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Everything posted by AKRISONER

  1. I’m going to agree with splurge and get a terrova v2 one of minkottas more reliable motors. The v1’s not so much...the powerdrive v2’s also not so much.
  2. Terrovas have both...powerdrives have one or the other
  3. Depends entirely how you fish. Do you stand on a casting deck on the front of your boat while fishing? If so then you 100% want a foot pedal. If you are like my old man who prefers to have a seat and fish off the back of the boat you can live with just using a remote
  4. bunk those nunavut fish with the banana colouring to them are mind blowing. Congrats once again on the musky cup victory. That gar your daughter caught...good lord, it almost looks like an alligator gar its so big. (i managed to have an 100+lber follow my chatterbait boatside down on santee cooper 2 years ago...scared the living hell out of me)
  5. Dan I thought about simply using a terminal box but then realized that I may run into issues due to the large ring terminal sizes that I am using. That would have been most handy for sure. I am sure i could find an appropriate terminal box if i searched hard enough, but then at that point is there really any difference between that and using a stainless bolt? The Split bolt seems like the perfect solution for smaller guage wire or single strand wire I have some concerns with using a split bolt and 3 6AWG wires in a boat application though? (although at the same time...you guys clearly know what you are talking about way better than me lol im an enthusiast you guys are pros). Here's my hesitation, and please feel free to blast me and tell me that im an idiot and dont know what im talking about because I probably dont lol I had one really bad experience where my power lines feeding to my Trolling motor plug outlet with the wires on a set screw began to slowly break strands off due to vibration. (ya minkotta once again producing garbage) Eventually enough strands broke that while doing some autocharting with the trolling motor running at max speed caused enough heat and resistance to build up that my wires lit on fire inside the hull. It was a crappy deal because the resistance occurred after the fuse allowing for the small fire to start. The conductivity of a copper screw would be perfect, but the idea of vibration allowing for strands to break/come loose worries me when dealing with such thick multistranded wire?With single strand wire? absolute 0 question that would be the way to go. For the time being I think ive decided to go with a stainless hex bolt with a stainless lock nut. I was actually able to surprisingly find what I was looking for on the canadian tire website. It took a bit of filtering and digging to find one quarter inch by 1/2 inch but it worked. I ordered for curbside pick up and they said my order was ready an hour later. They very clearly put some thought into the system over the summer with the expectation to have to move back to curbside at some point. Sure enough the system was very easy and painless...pulled up, checked in saying that I was parked in spot 21 and my order came out to my door just like going to McDonalds and getting curbside pickup. A far change from the spring where it took 3 days to pick my order and they spent 20 minutes searching a big trailer full of orders for mine. Simple crimped Ring Terminal with a dollop of solder with heat shrink. Then Bolt the two ring terminals together with a lock nut. I am going to try and srink tube it all (i got an assortment for christmas in my stocking ) then paint the heck out of it with paint on electrical tape.
  6. Lol I remember growing up in flin flon and when the wind died the smoke from the stack would fall down onto Main Street. You could legitimately taste the sulfur, it was brutal.
  7. Yup...this pandemic ain’t over...not even close. In reality we’re not even half way done yet if you can believe that. This spring you are going to be seeing even more people that felt bored or hesitant last year not knowing what the spring/summer held. Now we know for certain we’re in it for the long haul with fall being the optimistic end to this nightmare. As such people will be making plans to create their own fun for summer. in the United States every bass boat manufacturer was basically sold out entirely. I heard of some guys just getting their boats delivered now and they bought them back in February and March!
  8. I really wish I could use one of those prefabbed butt connectors but unfortunately the connection is with 2 (8 AWG)? strands coming from the trolling motor to one on the main power (6 awg) supply lines coming from the battery. yellow...indeed there is such a noticeable difference between proper marine wire and non...every time I’ve replaced a wire in my boat has been slowly turning over to marine wire. The difference is pretty incredible tbh. Luckily I invested in quality marine grade wire when I installed my last trolling motor on the boat. Interestingly Garmin actually recommends directly hardwiring the motor to your batteries. As strange is that is because minkotta recommends unplugging your motor when charging your boat, meanwhile Garmin’s instructions are to hardwire it. It actually somewhat shocked me as well. I think I’m going to end up going the bolt and nut route. Shrink tube it as much as possible and then paint the heck out it with liquid electrical tape. now the pain is sourcing a brass/stainless bolt and nut during a lockdown where I can’t go to the store and actually see what I’m buying lol.
  9. I wish i could, but im connecting 3 strands!
  10. this is exactly why i posted here...although it doesnt "solve" my problem, it has now made me aware of something that I had absolutely no idea existed. My amazon order has already been placed! although maybe it does if I am going to use a bolt to make the connection. Do you find that the stuff comes off with a razor blade should I ever need to disconnect?
  11. Hey dave...this would be the ideal thing to do..except for the fact that the garmin force is a 2 wire per feed system (4 wires total) which are nicely put together by garmin as a 2 wire to 1 ring terminal set up. I think this is so that the GPS and trolling motor electronics have their own power feed separate from the electric motor itself. But then obviously my boat wiring is only single wire (two wires total) therefore not allowing for me to simply crimp and shrink tube connect them together.
  12. this may be the day that I end up pulling the trigger to get into a full sized bass boat...going to be tough to do though after all of the bloody work ive put into this boat...seems ridiculous to throw away that work to fix someone else's problems lol.
  13. Ya terry, this is what I’m trying to avoid...I guess the moisture of a wet boat just eats away at anything taped in my boat. Tape also scares me because it always degrades over time especially in the cold. if I end up going to bolt route, does anyone have a recommendation on where to get non corroding bolts that would fit in my ring terminals nicely? ive had an electrical fire once on my trolling motor wires due to vibration breaking strands and causing a resistance to build up. I’m trying to do this 100% perfectly to avoid that from happening again!
  14. Hey guys, I’m looking for some advice on how to set up the wiring for my trolling motor like an electrician would do it. With trolling new Troller’s now having an on and off switch ive decided to do away with having a plug on my trolling motor and I am just going to directly connect my run of power wire to my trolling motor power wire. The easy way to do this is to simply connect the hot positive line to its circuit breaker...done deal. but then connecting the two negatives and their ring terminals together is where I’m wondering what those that are experts would suggest? ive seen suggestions of simply using a bolt? The problem with regular hardware bolts is that they are usually made of crappy metal and will corrode like crazy. (If there’s one thing I’ve learned through this process of owning a boat for a few years is that if it can corrode it will) heck, the mounting bolts from the trolling motor I installed 2 years ago are a mess. Wiring for a navigation light that I did last year that didn’t get shrink tube for whatever reason and was taped was totally corroded when I took it apart. Lesson learned! so what is everyone’s suggestion, is there a smart way to make the negative connection? Is putting yet another marine circuit breaker on the negative line and using it as the connector for my ring terminals? What do the pros here suggest?
  15. That’s exactly what I experienced...my tiny lake had a nice 4-5 of black ice but snow fell and pushed the ice down, the lake flooded and any weak spots got eaten with the shifting water. The warm weather didnt refreeze or fix the slush either so the lake water was just eating away at the ice. Full on holes formed everywhere only visible through the slush. Really really sketchy.
  16. Guys trust me, if you are getting out there please be careful. The ice even on the smallest lakes as far north as the french river are still sketchy as hell. I couldn’t imagine guys going onto simcoe or anywhere south
  17. That’s the debate...what “can” I do lol
  18. Ya...ice is nowhere near good up north. Tiny baxk lakes have about 4-5 and anything else is basically open. I doubt lake of bays has ice at all too be honest
  19. I’m moving over to garmin...got a 9 but kinda want a 10 for the front
  20. The two helix 7’s from my boat are converted to ice mode every winter and are used a flasher and even better they show my personally made charts that I live charted during the summer to show those little humps and bumps that aren’t on the charts. summer comes back and they go back into the boat at the console. Cliff I actually might have a helix 7 si Gen 2 to sell you shortly
  21. These mild temps have me lost. Can’t even go snowboarding either with the hills locked down. Managed to get out on a real small back lake but it just ain’t scratching the itch
  22. Cisco, you potentiall make some interesting points for discussion about this drug...Sure it should be studied and it sounds like it is in Columbia. but your logic for it not being used due to a “hidden agenda” is where the reasonability ends and makes absolutely 0 sense. I’m sorry but if you look at the impact that this pandemic has had on the economy in Canada in comparison to the number of dollars being saved by killing off old people the math with plainly show that this is so far from reality that it’s not even worth discussing. 14,964 people have died from covid in canada...you can quite literally do the math and yourself and quickly realize that killing off that many people on social security...maybe some of our boys on Cpp can tell you how much per month they are getting from the government lol. I sure bet they wish they were getting anywhere near the $74,000 per person per year that you are claiming the government is saving by having these people die in order to save 1 billion dollars. the lockdown, shutdown and straight impact that this pandemic has had on the stock market and the economy alone so far exceeds 1 billion dollars, your math is off by a factor of probably close to a million lol. air canada (one single company) alone posted a $685,000,000 loss in the third quarter of 2020.
  23. Yup...no ones died yet worldwide from the vaccine after over a million doses given in the United States alone. A global figure is not available yet. Meanwhile 49 people died today in Ontario alone from covid
  24. Remember folks, money makes the world go around. when the entire economy is in total collapse, shut downs are devastating businesses, and people are dying em masse like we haven’t seen in over 100 years worldwide, you are going to have an absolute flood of funding like the world has never seen come available to create a resolution to the problem. luckily we live in an era of human existence with the least amount of global conflict, so this funding then gets pooled and shared. The global scientific community has teamed up in a historically unprecedented manner to defeat this thing. the risks of dying or being permanently damaged from contracting covid are unacceptably statistically high. the chance of you being damaged or killed by this vaccine is next to zero. pretty simple maths! Get your vaccine and we can beat this thing once and for all.
  25. climbing el capitan...thats incredible. I only know of it from watching the dawn wall and free solo...must have been an absolute incredible experience.
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