch my bait and it goes nowhere. Honestly the last time I birdnested so bad it had to be cut I cast so hard my line snapped and my lure went flying 100 yards into the lake once you get the hang of it you will almost never go back. Trust me!
  23. Get braid...wayyyy easier to learn on. 20 lb power pro. tie a leader to it for what you are fishing. Topwater, mono, a lot of other stuff fluro, slop for largies no lead
  24. Tackle warehouse is free next day shipping all of the time in the states...it’s insane what we deal with up here
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